27/5/09 Out at 4.45am to overcast but calm conditions. There was a slight northerly breeze by midday. Walked the island but there was little evidence of new arrivals. At 5.30am flushed the Fairy Pitta three times from the northern central track and at 8.45am saw it again behind the shrine. At breakfast we were told we should unfortunately leave the island due to an approaching low pressure system that might lead to the ferry being cancelled for the following three days or so. We caught the 3pm ferry crossing to Waijima in slightly choppy seas. We returned to Minshuku Hakuto-en.
Japanese Bush Warbler on Hegura-jima, 27th May 2009
Minshuku Tsuki on Hegura-jima, 27th May 2009
This large Shearwater is characterised by its pale bill, pale forehead, dark primary covert-patches on its underwings and the effect of a dark M across its brown upperwings.
Species noted:
Streaked Shearwater 150
Cattle Egret 8
Little Egret 2
Intermediate Egret 2
Great Egret 2
Grey Heron 2
Spot-billed Duck 3
Black-eared Kite 3 / 20
Sparrowhawk 1
Peregrine 2
Little Ringed Plover 1
Grey Plover 1
Black-tailed Gull 200
Slaty-backed Gull 2
Rock Dove 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 5
Oriental Cuckoo 1
Little Cuckoo 1
Fairy Pitta 1
Swallow 5
Asian House Martin 6
Black-backed Wagtail 5 / 1
Japanese Wagtail 4
Brown-eared Bulbul 5
Blue Rock Thrush 2
Dusky Thrush 4
Japanese Bush Warbler 2
Black-browed Reed Warbler 2
Oriental Great Reed Warbler 2 / 2
Arctic Warbler 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher 2
Brown Flycatcher 2
Narcissus Flycatcher 1
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher 1
Japanese White-eye 10
Large-billed Crow 2 / 2
Daurian Starling 1
Tree Sparrow 5
Oriental Greenfinch 10
Japanese Grosbeak 3
Hawfinch 10
Black-faced Bunting 2
Streaked Shearwater 150
Cattle Egret 8
Little Egret 2
Intermediate Egret 2
Great Egret 2
Grey Heron 2
Spot-billed Duck 3
Black-eared Kite 3 / 20
Sparrowhawk 1
Peregrine 2
Little Ringed Plover 1
Grey Plover 1
Black-tailed Gull 200
Slaty-backed Gull 2
Rock Dove 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 5
Oriental Cuckoo 1
Little Cuckoo 1
Fairy Pitta 1
Swallow 5
Asian House Martin 6
Black-backed Wagtail 5 / 1
Japanese Wagtail 4
Brown-eared Bulbul 5
Blue Rock Thrush 2
Dusky Thrush 4
Japanese Bush Warbler 2
Black-browed Reed Warbler 2
Oriental Great Reed Warbler 2 / 2
Arctic Warbler 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher 2
Brown Flycatcher 2
Narcissus Flycatcher 1
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher 1
Japanese White-eye 10
Large-billed Crow 2 / 2
Daurian Starling 1
Tree Sparrow 5
Oriental Greenfinch 10
Japanese Grosbeak 3
Hawfinch 10
Black-faced Bunting 2