11/5/09 We were out at dawn to walk through the park on the eastern outskirts of town. The owners of the Minshuku then kindly drove us to the harbour to catch the 9.00am ferry to Hegura-jima. Flat calm seas proved ideal for seeing Japanese Murrelets sat on the sea during the first half of the crossing, and large flocks of Red-necked Phalaropes during the second half. We passed some rocky islands supporting a large breeding colony of Black-tailed Gulls. We arrived on Hegura-jima at 10.30am and used a barrow to transfer our luggage to a warm welcome at the friendly Mishuku Tsuki. It was calm, hot and sunny walking around the island seeing our first migrants. After dark we tried for Owls hearing both Oriental Scops Owl and Brown Hawk Owl.
Departing from Wajima harbour, 11th May 2009
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas from ferry between Wajima and Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Adult breeding-plumaged Japanese Murrelets Synthliboramphus wumizusume from ferry between Wajima and Hegura-jima, May 2009
Flock of Red-necked Phalaropes between Wajima and Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
The south-eastern shore of Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
The entrance to the Southern Shrine on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus at the Southern Shrine on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Steppe Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus variegatus on the southern shore of Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis orientalis in the Harbour Park on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Male Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra near the Harbour Park on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Female Brambling Fringilla montifringilla near Tsukasa on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus at Tsukasa on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Seaweed drying on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
The largest and oldest tree at the Tsukasa Shrine on Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Sunset over the north-western tip of Hegura-jima, 11th May 2009
Species noted:
Pacific Diver 1
Streaked Shearwater 25
Pelagic Cormorant 3
Pelagic Cormorant 3
Night Heron 1 immature
Cattle Egret 1
Grey Heron 5
Wigeon 2
Spot-billed Duck 3
Osprey 2
Black-eared Kite 50
Peregrine 2
Black-winged Stilt 1
Steppe Whimbrel 1
Grey-tailed Tattler 1
Red-necked Phalarope 350
Black-tailed Gull 750
Vega Gull 1
Japanese Murrelet 10
Rock Dove 10
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Lesser Cuckoo 1
Oriental Scops Owl h
Brown Hawk Owl h
Swallow 15
Asian House Martin 2
Olive-backed Pipit 5
Black-backed Wagtail 15
Brown-eared Bulbul 2
Siberian Rubythroat 2
Daurian Redstart 1
Blue Rock Thrush 3
Siberian Thrush 1
Brown Thrush 1
Dusky Thrush 2
Japanese Bush Warbler 10
Eastern Crowned Warbler 5
Sakalin Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1
Brown Flycatcher 4
Narcissus Flycatcher 8
Eastern Great Tit 3
Japanese White-eye 5
Bull-headed Shrike 2
Carrion Crow 10
Large-billed Crow 20
Chestnut-cheeked Starling 1
White-cheeked Starling 2
Tree Sparrow 10
Brambling 7
Oriental Greenfinch 20
Siskin 1
Hawfinch 6
Crossbill 1
Black-faced Bunting 5
Meadow Bunting 3