10/5/09 Arrived Narita, Tokyo at 8.10am and caught bus to Haneda, Tokyo. Spoke to Chris Cook to confirm our shared taxi from Noto to Waijima but typically spent most of the conversation talking birding and weather forecasts. Chris had kindly helped us with our ground arrangements as neither of us spoke any Japanese. We departed Haneda at 14.20pm and arrived at Noto 15.20pm enjoying superb views of Mt. Fuji on the way. We enjoyed our shared taxi ride into Waijima with the road running alongside a river through forested hillsides. Booked into Minshuku Hakuto-en and walked into town to buy some provisions.
Species noted:
Grey Heron 2
Spot-billed Duck 1
Osprey 5
Black-eared Kite 25
Little Tern 2 near Tokyo
Rock Dove 2
Skylark 10 near Tokyo
Swallow 5
Asian House Martin 5
Blue Rock Thrush 3
Japanese Bush Warbler h
Japanese White-eye 2
Carrion Crow 5
Large-billed Crow 2
White-cheeked Starling 5
Tree Sparrow 25