A walk around Norwick produced 15 Icelandic Redwings. As it was Brydon's 21st... again... what better way to celebrate than to enjoy a boat trip with Peter around Bluemull Sound in lovely sunny weather. Highlights included the White-billed Diver still off the Holm of Heogland, a Black-throated Diver attaining its summer plumage, the long-staying drake King Eider, several hundred Common Eider and Long-tailed Ducks, 2 Velvet Scoter, several Iceland Gulls and a subtle second-cycle Kumlien's Gull.
Black-throated Diver between the Holm of Heogland and Uyea
Red-throated Divers of Uyea
Velvet Scoters off Uyea
Common Guillemot off Uyea
Black Guillemot off Hascosay
4cy drake King Eider at Hascosay
Second-cycle Kumlien's Gull at Hascosay
Showing the subtle contrast between the darker outer four primaries and the rest of the inner primaries, the hint of a pale mirror on p10 and a dark tail band.
First-cycle Iceland Gull off Uyeasound
Long-tailed Ducks off Uyeasound