Thursday 16 May 2002

16th May 2002 Scillonian crossing and St. Mary’s 9.15am - 7.00pm. Light SE clear

Diver sp. 1 from Scillonian
Fulmar c.5
Manx Shearwater c.30
Storm-petrel c.10 from Scillonian with up to c.5 following the boat. White band on underwing clearly seen on most. Ex.
Gannet c.15
Shag 1
Mandarin Duck 1 Porthloo
Wood Duck c.8 Porthloo
Pintail c.2 Porthloo
Red-crested Pochard c.4 Porthloo
Tufted Duck 1 Porthloo
LESSER KESTREL 1  1st summer male Peninis.  Watched hunting in flight for c.2 hours. Plain grey crown and ear coverts with black ‘drop’ below eye. Unmarked rich rufous mantle contrasting with darker primaries. Bold spots on flanks. Central tail feather grey and unmarked, projected well beyond other tail feathers being barred with black terminal band. Narrow pale trailing edge to secondaries. Obvious yellow cere often very noticeable in flight towards us. Legs yellow. Underwings often appearing pale. Ex. UK475
Swift c.2
Swallow c.10