Friday 18 October 2024

18th October 2024 Unst S4 Overcast

Norwick: Whinchat, 4 Robin, 8 Blackcap, Chiffchaff, 2 Siberian Chiffchaff, Greenish Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Goldcrest, 4 Redwing, Tree Sparrow, 25 Brambling & 4 Redpoll.

Skaw: Merlin, 2 Blackcap & 8 Redwing.

Greenish Warbler at Norwick
A sound recording of it calling here.

Yellow-browed Warbler bearing a Norwegian ring
From the back of the camera I could read NOR. Glen Tyler very kindly messaged me to say he'd recently caught a Goldcrest with a Stavanger, Norway ring. That enabled me to also read VANG.

The BTO website suggests only seven foreign ringed Yellow-browed Warblers have been subsequently recorded in the UK, four of them from Norway.