Sparrowhawk 1
Sand Martin 3
Swallow 15
Tree Pipit 4
Pied Wagtail c.20
Yellow Wagtail 1S
Nightingale h
Reed Warbler 1
Garden Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Whitethroat 30
Willow Warbler 30
Marsh Harrier 1 immature male
Immature male Marsh Harrier at Pevensey (all JFC)
Ageing and sexing of Marsh Harriers can be notoriously difficult but this individual is a close match to how Forsman describes a first-summer male 'During their first-summer the progressing moult changes the appearance of males. By July males have usually replaced some inner primaries, which are whitish below with broad black tips. From above, these feathers show a dark bluish grey cast. The corresponding upper primary coverts are dull bluish grey, whereas most of the secondaries and their coverts appear dark brown, although they may show some dull grey at the base. The new tail is grey with some brown admixed. The body plumage resembles that of an adult female , with similar head pattern.'