Sunday 15 July 2012

15th July 2012 Beachy & Rye W1 and overcast

Peregrine 3 including a juv.
Kittiwake 1 juv.
Swift 165W
Swallow 4W
Sand Martin 3
Whitethroat 5
Crossbill 3E at c.7.30am

Green Sandpiper 3
Lapwing 10

Avocet 31
Whimbrel 4
Knot 1
Dunlin 51
Little Stint 1
Yellow Wagtail 1

Juvenile Common Whitethroat at Birling

Sand Martin at Belle Tout
Such heavy wing moult must prove stressful for aerial feeders

Adult Knot on the Ternery Pool

Adult Dunlin on the Ternery Pool

Juvenile Sandwich Terns on the Ternery Pool

Whimbrel on the Ternery Pool
It appears the bird in the foreground is a worn adult with a fresh juvenile behind it.

Whimbrel on the Ternery Pool

Sandwich Terns acquiring winter plumage on the Ternery Pool

Common Tern with chick on the Quarry Pool

Common Tern with wholly red bill on the Quarry Pool

Juvenile Redshank on the Quarry Pool

Whimbrel on the Quarry Pool

Adult Little Stint on the Quarry Pool