Wednesday 3 September 2003

3rd September 2003 Portland 1.30pm – 7.00pm. Calm and sunny

Sparrowhawk 1
Icterine Warbler 1 appeared large looking grayish with obvious pale secondary panel. Whitish underparts. 
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Pied Flycatcher 2
House Sparrow c.35
YELLOW-BREASTED BUNTING 1 ex. sulphur-yellow breast and belly. Streaking forming pactoral band across upper breast and extending down flanks. Good pale supercilium appeared grayish. Well-marked pale braces on mantle. Two white wingbars. Obvious pale spot at rear of ear-coverts. UK481.

Yellow-breasted Bunting
Yellow-breasted Bunting at Portland (Alan Clewes)