27/9/09 Out at dawn at 5.30am proving overcast ENE2 freshening to E3 by midday when sunny and hot. Some cloud late afternoon. A flock of 30 Eye-browed Thrushes were seen over the island early morning and a Dusky Warbler was seen along the Southern Central Track. A flock of 7 Wigeon were seen flying north along the west shore. The Lesser Whitethroat was again seen at the northern tip of the island confirming two different individuals were present. Good numbers of Bull-headed Shrikes were noted and a Hobby, a Mugimaki Flycatcher, a Cuckoo sp. and a Northern Wheatear were all late afternoon arrivals.
Species noted:
Streaked Shearwater 150
Japanese Cormorant 1
Night Heron 1
Grey Heron 4
Mandarin Duck 1
Wigeon 7
Spotbill Duck 1
Black-eared Kite 5
Hobby 1
Peregrine 1
Pacific Golden Plover h
Far Eastern Curlew 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Grey-tailed Tattler 1
Black-tailed Gull 100
Japanese Woodpigeon 1
Rufous Turtle Dove 2
Common Cuckoo 1
Richard's Pipit 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Black-backed Wagtail 12
Brown-eared Bulbul 1
Siberian Stonechat 2
Northern Wheatear 1
Blue Rock Thrush 10
White's Thrush 1
Pale Thrush 1
Eye-browed Thrush 54
Dusky Thrush 1
Japanese Bush Warbler 10
Middendorff's Warbler 5
Arctic Warbler 11
Dusky Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 3
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 4
Brown Flycatcher 7
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1
Bull-headed Shrike 7
Large-billed Crow 4
Brambling 7
Oriental Greenfinch 30
Common Rosefinch 3
Chinese Grosbeak 1
Black-faced Bunting 8
Little Bunting 2