30/9/09 Out at 5.30am to overcast conditions and NE1 that persisted all day. Quiet for birds although the Wheatear and Whinchat remained, Mandarin numbers increased and a single Yellow Wagtail that flew north was our first of the trip.
Species noted:
Streaked Shearwater 10
Japanese Cormorant 1
Grey Heron 4
Mandarin Duck 22
Wigeon 1
Teal 11
Mallard 3
Spotbill Duck 2
Crested Honey Buzzard 1
Black-eared Kite 5
Peregrine 1
Pacific Golden Plover 3
Swinhoe's Snipe 1
Far Eastern Curlew 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Black-tailed Gull 100
Rufous Turtle Dove 4
Common Cuckoo 1
Pacific Swift 1
Common Kingfisher 2
Richard's Pipit 1
Olive-backed Pipit 2
Yellow Wagtail 1
Black-backed Wagtail 20
Brown-eared Bulbul 1
Siberian Stonechat 3
Northern Wheatear 1
Whinchat 1
Blue Rock Thrush 15
Pale Thrush 1
Eye-browed Thrush 17
Dusky Thrush 2
Japanses Bush Warbler 10
Middendorff's Warbler 4
Oriental Great Reed Warbler 1
Arctic Warbler 9
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 3
Brown Flycather 1
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1
Bull-headed Shrike 2
Large-billed Crow 4
White-cheeked Starling 1
Brambling 13
Oriental Greenfinch 50
Common Rosefinch 1
Chinese Grosbeak 1
Black-faced Bunting 15
Little Bunting 2