Grey Heron 1 in flight over top fields
Barnacle Goose 1 in flight N along Cuckmere with Canada
Geese leaving roost.Oystercatcher 5 W off Cow Gap
Swift 2
Sand Martin c.15
Tree Pipit 2 on ground in Cow Gap
Nightingale 1 clean pale breast. White eye-ring. Responded to croaking tape.
Redstart c.4
Wheatear c.15
Whinchat c.5
Garden Warbler c.3
Blackcap c.2
Lesser Whitethroat c.3
Whitethroat c.15
Sedge Warbler c.10
Grasshopper Warbler 2 including good views of a bird flushed which then perched atop an Elderberry bush
Reed Warbler c.2
Willow Warbler c.10
Spotted Flycatcher c.5
Pied Flycatcher 3