Sunday 25 August 2002

25th August 2002 Scillonian Pelagic trip 5.00am - 9.00pm. NE Force 3-4. Overcast and cold

Fulmar c.200
Great Shearwater c.15 with prolonged close views. Size of a Fulmar though appeared sleaker on the water and slimmer and longer-winged in flight. Dark bill. Dark capped appearance contrasted with collar which was not always visible at distance, and white neck-sides. Mantle and rump feintly barred. Uppertail coverts white contrasting with short black tail. Most showed pale edgings to the brown upperwing-coverts creating a series of narrow bars across the arm. Slightly darker area across central upperwing-coverts created the hit of an darker upperwing W. Darker primaries contrastred with the browner arm. Underwing coverts white contrasting with broad dark trailing-edge. Some dark lines across the armpits. Belly and undertail-coverts smudged oily-brownish being difficult to see unless banking. Often flew holding its wings bowed downwards. Pink legs and feet. Excellent.
Manx Shearwater c.8
Sooty Shearwater c.6 In the overcast conditions looked uniform dark blackish-brown with contrasting silvery underwing-coverts. Often held hand of wings swept-back.
Storm Petrel c.20 white band on underwing coverts seen with care and not obvious at any distance. Upperwings lacked contrast looking blackish. Square white rump often visible even at distance. Fast flight.
Gannet c.350 including some juveniles.
Ringed Plover 1 in flight c.90 miles SW of Penzance
Turnstone c.2 at sea
Grey Phalarope 1 seen briefly in flight low over the surface of the water. Obvious white bar across greater coverts of upperwing of arm contrasting with dark grey wings which in turn contrasted with paler grey mantle.
Great Skua c.12
Arctic Skua c.5 including pale phase adult in complete s/p. Juveniles all showed conspicuous white flash across the bases of the primaries. A juvenile seen in flight alongside a juv. Long-tailed looked noticeably larger in size.
Long-tailed Skua 2 juv. The first was seen in flight alongwith a larger juvenile Arctic Skua. A pale phase it appeared cold greyish on the upperwing-coverts and rump and uppertail coverts. Head pale. Obvious flash across the underside of the primaries and underwings barred. Dark breast band contrasting with white belly.
Surprisingly it showed quite an extensive area of white at the bases of the primaries almost forming a round ‘spot’. The second individual was an intermediate appearing very greyish across the upperwing coverts, seemingly lacking any white to the bases of the primaries on the upperside of the dark primaries. The hint of a pale collar. Looked small and slender winged.
Lesser Black-backed Gull c.200
Kittiwake c.10
Sabine’s Gull c.2 adults Both retained partial hoods most prominent on the napes. Dark grey uniform area across leading edge and upperwing-coverts extending from the base of the body to a point at the carpal joint. Black outer primaries contrasting with white trailing edge broadening to carpal joint and white inner primaries. White body. Superb.
Common Tern c.5
Feral Pigeon 1 joined the boat ‘at sea’