Sunday, 30 September 2001

30/9/01 Filsham 7.00am - 10.00am. Pett Level 10.30 - 11.30am. Dungeness 12.30pm to 3.00pm. Calm but overcast from dawn becoming wet and windy

Greylag c.30 Scotney
Water Rail h several Filsham
Lapwing c.75
Sociable Plover 1 juv. Pett Level. Excellent views. Dark crown encircled by pale supercilium which met at rear. Streaking on breast and scaled upperparts. White belly. Black of primaries noticeable at rest with tertials appearing quite bleached. In flight white secondaries and black primaries and black tail band across white tail very eye-catching.
Wheatear 2 Dungeness
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Dusky Warbler 1 Dungeness moat. Very poor glimpses as exceptionally skulking in brambles. Brownish appearance in flight with hard ‘teck’ call heard several times.
Bearded Tit h several at Filsham with 1 glimpsed in flight along a channel.
Red-backed Shrike 1 juv. Filsham. Quite distinct dark mask. Tali rufous being quite orange on uppertail coverts. Scaly flanks. Brown upperparts though too distant to discern much scaling. Appeared to show white outer tail feathers.
Isabelline Shrike 1 juv. Dungeness. Very pallid appearance with rufous tail. A pronounced dark mask and lores. Largely grey bill with blacker tip. Crown noticeably rufous and scaled. Greyer on nape and mantle. Quite distinct scaling on underparts not just restricted to the flanks. Almost showed a dark throat at some angles. Coverts edged grey. Secondaries fringed grey. Quite short-winged. Lacked any pale at base of the primaries. Rump and tail orange. Superb.
Brambling 1
Reed Bunting c.8