Saturday, 14 October 2000

14th October 2000 Beachy 7.30am - 11.00am. Coombe Haven, Bexhill 12.00 - 2.00pm. Overcast and calm

Brent Goose 2 W
Sparrowhawk c.2
Swallow c.30
House Martin c.750
Pied Wagtail c.20
Whinchat 1
Radde’s Warbler 1 Coombehaven. Orangey undertail-coverts. Pale supercilium with black eye-stripe. Bright pink feet and strong pink legs. Superb views often calling a quiet ‘tac tac’.
Chiffchaff c.5
Siskin c.25
Redpoll c.10
Reed Bunting c.5