Saturday 9 June 1990

9/6/90 Scillonian & St. Marys

Storm Petrel 2
Night Heron 1 sub-adult Porthellick
Ring-billed Gull 1 2s Porthcressa
TREE SWALLOW 1 ex. Porthellick

Tree Swallow at Porthellick, St. Marys (Jack Levene)
The late Spring of 1990 was a good time to be granted six weeks study leave off work to prepare for accountancy exams. Whilst the idea presumably wasn't to study various islands around the UK, that's exactly what happened, with visits to Portland, Sheppey, Shetland, Lundy, Isle of Wight and Scilly. Whilst the best I could manage in one of the exams was a poor sketch of the Pallas's Sandgrouse in the hope of an understanding examiner, some top class rarities were seen.