Gambia 15th April to the
22nd April 1987
April : Yundum Airport, Hotel Bakotu grounds, Bund Road, Cape Creek.
April : Golf Course and Kotu Stream, Casino area, Sewage Farm, Upper Bridge at
Kotu, Golf Course.
April : Abuko Reserve.
April : Abuko Reserve.
April : Sewage Farm, Cape St. Mary, Cape Creek, Bund road, Banjul rubbish dump,
Kotu Stream, Kabifita Forest Reserve.
April : Taxi ride towards Tendaba but unfortunately the Taxi broke-down
stranding us for 5 hours.
April : Casino area, Sewage Farm, Golf Course and Cape Creek.
April : Golf Course, Sewage Farm and Yundum Airport.
Pink-backed Pelican -
Pelecanus rufescens C
at the Bund Road, the Kotu Stream and Abuko with 3 seen to be eaten by Crocodiles
at the Abuko Pool. A daily maximum of 40 was recorded on each visit to the Bund
Great Cormorant -
Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus C
party of 6 were seen on each visit to the Bund Road and 1 was seen at the Kotu
Long-tailed Cormorant -
Phalacrocorax africanus africanus C
in small numbers at the Bund Road, Abuko, the Kotu Sewage Farm and the Kotu
Stream area with a daily maximum of 10 noted at the Bund Road on the 15th.
Darter - Anhinga
melanogaster rufa C
single individual was seen in flight over the Bakotu Hotel on the 16th.
Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
cinerea C
every day but one with a daily maximum of 6 seen at the Bund road on the 15th.
Black-headed Heron - Ardea
melanocephala C
at the Kotu Sewage Farm and at Abuko on each visit with a daily maximum of 10
seen at Abuko on the 17th.
Goliath Heron - Ardea
goliath C
single individual was seen at the Kotu Stream on the 16th.
Purple Heron - Ardea
purpurea purpurea C
seen at Cape Creek on the 15th and at the Kotu Stream on the 19th.
Great Egret - Ardea alba
melanorhyncha C
in small numbers on six dates with a daily maximum of 3 seen at the Kotu Stream
on the 16th.
Black Heron - Egretta
ardesiaca C
single individual was seen twice at Cape Creek on the 15th.
Little Egret - Egretta
garzetta gularis C
Western Reef Herons
E.g.gularis were
seen in good numbers on five dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at the Bund
Road on the 15th. Clements and HBW lump this form with Little Egret.
Little Egrets E.g.garzetta were seen
at the Bund Road and the Kotu Stream in very small numbers with a daily maximum
of just 2.
Squacco Heron - Ardeola
ralloides C
at the Bund Road and at Abuko with a daily maximum of 4 at the Abuko Pool on
the 17th.
Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
ibis C
every day in good numbers with a daily maximum of 100 seen on the 19th.
Striated Heron - Butorides
striatus atricapillus C
single individual was seen at the mouth of the Kotu Stream.
Black-crowned Night-Heron -
Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax C
at Abuko and the Koyu Stream with a daily maximum of 8 seen at Abuko on the 17th.
Dwarf Bittern - Ixobrychus
sturmii C
single was watched stood in full view on a grassy bank at the Abuko Pool on the
Hamerkop - Scopus umbretta umbretta
pair were seen at Abuko Pool on the 18th and 1 was seen opposite the
entrance to Abuko on the 20th.
Yellow-billed Stork -
Mycteria ibis C
saw 8 at the Bund road on the 15th and 2 there on the 19th.
Marabou Stork - Leptoptilos
crumeniferus C
saw 5 at Cape Creek on the 15th, 6 at Abuko on the 17th
and 4 at Cape Creek on the 19th.
Sacred Ibis - Threskiornis
aethiopicus aethiopicus C
saw 23 feeding at Bund Road on the 15th and 16 resting at the small
pool behind the rubbish dump on the 19th.
African Spoonbill - Platalea
alba C
each visit to Bund road we saw 8 and similarly 1 was ever present on the pool
at Abuko.
White-faced Whistling-Duck -
Dendrocygna viduata C
saw 4 on each visit to the Kotu Sewage Farm.
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
haliaetus C
single individual was seen at the mouth of Cape Creek on the 19th.
Black-shouldered Kite -
Elanus caeruleus caeruleus C
at the Abuko extension on each visit and 2 in the Kotu Stream area near the
Upper Bridge on each visit.
Black Kite - Milvus migrans
in small numbers on seven dates with a daily maximum of 4 seen on the 20th.
African Fish-Eagle -
Haliaeetus vocifer C
single individual was seen at Abuko on the 17th.
Palm-nut Vulture -
Gypohierax angolensis C
on six dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 5 seen in the Kotu Stream
area on the 16th.
Hooded Vulture - Necrosyrtes
monachus C
common being seen daily.
African White-backed Vulture
- Gyps africanus C
single individual was seen at Yundum Airport on the 15th.
Ruppell’s Griffon - Gyps
rueppellii rueppellii C
single individual was seen at Yundum Airport on the 15th.
African Harrier-Hawk -
Polyboroides typus pectoralis C
on six dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 8 seen on the road to
Tendaba on the 20th.
Lizard Buzzard - Kaupifalco
monogrammicus monogrammicus C
single individual was seen at the Abuko Extension on the 17th.
Dark Chanting-Goshawk -
Melierax metabates metabates C
saw 6 along the road towards Tendaba on the 20th.
Shikra - Accipiter badius
sphenurus C
total of 3 were seen in the Kotu Stream areas on the 19th and 21st.
Wahlberg’s Eagle - Aquila
wahlbergi C
saw singles at the rubbish dump on the 19th and along the road to
Tendaba on the 20th.
African Hawk-Eagle -
Hieraaetus spilogaster C
single individual was seen at the Kabafita Reserve on the 19th.
Long-crested Eagle -
Lophaetus occipitalis C
saw 3 at Abuko on the 18th.
Grey Kestrel - Falco
ardosiaceus C
saw 3 along the road towards Tendaba on the 20th.
Double-spurred Francolin -
Francolinus bicalcaratus bicalcaratus C
every day but one with a daily maximum of 20 seen in the Kotu Stream area on
the 21st.
Stone Partridge -
Ptilopachus petrosus petrosus C
saw 4 at the Kabafita Reserve on the 19th.
Black Crake - Amaurornis
flavirostris C
saw 2 at the Abuko pool on the 17th and 3 there the following day.
African Jacana -
Actophilornis africanus C
saw 3 at the Abuko Pool on every visit.
Eurasian Oystercatcher -
Haematopus ostralegus ostralegus C
single individual was seen at Cape Creek on each visit.
Black-winged Stilt -
Himantopus himantopus C
on five dates in suitable areas with a daily maximum of 25 seen at Bund Road on
the 19th.
Senegal Thick-knee -
Burhinus senegalensis C
saw 2 at Cape Creek on the 15th and 6 at the Kotu Stream on the 16th.
Spur-winged Plover -
Vanellus spinosus C
every day in good nymbers with a daily maximum of 40 seen on the 19th.
Black-headed Lapwing -
Vanellus tectus tectus C
present in the Golf Course area with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 14th.
Wattled Lapwing - Vanellus
senegallus senegallus C
in good numbers on four dates in the Kotu Stream and Golf Course area with a
daily maximum of 40 seen at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Grey Plover - Pluvialis
squatarola C
seen at Bund Road and the Kotu Sewage Farm with a daily maximum of 10 seen at
Bund Road on the 15th.
Ringed Plover - Charadius
hiaticula C
saw 6 on each visit to Bund Road and 1 at Cape Creek on the 21st.
Little Ringed Plover -
Charadrius dubius C
single individual was seen at Bund Road on the 19th.
Kittlitz’s Plover -
Charadrius pecuarius C
superb individual was seen at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the 19th.
White-fronted Plover -
Charadrius marginatus mechowi C
single individual was seen at the very end of the sand bar which runs south
from the Hotel Sunwing on the 19th.
Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa
limosa limosa C
saw 2 at Cape Creek and 1 at the Kotu Sewage Farm.
Bar-tailed Godwit - Limosa
lapponica lapponica C
saw 15 at Bund Road on the 15th.
Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus
phaeopus C
on six dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Bund on the 15th.
Common Redshank - Tringa
totanus C
in small numbers at Bund Road and the Kotu Sewage Farm.
Marsh Sandpiper - Tringa
stagnatilis C
single individual was seen at the Bund Road on the 15th.
Greenshank - Tringa
nebularia nebularia C
in small numbers at suitable localities.
Wood Sandpiper - Tringa
glareola C
at both the Bund Road and the Kotu Sewage Farm in good numbers.
Common Sandpiper - Tringa
hypoleucos C
in suitable habitat on seven dates.
Turnstone - Arenaria
interpres interpres C
at Bund Road with a daily maximum of 25 seen on the 19th.
Sanderling - Calidris alba C
in small numbers at Bund Road and Cape Creek.
Little Stint - Calidris
minuta C
at Bund Road and at the Kotu Sewage Farm with a daily maximum of 25 seen at
Bund Road on the 15th.
Curlew Sandpiper - Calidris
ferruginea C
Bund Road we saw 2 on the 15th and 8 on the 19th.
Dunlin - Calidris alpina C
saw a single individual at the Bund Road on the 15th.
Ruff - Philomachus pugnax C
at the Bund Road and at the Sewage Farm with a daily maximum of 30 seen at the
Bund Road.
Lesser Black-backed Gull -
Larus fuscus C
always saw a single individual at the Kotu Sewage Farm.
Grey-headed Gull - Larus
cirrocephalus poiocephalus C
common being seen every day.
Slender-billed Gull - Larus
genei C
at the Bund road, the Kotu Sewage Farm and along the coast with a daily maximum
of 60 seen at the Bund road on the 19th.
Gull-billed Tern - Sterna
nilotica nilotica C
seen at Cape Creek with a daily maximum of 4 seen on the 15th.
Caspian Tern - Sterna caspia
at the Bund Road, Cape Creek and along the coast with a daily maximum of 40
seen at Bund Road on the 15th.
Lesser Crested Tern - Sterna
bengalensis emigrata C
saw 2 at Cape Creek on both the 15th and 19th.
Sandwich Tern - Sterna
sandvicensis sandvicensis C
saw singles at Cape Creek on the 15th and at the Kotu Sewage Farm on
the 16th.
Royal Tern - Sterna maxima
albididorsalis C
on every visit to Cape Creek and Bund Road with a daily maximum of 60 seen on
the 15th.
Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
hirundo C
saw 3 at Cape Creek on the 19th.
Little Tern - Sterna
albifrons C
on every visit to Cape Creek with a daily maximum of 30 seen on the 21st.
White-winged Tern -
Chlidonias leucopterus C
on five dates with a daily maximum of 200 seen at the Bund Road on the 15th.
Black Tern - Chlidonias
niger niger C
saw singles at the Bund Road on the 15th and at the Kotu Sewage Farm
on the 16th.
Speckled Pigeon - Columba
guinea guinea C
being seen on six dates with a daily maximum of 100 seen at the Ground Nut
Factory on the 15th.
Eurasian Turtle Dove -
Streptopelia turtur C
saw 3 at Cape Creek on the 21st.
Red-eyed Dove - Streptopelia
semitorquata C
species proved to be common being seen every day.
Vinaceous Dove -
Streptopelia vinacea C
species proved to be common being seen every day.
Laughing Dove - Streptopelia
senegalensis senegalensis C
species proved to be common being seen every day.
Black-billed Wood-Dove -
Turtur abyssinicus C
species was common being seen every day but two.
Blue-spotted Wood-Dove -
Turtur afer C
species was common being seen every day but one.
Namaqua Dove - Oena capensis
capensis C
on five dates with a daily maximum of 8 seen on the 16th.
Rose-ringed Parakeet -
Psittacula krameri krameri C
on three dates in small numbers.
Senegal Parrot - Poicephalus
senegalus senegalus C
in fair numbers every day but one with a daily maximum of 22 seen on the 19th.
Guinea Turaco - Tauraco
persa buffoni C
saw 2 in Abuko on the 18th.
Violet Turaco - Musophaga
violacea C
saw 5 in Abuko on the 18th and 2 in the Kabafita Forest on the 19th.
Western Plaintain-eater -
Crinifer piscator C
species proved to be common being seen every day but one.
Senegal Coucal - Centropus
senegalensis senegalensis C
every day with a daily maximum of 12 seen on both the 16th and 21st.
Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl - Bubo
lacteus C
saw 3 in the Abuko Extension on the 17th and 1 there the following
day. Superb.
Pearl-spotted Owlet -
Glaucidium perlatum perlatum C
found a single individual in a large tree along the Kotu Stream whilst walking
from the Bakotu Hotel. We couldn’t relocate it on subsequent visits.
Mottled Spinetail -
Telacanthura ussheri ussheri C
saw up to 25 on both visits to Abuko and 2 at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the 19th.
African Palm-Swift -
Cypsiurus parvus parvus C
species proved to be common being seen daily.
Little Swift - Apus affinis
on four dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the 19th.
Malachite Kingfisher -
Alcedo cristata galerita C
single individual was seen at Cape Creek on both the 15th and 21st.
African Pygmy-Kingfisher -
Ispidina picta picta C
were seen at the Abuko pool on the 18th and at Kabifita on the 19th.
Striped Kingfisher - Halcyon
chelicuti chelicuti C
saw 2 on both our visits to the Upper Bridge area of the Kotu Stream and 3 at
Cape Creek on the 21st.
Giant Kingfisher -
Megaceryle maxima maxima C
saw 2 at the Abuko Pool on the 17th and 1 there on the 18th.
Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle
rudis rudis C
daily in good numbers with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 15th.
Little Bee-eater - Merops
pusillus pusillus C
species proved fairly common with a daily maximum of 15 seen at the Casino on
the 16th.
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater -
Merops hirundineus chrysolaimus C
on four dates with a daily maximum of 7 seen on the 19th.
European Bee-eater - Merops
apiaster C
were seen at the Casino on the 16th and in Bakotu on the 19th.
European Roller - Coracias
garrulus C
single individual was seen at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Abyssinian Roller - Coracias
abyssinica C
on five dates in small numbers with a daily maximum of 4 seen on the 15th.
Rufous-crowned Roller -
Coracias naevia naevia C
saw 3 at Yundum town on the 19th and 4 along the road to Tendaba on
the 20th.
Blue-bellied Roller -
Coracias cyanogaster C
in small numbers on six dates with a daily maximum of 6 seen on both the 19th
and 20th. Superb.
Hoopoe - Upupa epops C
saw 1 at the Casino on the 18th and 2 there on the 21st.
Green Woodhoopoe -
Phoeniculus purpureus C
on seven dates with a daily maximum of 18 seen at the Kotu Stream on the 16th.
Red-billed Hornbill - Tockus
erythrorhynchus erythrorhynchus C
daily with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Abuko on the 17th.
African Pied (Allied)
Hornbill - Tockus fasciatus semifasciatus C
saw 4 on both trips to Abuko.
African Grey Hornbill -
Tockus nasutus nasutus C
on seven dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Abuko on the 17th.
Abyssinian Ground Hornbill – Bucorvus abyssinicus C
& TEC saw 1 from the plane on arrival at Yundum Airport on the 15th.
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird -
Pogoniulus bilineatus leucolaima C
single individual was seen in Abuko on the 18th.
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird -
Pogoniulus chrysoconus chrysoconos C
saw 2 in scrub between the Kotu Stream and the Casino on the 21st.
Bearded Barbet - Lybius
dubius C
at Abuko, Cape Creek, the Casino and the Kotu Golf Course with a daily maximum
of 4 seen in the Abuko Extension on the 18th. Bizarre.
Spotted Honeyguide -
Indicator maculatus maculatus C
single individual was seen in Abuko on the 18th.
Greater (Black-throated)
Honeyguide - Indicator indicator C
saw 3 in Abuko on the 18th.
Fine-spotted Woodpecker -
Campethera punctuligera punctuligera C
saw 2 in Abuko on the 18th and 1 in the Casino area on the 19th
and 21st.
Buff-spotted Woodpecker -
Campethera nivosa nivosa C
saw 1 at Abuko on the 17th and 2 there the following day.
Cardinal Woodpecker -
Dendropicos fuscescens lafresnayi C
saw a single individual at the start of the Abuko extension on the 18th.
Grey Woodpecker -
Dendropicos goertae goertae C
at Abuko and at the Kotu Golf Course with a daily maximum of 5 seen on the 17th.
Crested Lark - Galerida
cristata senegallensis C
on three dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen in the Casino area on the 21st.
Red-chested Swallow -
Hirundo lucida lucida C
what now represents this species which is regarded as abundant in the Gambia
(and formerly treated as conspecific with Barn Swallow which is a possibility
in April) was seen on four dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen on the 19th.
Wire-tailed Swallow -
Hirundo smithii smithii C
at the Lower Bridge which crosses the Kotu Stream and also at the bridge at the
Pumping Station at Bund Road with a daily maximum of 5 seen at the Kotu Stream.
Pied-winged Swallow -
Hirundo leucosoma C
saw a party of 8 whilst birding the area of scrub between the Casino and the
Kotu Stream.
Mosque Swallow - Hirundo
senegalensis senegalensis C
saw 3 at Cape Creek on the 15th and 6 at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the
House Martin - Delichon
urbica C
saw 1 at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the 22nd.
Fanti Sawwing -
Psalidoprocne obscura C
saw 30 on each visit to Abuko.
Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla
flava C
forms were seen on three dates with a daily maximum of 28 seen on the 19th.
Yellow-throated Longclaw -
Macronyx croceus C
We saw
2 in fields between the Kotu Stream and the Casino.
Plain-backed Pipit - Anthus
leucophrys ansorgei C
saw 2 in fields between the Kotu Stream and the Casino.
Red-throated Pipit - Anthus
cervinus C
saw 2 at the Banjul Rubbish Dump on the 19th.
Common Bulbul - Pycnonotus
barbatus inornatus C
being seen daily.
Little Greenbul - Andropadus
virens erythropterus C
Abuko seen in good numbers but never encountered elsewhere.
Yellow-throated Leaflove -
Chlorocichla flavicollis flavicollis C
saw 2 in trees on the Golf Course just behind the Bakotu Hotel.
African Thrush - Turdus
pelios chiguancoides C
on seven dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen at Abuko on both the 17th
and 18th.
Singing Cisticola -
Cisticola cantans swanzii C
saw 3 in the Kotu Stream area.
Zitting Cisticola -
Cisticola juncidis uropygialis C
saw 5 in the Kotu Stream area.
Tawny-flanked Prinia -
Prinia subflava subflava C
on four dates with a daily maximum of 25 seen in the scrub between the Kotu
Stream and the Casino on the 16th.
Yellow-breasted Prinia -
Apalis flavida caniceps C
saw 4 in Abuko on the 18th.
Oriole Warbler (Moho) -
Hypergerus atriceps C
pair were seen in small bushes behind the children’s playground in the Hotel
Bakotu. Superb.
Green-backed Camaroptera -
Camaroptera brachyura brevicaudata C
at Abuko, Kabifita and the Casino with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Abuko on
the 18th.
Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus
schoenobaenus C
saw a single individual along the Kotu Stream on the 18th.
Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus
scirpaceus C
saw 1 at the Bund road and 2 that were always present at Kotu Stream which were
in worn plumage and singing. Were they African Reed Warblers ?
Melodious Warbler -
Hippolais polyglotta C
saw 1 in the Abuko Extension on the 18th, 1 at the Golf course on
the 19th and 6 there on the 21st.
Senegal (Smaller
Green-backed) Eremomela - Eremomela pusilla C
saw 10 at Kabifita on the 19th.
Northern Crombec - Sylvietta
brachyura brachyura C
saw 2 at the Hotel Bakotu on the 17th, 4 in the Abuko Extension on
the 18th and 3 at Kabifita on the 19th. Superb.
Green Hylia - Hylia prasina
prasina C
saw a single individual at Abuko on the 18th.
Willow Warbler -
Phylloscopus trochilus C
saw 1 at Kotu on the 18th, 6 along the Bund road on the 19th
and 1 at the Kotu Sewage Farm on the 21st.
Bonelli’s Warbler -
Phylloscopus bonelli bonelli C
single individual was seen at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Blackcap - Sylvia
atricapilla C
saw 2 at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Garden Warbler - Sylvia
borin C
saw a single individual at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Whitethroat - Sylvia
communis C
saw a single individual at the Kotu Stream on the 16th and 18th.
Subalpine Warbler - Sylvia
cantillans cantillans C
single individual was seen at the Kotu Stream on the 21st.
Red-winged Warbler (Prinia)
- Prinia erythroptera erythroptera C
saw a single individual in scrub bordering the cycle track leading to the
Northern Black-Flycatcher -
Melaenornis edolioides edolioides C
at Abuko and near the Casino in fair numbers on five dates.
Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat -
Cossypha niveicapilla niveicapilla C
saw 7 at Abuko on the 17th and 4 at Kabifita on the 19th.
White-crowned Robin-Chat -
Cossypha albicapilla albicapilla C
saw 2 in trees bordering the Kotu Stream on the 16th and 1 at the
Sewage Farm on the 18th.
Common Redstart -
Phoenicurus phoenicurus phoenicurus C
single individual was seen at the Kotu Stream on the 16th.
Brown-throated Wattle-eye -
Platysteira cyanea cyanea C
Abuko we saw 15 on the 17th and 12 there on the 18th.
Senegal Batis - Batis
senegalensis C
saw 3 at Kabifita on the 19th. Superb.
Paradise-flycatcher - Terpsiphone rufiventer rufiventer C
saw 15 on our first trip to Abuko and 6 the following day and 2 at Kabifita on
the 19th.
African Paradise-Flycatcher
- Terpsiphone viridis viridis C
were seen on both trips to Abuko.
Blackcap Babbler - Turdoides
reinwardtii reinwardtii C
at Cape Creek and the Kotu Golf Course with a daily maximum of 6 seen at Cape
Creek on the 15th.
Brown Babbler - Turdoides
plebejus platycircus C
every day but one in good numbers with a daily maximum of 20 seen on the 21st.
Western Violet-backed
Sunbird - Anthreptes longuemarei longuemarei C
saw a pair near the entrance to Abuko on the 17th.
Collared Sunbird - Hedydipna
collaris subcollaris C
saw 1 in the scrub between the Casino and the Kotu Stream on the 16th,
8 in Abuko on the 17th and 4 there the next day.
Scarlet-chested Sunbird -
Chalcomitra senegalensis senegalensis C
saw 2 males on each visit to Abuko and 2 males at Kabifita.
Beautiful Sunbird - Cinnyris
pulchellus pulchellus C
common in the grounds of the Hotel Bakotu and around the Golf Course with
several males present. A daily maximum of 6 were seen on the 19th.
Splendid Sunbird - Cinnyris
coccinigaster C
adult males seen with 2 seen in the scrub between the Casino and the Kotu
Stream on the 16th, 6 there on the 19th and 2 seen at
Abuko on the 17th.
Variable Sunbird - Cinnyris
venustus venustus C
males seen with 4 seen in the Abuko extension on the 18th and 1 at
Kabifita on the 19th.
Copper Sunbird - Cinnyris
cupreus cupreus C
saw 6 males at Kabifita on the 19th.
African Golden Oriole -
Oriolus auratus auratus C
saw 1 along the road to Tendaba on the 20th.
Woodchat Shrike - Lanius
senator C
saw singles at the Kotu Stream on the 21st and at the Golf Course on
the 22nd.
Yellow-billed Shrike -
Lanius corvina corvina C
common being seen every day but one with a daily maximum of 30 being seen on
the 21st.
Northern Puffback -
Dryoscopus gambensis gambensis C
saw 2 at Abuko on the 18th and 3 at Kabafita on the 19th.
Black-crowned Tchagra
senegala senegala C
saw 2 at Kabifita on the 19th.
Common Gonolek - Laniarius
barbarus barbarus C
species proved fairly common being seen on six dates often in the vicinity of
the Hotel.
Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike
- Telephonus sulfureopectus sulfureopectus C
saw a superb individual in the Abuko extension on the 18th.
White Helmetshrike -
Prionops plumatus plumatus C
saw 8 at Abuko on the 17th and 2 along the road to Tendaba on the 20th.
Fork-tailed Drongo -
Dicrurus adsimilis divaricatus C
Abuko we saw 1 on the 17th and 2 on the 18th and at
Kabifita we saw 2 on the 19th.
Piapiac - Ptilostomus afer C
being seen on all but one day with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 16th
and 21st.
Pied Crow - Corvus albus C
common being seen daily.
Greater Blue-eared
Glossy-Starling - Lamprotornis chalybaeus chalybaeus C
single individual was tentatively identified along the road to Tendaba on the
Purple Glossy-Starling -
Lamprotornis purpureus C
on five dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen on the 20th.
Long-tailed Glossy-Starling
- Lamprotornis caudatus C
on six dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 20th.
Violet-backed Starling -
Cinnyricinclus leucogaster C
saw 4 at the start of the Abuko Exension on the 17th, 1 at the
entrance to Abuko on the 18th and 4 between the Casino and the Kotu
Stream on the 21st.
Yellow-billed Oxpecker -
Buphagus africanus C
on four dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen in the Casino area on the 16th.
Grey-headed Sparrow - Passer
griseus griseus C
on six dates with a daily maximum of 10 seen on the 18th.
Little Weaver – Ploceus luteolus luteolus C
single male was seen at Kabifita on the 19th.
Black-necked Weaver – Ploceus nigricollis brachypterus C
at Abuko, the Golf Course and at the Hotel Bakotu. Most were in good plumage
with a daily maximum of 50 seen at Abuko on the 18th.
Village Weaver – Ploceus cucullatus cucullatus C
of the commonest species encountered with a few full-plumaged males seen.
Bishop sp.
Seen often around the Casino but also elsewhere but none
were in identifiable plumage.
Western Bluebill – Spermophaga haematina haematina C
single individual was seen at the Abuko pool on the 18th. Superb.
Red-billed Firefinch – Lagonosticta senegala C
daily in small numbers often in the grounds of the Hotel Bakotu.
Red-cheeked Cordonbleu – Uraeginthus bengalus bengalus C
seen in the grounds of the Hotel Bakotu or on the nearby small rubbish tip. We
noted a daily maximum of 10 on both the 18th and 21st.
Lavender Waxbill – Estrilda caerulescens C
in the vicinity of the Hotel Bakotu on five dates.
Orange-cheeked Waxbill – Estrilda melpoda melpoda C
saw 2 in the grounds of the Hotel Bakotu on the 16th and 4 at the
nearby small rubbish tip on the 21st.
African Silverbill – Lonchura cantans cantans C
saw 3 on the small rubbish tip adjacent to the Hotel Bakotu on the 16th.
Bronze Mannikin – Lonchura cucullata cucullata C
on five dates with a daily maximum of 50 seen at Abuko on the 17th.