Sunday, 27 March 1983

27/3/83 - 10/4/83 Israel

Israel 27/3/83 - 10/4/83


27th March : Arrived Tel Aviv and drove to the campsite.


28th March : Tel Aviv Campsite, Maagan Mikhael, New Yam Campsite.


29th March : Mt. Carmel, Hula, Mt. Hermon, Tal Campsite.


30th March : Hula, Lake Tiberias, Wadi Ammud, Wadi Samuk, Maagan Campsite.


31st March : Dead Sea, En Gedi, Yotvata.


1st April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Yotvata.


2nd April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Moon Valley, 32km desert, Yotvata.


3rd April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Under-water Observatory, Yotvata.


4th April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Moon Valley, Yotvata.


5th April : Arava Valley, Beer Ora, Eilat, 32km desert, Yotvata.


6th April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Yotvata.


7th April : Arava Valley, Eilat, Beer Ora, Amram Pillars, Yotvata.


8th April : Amram Pillars, Yotvata, Yeroham NR, Nizzana.


9th April : Nizzana Castle, 137km waterhole, Tel Aviv.


10th April : Left Tel Aviv for London.


Systematic List


Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis ruficollis C

At Hula 3 were seen on the 29th and 6 the next day, 1 was seen at the Eilat Salt Pans on the 2nd and 1 was seen at the Yeroham Nature Reserve on the 8th.


Great Crested Grebe - Podiceps cristatus cristatus C

An estimated 15 were seen on Lake Tiberias on the 30th and 10 there the following day.


Great White Pelican - Pelecanus onocrotalus C

Only seen at Hula where 20 were noted on the 29th and 95 the following day.


Brown Booby - Sula leucogaster plotus C

A single bird usually sitting on buoys was seen from Eilat beach on the 2nd and 4th.



Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea cinerea C

Common and widespread being seen on every date but two with a daily maximum of 28 seen at Eilat on the 1st.


Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea purpurea C

Widespread though not common with up to 2 being seen on eight dates.


Great Egret - Ardea alba alba C

A single individual was seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th and 2 were at Lake Tiberias on the 31st.


Little Egret - Egretta garzetta schistacea/garzetta C

A single Western Reef Heron E.g.schistacea was seen on the beach at Eilat on the 6th. This form is lumped with Little Egret by Clements and HBW. Little Egret E.g.garzetta proved common and widespread with c.50 seen at Maagan Mikhael, up to 25 seen at Hula, up to 25 seen at Eilat and 10 seen near Tel Aviv.


Squacco Heron - Ardeola ralloides C

A single individual was seen in a ditch at the North Fields at Eilat on the 6th.


Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis ibis C

Over 100 were seen between Tel Aviv and Maagan Mikhael on the 28th, c.25 were seen on both visits to Hula, 1 at Eilat on the 6th and 3 near Tel Aviv on the 9th.


Black-crowned Night-Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax C

An estimated 100 were seen at Hula on the 30th with flocks of 14 seen at Eilat on the 1st and of 17 there on the 3rd.


Black Stork - Ciconia nigra C

A party of 4 moved north near the Dead Sea on the 31st, at Eilat 2 passed over on the 3rd, 56 on the 4th and 52 on the 5th with the best vantage point being the Moon Valley Mountains.


White Stork - Ciconia ciconia ciconia C

Seen in good numbers in both the north and at Nizzana but not at Eilat. A daily maximum of 2,000 were seen moving north on the 31st.


Glossy Ibis - Plegadis falcinellus C

We saw a flock of 26 at Hula on both our days there and at Eilat 28 were seen on the 2nd and 16 on the 3rd.


Eurasian Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia leucorodia C

We saw just 3 at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Greater Flamingo - Phoenicopterus ruber roseus C

We saw a single individual at the Eilat Salt Pans every day from the 2nd to the 7th.


Common Shelduck - Tadorna tadorna C

Singles seen at Lake Tiberias on the 30th and 31st and at Eilat on the 4th.


Eurasian Wigeon - Anas penelope C

A single individual was seen at Eilat on the 4th.


Teal - Anas crecca crecca C

Seen on all but three dates with a daily maximum of 40 noted at Magaan Mikhael on the 28th.


Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos C

Seen on nine dates with a daily maximum of 30 seen at Hula on the 29th.


Garganey - Anas querquedula C

A flock of up to 100 were seen off Eilat beach on three dates.


Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata C

A flock of 40 were seen at Hula on the 29th and 30th.


Marbled Teal - Marmaronetta angustirostris C

A party of 6 were seen in the early morning at Hula on the 30th.


Osprey - Pandion haliatus haliatus C

Seen on seven dates at widespread locations.


Black Kite - Milvus migrans migrans C

Very common being seen daily with a daily maximum of 400 seen around Eilat on the 1st.


Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus percnopterus C

Seen every day but three in small numbers with a daily maximum of 8 seen around Nizzana on the 9th.


Eurasian Griffon - Gyps fulvus fulvus C

A party of 5 were seen at Wadi Ammud on the 30th.


Short-toed Eagle - Circaetus gallicus C

Fairly common in the Golan Heights and near Hula with up to 8 seen on four dates in that area with the only other 2 being passage birds at Eilat on the 5th and 7th.


Western Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus aeruginosus C

Seen on all but two dates with a daily maximum of 5 seen at Hula on the 29th.


Northern (Hen) Harrier - Circus cyaneus cyaneus C

A female was seen at Hula on the 29th and a male at Nizzana on the 9th.


Pallid Harrier - Circus macrourus C

A good passage encountered with 11 seen at Eilat (including 5 males) and a single male near Nizzana. Males arriving in off the Red Sea were especially memorable.


Montagu’s Harrier - Circus pygargus C

We saw 3 whilst at Eilat and 1 near Nizzana.


Levant Sparrowhawk - Accipiter brevipes C

A single male was seen at the Eilat North Fields on the 3rd and 2 were seen moving north at the Moon Valley Mountains the following day.


Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus nisus C

A single individual was seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th and 2 were seen at Mount Hermon on the 29th.


Eurasian Buzzard - Buteo buteo vulpinus C

Seen daily with a daily maximum of c.2,000 seen at Eilat on the 5th.


Long-legged Buzzard - Buteo rufinus rufinus C

We saw 2 in the Golan Heights on the 29th and 2 at Wadi Ammud on the 30th.


Lesser Spotted Eagle - Aquila pomarina pomarina C

Only seen in the north on three dates with a superb flock of 60 moving over Wadi Ammud on the 30th the maximum count.


Greater Spotted Eagle - Aquila clanga C

A single individual was seen at Hula on the 29th and 30th.


Steppe Eagle - Aquila nipalensis orientalis C

Seen around Eilat in small numbers on seven dates.


Imperial Eagle - Aquila heliaca C

A single immature was seen between Eilat and Nizzana on the 8th.


Bonelli’s Eagle - Hieraaetus fasciatus fasciatus C

A single individual was seen at Beer Ora on the 5th.


Booted Eagle - Hieraaetus pennatus C

A single individual was seen between Yotvata and Eilat on the 4th and 5th.


Lesser Kestrel - Falco naumanni C

Seen on six dates in fair numbers mainly in the north where a daily maximum of 20 were seen around the Dead Sea on the 31st.


Eurasian Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus C

Seen every day but two in good numbers.


Merlin - Falco columbarius aesalon C

A single individual was seen at Hula on the 30th.


Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo subbuteo C

Singles were seen in the vicinity of Eilat on the 1st and 5th.


Lanner Falcon - Falco biarmicus tanypterus C

Up to 2 were seen on four dates around the north fields at Eilat.


Barbary Falcon - Falco pelegrinoides C

Singles were seen at Yotvata on the 4th, Amram Pillars on the 8th and 2 were seen at Nizzana on the 9th.


Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus brookei C

A single individual was seen near Eilat on the 4th.


Chukar - Alectoris chukar C

Fairly common in the north of the country being seen on five dates with a daily maximum of 15 seen near Tel Aviv on the 9th.


Sand Partridge - Ammoperdix heyi C

Seen around the Dead Sea and Eilat in small numbers on five dates.


Common Quail - Coturnix coturnix coturnix C

Surprisingly easy to see being encountered on six dates with a daily maximum of 7 seen near Tel Aviv on the 9th.


Eurasian Crane - Grus grus C

A single immature was seen near the Eilat Salt Pans on the 1st.


Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus chloropus C

Seen on nine dates in good numbers.


Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra atra C

Seen every day but one.


Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus C

Seen on ten dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 26 seen at Eilat on the 1st.


Pied Avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta C

A party of 12 were seen at Maagaan Mikhael on the 28th.


Eurasian Thick-knee - Burhinus oedicnemus C

A pair were seen near Nizzana on the 9th.


Cream-coloured Courser - Cursorius cursor C

A party of 4 were seen in desert near the 32km post north of Eilat on the 5th and 2 were seen near Nizzana on the 9th. Superb.


Collared Pratincole - Glareola pratincola pratincola C

Only seen at the Eilat Salt Pans where a party of up to 15 were seen on five dates.


Spur-winged Plover - Vanellus spinosus C

Seen on all but three dates with a daily maximum of 100 seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


White-tailed Lapwing - Vanellus leucurus C

A pair were seen at the Eilat Salt Pans on the 1st. Superb.


Grey Plover - Pluvialis squatarola C

A single individual was seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula C

Seen on four dates in scattered locations with a daily maximum of 10 seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius curonicus C

Up to 15 were seen at Eilat on six dates and 2 were seen at Nizzana on the 9th.


Kentish Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus C

Seen at Maagan Mikhael and Eilat with a daily maximum of 25 at Eilat on the 7th.


Greater Sandplover - Charadrius leschenaultii C

We saw 2 at Eilat Salt Pans on the 6th and 1 there the following day. Superb.


Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago gallinago C

A single individual was seen at Eilat on the 2nd.


Common Redshank - Tringa totanus C

Seen on all but four dates with a daily maximum of 20 seen at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Marsh Sandpiper - Tringa stagnatilis C

We saw 2 at Maagan Mikhael and up to 40 daily at the Eilat Salt Pans.


Greenshank - Tringa nebularia nebularia C

We saw up to 12 daily at the Eilat Salt Pans.


Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus C

Up to 8 were seen on all but two dates.


Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola C

Seen on all but three dates with a daily maximum of 40 seen at the Eilat Salt Pans on the 7th.


Terek Sandpiper - Xenus cinereus C

A superb individual was seen at the Eilat Salt Pans for around an hour on the 6th before departing north.


Common Sandpiper - Tringa hypoleucos C

We saw up to 3 at scattered localities on six dates.


Sanderling - Calidris alba C

We saw 4 at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Little Stint - Calidris minuta C

Seen in good numbers at Maagan Mikhael and Eilat and a few were seen at Nizzana. A daily maximum of 100 were seen at Eilat on the 7th.


Curlew Sandpiper - Calidris ferruginea C

Singles were seen on three dates at Eilat.


Dunlin - Calidris alpina C

Up to 15 were seen on six dates at scattered locations.


Ruff - Philomachus pugnax C

Up to 40 were seen on all but two dates.


White-eyed Gull - Larus leucophthalmus C

A superb adult was seen sat just offshore at Eilat North Beach on the 1st proving to be one of the highlights of the trip. Poor views obtained of the same or another individual on the 6th.


Armenian Gull - Larus armenicus C

Seen on all but three dates with a daily maximum of 200 seen at Maagan Mikhael.


Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus C

Up to 60 were seen daily at Maagan Mikhael and Eilat.


Great Black-headed Gull - Larus ichthyaetus C

We saw just 2 1st-winter birds on the beach at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus C

Seen in good numbers on all but the last two dates.


Slender-billed Gull - Larus genei C

Up to 60 were seen daily at the Eilat Salt Pans.


Little Gull - Larus minutus C

A single individual was seen at Eilat on the 1st.


Gull-billed Tern - Sterna nilotica nilotica C

A single individual was seen at the Eilat salt pans on the 1st.


Caspian Tern - Sterna caspia C

A superb individual first seen at Eilat North Beach and then on the Salt Pans on the 6th.


Sandwich Tern - Sterna sandvicensis sandvicensis C

We saw 2 at Maagan Mikhael and up to 4 at Eilat on two dates.


Common Tern - Sterna hirundo hirundo C

We saw 2 at Eilat on the 2nd and 12 there on the 7th.


White-cheeked Tern - Sterna repressa C

A single individual was seen at Eilat North Beach on six dates.


Whiskered Tern - Chlidonias hybridus hybridus C

We saw up to 25 on our two dates at Lake Tiberias.


Crowned Sandgrouse - Pterocles coronatus vastitas C

Up to 25 were seen drinking at a waterhole half way to the north fields at Eilat on two dates and 3 were seen in the Nizzana area on the 9th. Superb.


Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse - Pterocles lichtensteinii lichtensteinii C

Up to 10 were seen drinking after dark at the regularly staked-out waterhole in the mountains behind Eilat on two dates and a small flock were seen flying across the road after dark between Eilat and Yotvata.


Black-bellied Sandgrouse – Pterocles orientalis JFC

JFC flushed a pair in the desert at Nizzana on the 9th.


Rock Dove - Columba livia palaestinae C

Seen on four dates at scattered locations with a daily maximum of 20 seen on the 9th.


Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur C

Seen on nine dates in good numbers with a daily maximum of 50 seen on the 9th.


Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocto decaocto C

This species proved to be common being seen daily.


Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis C

This species proved to be very common being seen daily.


Namaqua Dove - Oena capensis capensis C

A single female was an unexpected find half-way towards the North Fields at Eilat on the 7th. Superb.


Rose-ringed Parakeet - Psittacula krameri C

A pair were seen at their nest-hole at Tel Aviv on the 28th.


Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus C

Single migrants were seen on the 30th and the 8th.


Little Owl - Athene noctua C

We saw 3 individuals of a desert form on our last two dates around Nizzana. Superb.


Alpine Swift - Tachymarptis melba C

Up to 5 were seen on three dates in the Eilat area.


Common Swift - Apus apus C

Good numbers were seen on all but two dates.


Pallid Swift - Apus pallidus C

Seen in the Eilat area on five dates and 2 were seen near Nizzana.


Little Swift - Apus affinis galilejensis C

The colony of c.200 pairs at Wadi Ammud was visited on the 30th. Superb.


Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis atthis C

We saw 2 in the north of the country and 1 at Eilat.


White-throated (Smyrna) Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis smyrnensis C

Good numbers were seen daily in the north of the country with a daily maximum of 35 seen on the 30th.


Pied Kingfisher - Ceryle rudis rudis C

Seen daily in fair numbers in the north of the country with a daily maximum of 15 seen on the 28th. Superb.


Little Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalis cyanophrys C

Up to 3 were seen on three dates between the Salt Pans and the North Fields at Eilat.


European Bee-eater - Merops apiaster C

Seen on seven dates with a daily maximum of 350 seen at Eilat on the 7th.


Eurasian Hoopoe - Upupa epops epops C

Up to 5 were seen on all but two dates.


Wryneck - Jynx torquilla C

Migrants were seen in the south of the country with up to 3 seen on four dates.


Syrian Woodpecker - Dendrocopos syriacus syriacus C

We saw a pair near Tel Aviv on the 28th, 1 roadside on the 29th and a pair again near Tel Aviv on the 9th.


Bar-tailed Lark - Ammomanes cincturus arenicolor C

Up to 8 were seen on our three visits to the desert area in the vicinity of the 32Km post north of Eilat.


Desert Lark - Ammomanes deserti C

Fairly common with up to 20 being seen on eight dates in the southern desert areas.


Greater Hoopoe-Lark - Alaemon alaudipes C

A pair were seen at the desert area 32km north of Eilat on both the 2nd and 5th and a single individual was seen near Nizzana on the 9th. Superb.


Greater Short-toed Lark - Calandrella brachydactyla C

We saw up to 12 on two dates at the Eilat North Fields and 4 were seen near Nizzana on the 9th.


Lesser Short-toed Lark - Calandrella rufescens C

A flock of 15 were seen in the desert at Nizzana on the 9th.


Crested Lark - Galerida cristata C

Very common being seen daily.


Wood Lark - Lullula arborea pallida C

A pair were seen at Mt. Hermon on the 29th.


Sky Lark - Alauda avensis C

A few were seen on our first three days in the country.


Sand Martin - Riparia riparia C

Seen in good numbers on all but two dates.


Eurasian Crag-Martin - Hirundo rupestris rupestris C

We saw 1 at Wadi Ammud, 4 in the Moon Valley Mountains and 2 at the Amram Pillars just north of Eilat.


Pale Crag-Martin - Hirundo obsoleta C

We saw up to 6 on three dates in the desert areas around Eilat and 2 were seen near Nizzana.


Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica C

Very common being seen daily.


Red-rumped Swallow - Hirundo daurica C

Common with up to 100 being seen daily.


House Martin - Delichon urbica C

Seen daily in good numbers in the South of the country.


White Wagtail - Motacilla alba C

Seen daily in good numbers.


Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava C

Large numbers of several different forms were seen daily at Eilat.


Richard’s Pipit - Anthus richardi C

Singles were seen at the Eilat North Fields on the 3rd and 6th.


Tawny Pipit - Anthus campestris campestris C

Seen in small numbers at scattered locations on five dates.


Long-billed Pipit - Anthus similis captus C

We saw 3 on the lower slopes of Mt. Hermon on the 29th and 1 at Wadi Ammud on the 30th.


Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis trivialis C

We say up to 3 on six dates in the south of the country.


Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis pratensis C

Seen in scattered locations on four dates.


Red-throated Pipit - Anthus cervinus C

Up to 70 were seen daily whilst at Eilat.


Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta C

We saw 2 on most days spent at Eilat.


White-spectacled Bulbul - Pycnonotus xanthopygos C

Seen daily in large numbers.


Wren - Troglodytes troglodytes C

Singles were seen on the 29th, 30th and 31st.


Rock Thrush - Monticola saxatilis C

A single female was seen at Nizzana on the 9th.


Blue Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius solitarius C

We saw 3 at Mt. Hermon on the 29th and 3 at Wadi Ammud on the 30th.


Blackbird - Turdus merula C

Seen in the north of the country in small numbers on six dates.


Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos philomelos C

Singles were seen in the north of the country on two dates.


Fan-tailed Warbler - Cisticola juncidis juncidis C

Seen at various sites in the east of the country with 4 seen on the 30th and 7 the following day.


Streaked Scrub-Warbler - Scotocerca inquieta C

Small numbers were seen on five dates around Eilat and 9 were seen in the desert area around Nizzana on the 9th. Superb.


Graceful Warbler - Prinia gracilis palestinae C

Up to 40 were seen daily proving most common in the north of the country.


Cetti’s Warbler - Cettia cetti C

Seen daily in the north of the country with a daily maximum of 30 seen on the 30th.


Moustached Warbler - Acrocephalus melanopogon C

A single individual showed well along the boardwalk at Hula on the 29th. Superb.


Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus C

We saw up to 3 on two dates at Eilat.


Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus C

Fair numbers were seen on all but two dates.


Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris C

Up to 15 were seen on two dates at Hula and singles were seen on two dates at Eilat.


Great Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus arundinaceus arundinaceus C

We saw single individuals in scattered locations on three dates.


Clamorous Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus stentoreus C

We saw 4 from the Observation Tower at Hula during the early morning of the 30th.


Eastern Olivaceous Warbler - Hippolais pallida elaeica C

Singles were seen at widespread locations on four dates.


Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus C

Small numbers were seen at widespread on seven dates.


Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita C

We saw up to 50 daily.


Bonelli’s Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli orientalis C

We saw up to 20 daily whilst at Eilat.


Wood Warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix C

We saw 2 around Eilat on the 4th and 1 there on the 8th.


Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla C

We saw up to 40 virtually daily.


Garden Warbler - Sylvia borin C

We saw a single individual at Eilat on the 4th.


Whitethroat - Sylvia communis C

We saw small numbers virtually daily.


Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca C

We saw up to 100 daily.


Orphean Warbler - Sylvia hortensis crassirostris C

Up to 3 were seen on six dates mainly at Eilat.


Red Sea (Arabian) Warbler - Sylvia leucomelaena negevensis C

Seen on four dates in the desert acacia stands between Eilat and Yotvata.


Ruppell’s Warbler - Sylvia ruepelli C

A superb male was seen during a roadside stop between Yotvata and Eilat on the 1st.


Sardinian Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala C

A single individual was seen at Wadi Ammud and singles were seen in the desert to the north of Eilat on two dates.


Cyprus Warbler - Sylvia melanothorax C

We saw 3 females and 1 male in the desert area between Eilat and Yotvata in a three day period.


Spectacled Warbler - Sylvia conspicillata conspicillata C

A single individual was seen in the desert area at Nizzana on the 9th.


Collared Flycatcher - Ficedula albicollis C

A superb male was seen in a desert wadi near Nizzana on the 9th.


Red-breasted Flycatcher - Ficedula parva C

A single female was found in the desert between Eilat and Yotvata being seen on both the 4th and 6th.


European Robin - Erithacus rubecula C

A single individual was seen near New Yam on the 28th.


Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos C

Singles were seen on two dates in the Eilat area.


Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica C

We saw up to 6 on five dates in the Eilat to Yotvata area.


Rufous Bushchat - Cercotrichas galactotes C

A superb individual was found in the area behind the Yotvata campsite on our last morning on the 8th.


Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus C

Up to 2 were seen on seven dates in the Eilat area.


Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra C

Singles were seen at Eilat on the 2nd and in the desert at Nizzana on the 9th.


White-crowned Black Wheatear - Oenanthe leucopyga ernesti C

Up to 6 were seen on eight dates spent south of the Dead Sea. Superb.


Northern Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe C

Fair numbers were seen on all but one date.


Mourning Wheatear - Oenanthe lugens C

We saw 8 on the drive between the Dead Sea and Yotvata on the 31st and 2 on the return journey on the 8th.


Finsch’s Wheatear - Oenanthe finschii finschii C

We saw 4 on the lower slopes of Mt. Hermon on the 29th. Stunning.


Isabelline Wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina C

Up to 5 were seen on a day at widespread locations on six dates.  


Blackstart - Cercomela melanura melanura C

Seen in fair numbers on eight dates south of the Dead Sea with a daily maximum of 30 seen on the 31st.


Arabian Babbler - Turdoides squamiceps squamiceps C

We saw up to 16 daily in the Eilat area.


Great Tit - Parus major C

Seen on our first three days but then not again.


Penduline Tit - Remiz pendulinus C

A superb male was seen in a thick patch of bushes at Maagan Mikhael on the 28th.


Orange-tufted (Palestine) Sunbird - Cinnyris oseus oseus C

We saw up to 25 daily on our first three days in the country but not seen thereafter.


Southern Grey Shrike - Lanius meridonalis C

Seen on all but four dates with a daily maximum of 25 being seen on the 30th.


Lesser Grey Shrike - Lanius minor C

A single individual was seen at Wadi Samouk on the 30th.


Masked Shrike - Lanius nubicus C

One of the highlights of the trip was seeing up to 5 on a day on all but four dates.


Woodchat Shrike - Lanius senator C

Up to 5 were seen daily around Eilat.


Eurasian Jay - Garrulus glandarius C

Up to 5 were seen on our first three days in Israel.


Carrion Crow - Corvus corone C

Large numbers were seen in the north of the country.


Brown-necked Raven - Corvus ruficollis ruficollis C

We saw up to 35 virtually daily in the south of the Country.


Fan-tailed Raven - Corvus rhipidurus C

A total of 27 were seen at the Dead Sea on the 31st.


Tristram’s Starling - Onychognathus tristramii C

Around 16 were seen at the Dead Sea on the 31st, 41 were seen at Yotvata on the 7th and 6 were seen there the following day.


House Sparrow - Passer domesticus C

Seen daily.


Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis C

Around Eilat up to 300 were seen daily with flocks seen flying north over the desert in the mornings and back south in the evenings.


Dead Sea Sparrow - Passer moabiticus moabiticus C

We saw 5 at Hula on the 30th proving much better than we expected.


Pale Rock Sparrow – Carpospiza brachydactyla C

A party of 4 were seen on the lower slopes of Mt. Hermon on the 29th.


Chaffinch – Fringilla coelebs C

Singles were seen on our first four dates.


Greenfinch – Carduelis chloris chlorotica C

Up to 10 were seen on seven dates at scattered locations.


Goldfinch – Carduelis carduelis C

Fair numbers seen at scattered locations on eight dates.


Linnet – Carduelis cannabina C

Up to 10 were seen on our first two days in the country but none thereafter.


European Serin – Serinus serinus C

Up to 3 were seen on our first two dates but then not seen again


Syrian Serin – Serinus syriacus C

A party of 4 were seen on the lower slopes of Mt. Hermon on the 29th.


Desert Finch – Rhodopechys obsoleta C

A pair were seen in the fields around the Kibbutz adjacent to the Eilat Salt Pans on the 5th.


Ortolan Bunting – Emberiza hortulana C

Up to 20 were seen on nine dates at scattered locations.


Cretzschmar’s Bunting – Emberiza caesia C

We saw pairs at Maagan Mikhael, Wadi Ammud and along the road north of the Dead Sea.


Corn Bunting – Emberiza calandra C

Up to 30 were seen on the 28th, 30th and 31st.