A day at work on Yell. During my first break I had time to check a single garden at Camb seeing a Willow Warbler. For my second break I took a drive along the White Wife valley at Otterswick. Overlooking the second garden from the car I checked the bird feeders, and in doing so, saw a Barred Warbler fly from one fuscia to another albeit at a range of c.100m. Whilst it landed near the top of the fuscia, it was virtually hidden from view, but a small Phyllosc jumped out of the fuscia and started to mob the Barred! Whilst it's tiny size, grey-green upperparts and silky-white underparts was about all the detail that I could determine... it was also zipping around like another Greenish Warbler... or was I losing the plot!! I needed to get closer so I took a walk up the burn and on arrival at the garden saw the Barred, a Blackcap but disappointingly no sign of a Phyllosc. The next garden failed to produce anything so I headed back towards the sea. As I passed the final garden an unstreaked-Acro flew along the edge of a line of willows. Whilst attempting to obtain views and photograph the Acro, I'd just seen enough to believe that it was a Reed Warbler, when I heard a Greenish Warbler calling from inside the garden - brilliant!! With a little careful maneuvering I soon located the Greenish - the fourth I've found in 4 days! All too soon I had to leave to get back to work but a productive day!

Barred Warbler at White Wife, Otterswick
Reed Warbler at White Wife, Otterswick
Greenish Warbler at White Wife, Otterswick
White Wife with Out Skerries in the background
It makes you wonder how many Greenish Warblers might be on Skerries at the moment... where coincidentally my parents found 3 different birds in 4 days in late August 1997... when as JFC will quite rightly remind me, they were still a BBRC rarity!