Monday 16 September 2024

16th September 2024 Unst W4 Overcast

The wind had moderated at last. Given the lengthy period of westerlies there was a surprisingly good number of Common Rosefinches with at least a couple more seen by others. More-anticipated arrivals given the weather included a Greenland Redpoll and a Lapland Bunting, the latter seen thanks to Anne.

Skaw: Common Rosefinch.

Norwick: Pink-footed Goose, 3 Swallow, Tree Pipit, Robin, Barred Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Greenland Redpoll & Lapland Bunting.

NorthDale: 2 Lesser Whitethroat.

Haroldswick: Swallow, Wheatear, Garden Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher & 3 Common Rosefinch.

Burrafirth: Whinchat, Common Whitethroat & Pied Flycatcher.

Common Rosefinch at Skaw

Greenland Redpoll at Norwick
top image showing size comparison with Twite

Barred Warbler at Norwick

Tree Pipit at Norwick

Lapland Bunting at Norwick

Common Rosefinch at Haroldswick

Pied Flycatcher at Burrafirth