Chinese Bamboo Partridge h
Crested Goshawk 2
Oriental Turtle Dove 4
White-bellied Green Pigeon 30
House Swift 2
Taiwan Barbet 4
Grey-chinned Minivet 2
Brown Shrike 1 male lucionensis ex.
Black Drongo 1
Grey Treepie 1
Large-billed Crow 1
Green-backed Tit 3
Pacific Swallow 2
Asian House Martin 25
Plain Prinia 2
Collared Finchbill 3
Chinese Bulbul 5
Himalayan Black Bulbul 2
Yellow-bellied Bush Warbler 2
Yellow-browed Warbler h
Rufous-faced Warbler 2
Taiwan Scimitar Babbler 2
Rufous-capped Babbler 6
Steere's Liocichla 6
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta 12
Taiwan Sibia 10
Taiwan Yuhina 10
White-bellied Erpornis 1
Japanese White-eye 2
Taiwan Whistling Thrush 1
White's Thrush 1
Eye-browed Thrush 4
Siberian Rubythroat 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 1 female
Daurian Redstart 6
Vivid Niltava 6
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker 1 male
Tree Sparrow 10
White-rumped Munia 8
Grey Wagtail 1
Olive-backed Pipit 6
Brown Bullfinch 3
Black-faced Bunting 12 ex.

Vinous-throated Parrotbills at Wushe
Female Daurian Redstart at Wushe (JFC)
Crested Goshawk at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe
Displaying Crested Goshawk at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe
Male Luzon Brown Shrike at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe (lower JFC)
White-bellied Green Pigeon at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe (JFC)
Taiwan Black-browed Barbet at Chun Yung Farm
Taiwan Scimitar Babbler at Chun Yung Farm
Formerly placed within Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler P. ruficollis this species was split in Forktail 22 (2006) A partial revision of the Asian Babblers (Timaliidae) by N.J. Collar and that treatment was followed by Brazil (2009)
Grey-chinned Minivets at Chun Yung Farm
Japanese White-Eye at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe
Blue Pansy at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe
Common Tiger at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe (lower JFC)
Chestnut Tiger at Chun Yung Farm, Wushe (lower JFC)
We managed to free this individual from a Spider's web. It is a long-distance migrant that we have previously seen on Hegura. One marked at Wajima constituted the first proven migrant to China.
Large Spider at Chun Yung Farm (JFC)
Skimmer at Chun Yung Farm (lower JFC)
Blue Gates Trail
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta along the Blue Gates Trail (JFC)
Female Red-flanked Bluetail at Km18 (JFC)