Fulmar 1
Little Egret 1 on the beach at Birling Gap
Swift 25 in a single flock west over Whitbread Hollow
Sand Martin 8 south over the Old Trapping Area
Swallow 10
Pied Wagtail 1 adult with 1 juvenile at Birling Gap
Stonechat 5
Sedge Warbler 1
Reed Warbler 2
Common Whitehtoat 15
Willow Warbler 6
Raven 1
Starling 400
Goldfinch 8
Corn Bunting 1 with House Sparrows at Birling Gap

Now deprived of overhead wires the Starling flocks have taken to congregating on the local rooftops at Birling Lane.

Our first Reed Warbler of the Autumn at Birling Gap Lane

Adult Pied Wagtail at Birling Gap

Juvenile Pied Wagtail at Birling Gap

Looking towards Eastbourne Pier from Whitbread Hollow at low tide

Part of the massive nationwide influx of Painted Lady Butterflies at the Old Trapping Area

Red Admiral at the Old Trapping Area