Fulmar 1
Turtle Dove 1Swift 2
Sand Martin 25
Swallow 15
Stonechat 3
Common Whitethroat 25
Willow Warbler 8

Birling Gap viewed from the top of Birling Lane

Juvenile Linnet at Birling Gap. The very restricted visible white shafts to the bases of the primaries suggest this is a juvenile female.

Hodcombe Farm viewed from Shooter's Bottom

Gatekeeper Butterfly at Shooter's Bottom

Juvenile Common Whitethroat in the Old Trapping Area. Juveniles typically appear short-billed and the iris is darker than in adult females.

Adult male Common Whitethroat in the Old Trapping Area. The grey crown, colourful brown-orange iris and pinkish-tinged breast readily age this individual.

Small Copper in Cow Gap

Chalkhill Blue in Cow Gap

Clouded Yellow in Whitbread Hollow

Brown Argus at Belle Tout