Ring-billed Gull 1 ad. w/pSunday, 8 December 1996
8/12/96 Marazion, Hayle & Stithians Reservoir
Scaup 1 first-winter drake
Saturday, 23 November 1996
Wednesday, 20 November 1996
20/11/96 Holland-on-sea, Essex
Steppe Grey Shrike at Holland-on-Sea (Alan Tate http://www.aabirdpix.com/ )
Being on the cusp of being split from Great Grey Shrike, we dashed off from work and expected quite a crowd. In the event, the crowd was limited to Steve Gantlett and Richard Millington, with whom we watched the bird until near-dusk.
Saturday, 2 November 1996
2/11/96 Seal Sands & Formby, Lancs
GREAT KNOT 1 adult ex.
Formby, Lancs
SNOW GOOSE 1 adult white morph ex.
Thursday, 10 October 1996
Peru 10/10/96 - 28/10/96
10th October :
Arrived Caracas via Madrid and San Juan, Puerto Rico where we were told that the connecting flight to Lima had been cancelled. Put up in the Hilton !
Hooded Tinamou - Nothocercus nigrocapillus
A single bird was seen twice walking on the road above the Union Cloud Forest Platform at virtually midday on the 15th allowing some good photographs to be obtained. This species is described as "Shy and difficult to see" in Birds of the High Andes where it is also stated that "very few records are known". It is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Cinereous Tinamou - Crypturellus cinereus
A party of 4 were seen walking around near the edge of a small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 21st. This species is described as "notably furtive and difficult to see" in Birds of Colombia.
White-tufted Grebe - Rollandia rolland
Around 6 were seen on the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and the same number were seen on a resevoir between Cusco and Urubamba.
Sooty Shearwater - Puffinus griseus
Two rather distant Shearwaters thought to be this species were seen off the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Peruvian Booby - Morus variegata
Around 15 were seen of the Miraflores beach on the 11th and 10 were seen off the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th. Often watched feeding close inshore.
Peruvian Pelican - Pelecanus thagus
An estimated 8 were seen from the Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Neotropic Cormorant - Phalacrocorax brasillanus
Seen on four dates with 12 at Miraflores on the 11th, 6 near Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 20 along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 4 near Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Guanay Cormorant - Phalacrocorax bouganvilli
Singles were seen from Miraflores beach on the 11th and from the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Anhinga - Anhinga anhinga
A single bird was seen drying itself alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
White-necked Heron - Ardea cocoi
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on five dates with a maximum of 5 recorded on both the 19th and 21st.
Great Egret - Casmerodius albus
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on five dates with a maximum of 12 being recorded on the 19th.
Snowy Egret - Egretta thula
Only seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on two dates upstream of the Boca Manu Airstrip with 12 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Striated Heron - Butorides striatus
A single bird was seen in flight alongside the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
Suprisingly only seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip where a party of 5 on the 19th had dwindled to 4 by the 24th.
Capped Heron - Pilherodius pileatus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 6 recorded on the 19th.
Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Rufescent Tiger Heron - Tigrisoma lineatum
A single bird was seen along a forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Fasciated Tiger Heron - Tigrisoma fasciatum
A single bird was seen on a gravel bank just upstream from the Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 2 were seen on the Rio Madre de Dios on the journey downstream on the 19th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Boat-billed Heron - Cochlearius cochlearius
A single bird was seen at roost in the trees alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Jabiru - Jabiru mycteria
A pair were seen on a bank of the Rio Madre de Rios during the boat ride of the 19th.
Buff-necked Ibis - Theristicus caudatus
A single bird was seen on the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Black-faced Ibis - Theristicus melanopis
A superb party of 4 were seen to fly up the valley at Abra Malaga and land on a ridge below us on the 24th. Treated as a separate species from Buff Necked in Birds of the High Andes.
Puna Ibis - Plegadis ridgwayi
Seen in the Cusco area with 6 recorded at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 20 in marshy areas along the road between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Roseate Spoonbill - Ajaja ajaja
A party of 4 were seen on the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios during the boatride on the 19th.
Horned Screamer - Anhima comuta
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 recorded on the 19th, 2 on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.
Crested Duck - Anas speculariodes
A pair were seen to fly from a small pool near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Speckled Teal - Anas flavirostris
The yellow billed form were recorded at Huacarpay Lakes with 10 on the 12th, 3 seen during the drive on the 13th, 20 on a roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and a single bird seen on a small pool near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Yellow-billed Pintail - Anas georgica
Around 15 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 2 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Puna Teal - Anas puna
Around 20 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and around 20 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.Treated as a separate species from Silver Teal by Birds of the High Andes.
Cinnamon Teal - Anas cyanoptera
Around 8 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 10 were present on the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Torrent Duck - Merganetta armata
A pair of these fine duck were seen just below the town of Paucartambo on the 13th.
Muscovy Duck - Calrina moschata
Pairs were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on both the 19th and 24th.
Andean (Ruddy) Duck - Oxyura ferruginea
Around 6 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and a single bird was seen on a resevoir between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura
Seen on four dates whilst east of the Andes with a maximum of 40 recorded on the 19th.
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture - Cathartes melambrotus
Seen in small numbers on five dates between the Amazonia Lodge and the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 21st.
Black Vulture - Coragyps atratus
Seen on six dates in small numbers mainly in the lowlands east of the Andes with a maximum of 12 recorded on the 19th, but also 2 were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
King Vulture - Sarcoramphus papa
Pairs were seen over the Rio Madre de Dios during the boat trip on the 19th and over Cocha Blanca on the 21st and a single adult was seen over the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Andean Condor - Vultur gryphus
A single individual was seen in flight from the Abra Malaga Polylepis woodland on the 26th.
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
Seen over the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 from the boat ride on the 19th and 1 on the 21st.
Swallow-tailed Kite - Elanoides forficatus
Only seen on three dates with 20 over Atalaya on the 16th and 4 seen nearby the following day and 2 seen near the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th.
Double-toothed Kite - Harpagus bidentatus
A single bird was seen circling over the Boca Manu Airstrip for around 10 minutes on the 24th with the puffy white undertail coverts proving a good field character.
Plumbeous Kite - Ictinia plumbea
Seen on eight dates whilst in the lowlands east of the Andes with a maximum of 10 recorded around the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Crane Hawk - Geranospiza caerulescens
A single adult was seen in flight along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus
A single bird was tentatively identified as this species along the road above Union Camp on the 15th.
Slate-coloured Hawk - Leucopternis schistacea
A single adult was seen perched in a dead tree alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Great Black Hawk - Buteogallus urubitinga
Only seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Solitary Eagle - Harpyhaliaetus solitarius
A superb individual was watched for around 15 minutes in flight - at one time alongside a Black and Chestnut Eagle which it dwarfed - over the forest just below the Union Camp on the 16th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Black-chested Buzzard Eagle - Geranoaetus melanoleucus
We were suprised to see as many as 15 during the day north of Lima on the 27th with some individuals being suprisingly tame at Lomas Lachay National Park.
Roadside Hawk - Buteo magnirostris
Only seen on four dates with 2 at Atalaya on the 16th and nearby the next day with 1 sat alongside the Rio Madre de Dios on the 21st and 2 near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Short-tailed Hawk - Buteo brachyurus
A single light phase individual was seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-throated Hawk - Buteo albigula
A single individual was seen twice in flight over the forest above Pillahuata on the 13th. Described as "rare" by Birds of the High Andes.
Red-backed Hawk - Buteo polyosoma
A pair were seen hunting around Paucartambo on the 13th, and singles were recorded near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th and north of Lima on the 27th.
Puna Hawk - Buteo poecilochrous
Singles were seen near the pass at Abra Malaga on both the 25th and 26th.
Zone-tailed Hawk - Buteo albonotatus
A single bird was seen from a boat trip along the Rio Madre de Dios between the Manu Wildlife Centre and Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Black and White Hawk Eagle - Spizastur melanoleucus
A superb individual was watched soaring over Cocha Blanca on the 21st. This species is isted as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Black Hawk Eagle - Spizaetus tyrannus
A superb individual was watched calling whilst soaring over the bamboo ridge trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Black and Chestnut Eagle - Oroaetus isidori
A single bird flew close past us along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th, a single bird was seen over a ridge from below the Union Camp on the 15th with another circling over an apparently occupied nest near the viewpoint just above Union Camp the same day and a single bird was seen alongside the Solitary Eagle below the Union Camp on the 16th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994 and described in Birds of the High Andes as "local and rare".
Black Caracara - Daptrius ater
A single bird was seen in flight from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and 3 lingered around the Macaw lick near the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th.
Red-throated Caracara - Daptrius americanus
A pair were seen in woodland near Atalaya during the evening of the 16th.
Mountain Caracara - Phalcoboenus megalopterus
Around 5 were seen near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 3 the next day.
Laughing Falcon - Herpetotheres cachinnans
A single bird was seen perched in a dead tree next to Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
American Kestrel - Falco sparverius
Seen around Lima, Cusco and Urubamba on six dates with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 12th.
Bat Falcon - Falco rufigularis
A total of five birds were seen over four dates in the lowlands east of the Andes mainly seen perched alongside the Rio Madre de Dios in dead trees.
Aplomado Falcon - Falco femoralis
A single bird was seen perched in a field near the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th. Superb as always.
Peregrine - Falco peregrinus
A pair were seen in flight along the cliffs at Miraflores beach on the 11th, 1 along the Rio Madre de Dios near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th, 1 at Ollantaytambo on the 26th and 2 seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Speckled Chachalaca - Ortalis guttata
A total of 5 were seen in woodland near Attalaya on the 16th, 4 along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 1 seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Andean Guan - Penelope montagnii
Superb views were obtained of this species with 12 seen near Pillahuata on the 14th and singles seen near the Union Camp on both the 15th and 16th.
Spix's Guan - Penelope jacquacu
Parties of 4 were seen on two dates being along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Blue-throated Piping Guan - Pipile cumanensis
A superb species with some excellant scope views being obtained being seen on four dates in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 3 being seen on the 22nd.
Razor-billed Curassow - Mitu tuberosa
Superb views down to fifteen feet were obtained of this incredible species as it walked towards us adjacent to a forest stream that crosses the Collpa Trail near the Parrot lick on the 23rd. One of the highlights of the trip. Several others were heard "booming" in the vicinity of this trail.
Limpkin - Aramus guarauna
A single bird was seen at the small marsh along start of the jeep trail near Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Plumbeous Rail - Pardirallus sanguinolentus
A pair were seen feeding at small pools on the edge of the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
Around 6 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 20 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Slate-coloured Coot - Fulica ardesiaca
Around 20 were seen at both the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Sungrebe - Heliornis fulica
A superb pair of these diminutive Finfoots were seen both creeping along the edge of Cocha Blanca and in flight ! on the 21st.
Sunbittern - Eurypyga helias
A pair were seen along the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and a single individual flew and landed at the landing area of the Manu Wildlife Centre at dusk on the 22nd.
Wattled Jacana - Jacana jacana
Around 6 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Andean Lapwing - Vanellus resplendens
Two were seen along the road between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and 2 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Pied Lapwing - Hoploxypterus cayanus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 8 recorded on the 24th.
American Golden Plover - Pluvialis dominica
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 8 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Collared Plover - Charadrius collaris
A single bird was seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen on the 24th.
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus
Around 15 were seen in fields north of Lima on the 27th.
Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes
Singles were seen at Huarcarpay Lakes on the 12th and at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 2 were seen at small pools at the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, 1 on the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and 2 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 25th.
Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularia
Seen on seven dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 10 seen on the 19th.
Baird's Sandpiper - Calidris bairdii
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Pectoral Sandpiper - Calidris melanotos
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, a total of 3 seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 20th and around 15 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco an Urubamba on the 24th.
Sanderling - Calidris alba
We were somewhat surprised to see a single bird along the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Tryngites subruficollis
Two were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Upland Sandpiper - Bartramia longicauda
Singles were seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 19th and on the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 24th.
Black-necked Stilt - Himantopus mexicanus
A single bird was seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Wilson's Phalarope - Phalaropus tricolor
Around 15 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Least Seedsnipe - Thinocorus rumicivorus
A total of 10 were seen north of Lima both along the road and at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Arctic Skua - Stercorarius parasiticus
A single individual was watched chasing Terns from the Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Gray Gull - Larus modestus
A flock of 300 of these superb Gulls were seen on the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Franklin's Gull - Larus pipixcan
A flock of 300 were seen mainly feeding just offshore from the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Band-tailed Gull - Larus belcheri
Around 25 were seen at the beach at Miraflores on the 11th and 15 were seen at the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus
Around 6 were seen at Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Andean Gull - Larus serranus
Around 25 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, 10 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 10 along the river near Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Large-billed Tern - Phaetusa simplex
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 6 seen on the 19th and 2 on the 20th.
South American Tern - Sterna hirundinacea
Around 10 were seen at Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Yellow-billed Tern - Sterna superciliaris
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 3 on the 19th, 6 on the 20th and 4 on the 21st.
Inca Tern - Larosterna inca
A party of 10 were seen feeding offshore from Miraflores beach on the 11th although closer views would have been appreciated.
Black Skimmer - Rynchops nigra
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with a total of 6 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Band-tailed Pigeon - Columba fasciata
Singles were seen near the Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th.
Spot-winged Pigeon - Columba maculosa
Seen on three dates with 2 seen near Huancarani on the 13th, 3 seen between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 12 on the return journey on the 26th.
Pale-vented Pigeon - Columba cayennensis
Around 12 were seen both in flight and perched around Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Ruddy Pigeon - Columba subvinacea
Only identified at Amazonia Lodge where 2 were seen on the 18th and 4 on the 19th.
Plumbeous Pigeon - Columba plumbea
Around 8 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp where interestingly they showed a white iris and 3 were tentatively identified at the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at Manu Wildlife Centre.
Eared Dove - Zenaida auriculata
Fair numbers were seen in and around Lima on three dates with a maximum of 10 seen on the 11th.
Pacific Dove - Zenaida meloda
A recent split from White Winged Dove ? seen around Lima with 50 seen on the 11th and 20 on the 27th.
Croaking Ground Dove - Columbina cruziana
Only seen on the coast with 2 at Lima on the 11th and around 10 seen at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Bare-faced Ground Dove - Metriopella cecillae
A party of 6 were seen at a ravine near the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Black-winged Ground Dove - Metriopella melanoptera
A party of 4 were seen near some Inca burial chambers on the road between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
Gray-fronted Dove - Leptotila rufaxilla
A single bird was seen near the buildings at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 2 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Blue and Yellow Macaw - Ara ararauna
This superb species was seen on six dates in the vicinity of Boca Manu and the Manu Wildlife Centre being recorded as follows: 30 on the 19th, 10 on the 20th, 15 on the 21st, 20 on the 22nd, 15 on the 23rd and 10 on the 24th. A flock of 18 seen on the 19th has to be one of the highlights of the trip.
Military Macaw - Ara militaris
A pair were seen flying to roost over Atalaya on the 16th. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Collar et al. who state that perhaps the great majority of its population are under threat of extinction in the near future owing to habitat loss and trade.
Scarlet Macaw - Ara macao
Seen on six dates in small numbers in the lowlands east of the Andes with maximums of 4 recorded on both the 20th and 21st.
Red and Green Macaw - Ara chloropterus
Seen on five dates in the vicinity of Boca Manu and the Manu Wildlife Centre in fair numbers with a maximum of 50 seen coming to the lick during the morning of the 20th.
Chestnut-fronted Macaw - Ara severa
Seen on seven dates between Atalaya and the Manu Wildlife Centre in good numbers with a maximum of 20 being recorded on the 17th.
Red-bellied Macaw - Ara manllata
A party of 4 were seen in flight near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Blue-headed Macaw - Ara couloni
Pairs were seen in flight from the viewpoint above Atalaya and from further along the road during the morning of the 17th.
White-eyed Parakeet - Aratinga leucophthalmus
Seen on five dates between Amazonia Lodge and the Manu Wildlife Centre in fair numbers with a maximum of 50 being seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Dusky-headed Parakeet - Aratinga weddellii
A pair were seen at their nest hole along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Painted Parakeet - Pyrrhura picta
Around 10 of these superb Parakeets attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd and 8 were seen flying across the river near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Mountain Parakeet - Bolborhynchus aurifrons
A flock of around 20 were seen at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Dusky-billed Parrotlet - Forpus sclateri
Around 5 attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Tui Parakeet - Brotogeris sanctitomae
A party of 3 were seen perched in a dead tree along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and 2 attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Orange-cheeked Parrot - Pionopsitta barrabandi
Around 25 of these attractive Parrots were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Blue-headed Parrot - Pionus menstruus
Seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 on the 17th and 4 on the 19th and around 60 were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Plum-crowned Parrot - Pionus tumultuosus
A flock of around 10 alighted in a close tree for a few minutes just below the Union Camp on the 15th. This species is described as "Not Uncommon but may be local" by Birds of the High Andes.
Mealy Parrot - Amazona farinosa
Pairs were seen at Atalaya on the 17th and at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and around 15 were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Dark-billed Cuckoo - Coccyzus melacoryphus
Singles were seen above Atalaya on the 17th and along the forested ox bow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Squirrel Cuckoo - Piaya cayana
Seen on six dates between the 14th and 22nd with a maximum of 4 seen on the 17th.
Greater Ani - Crotophaga major
Seen on three dates in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 15 seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Smooth-billed Ani - Crotophaga ani<->
Around 10 were seen in agricultural areas between Union Camp and Atalaya on the 16th.
Pheasant Cuckoo - Dromococcyx phasianellus
One of the highlights of the trip was a superb individual tape lured in to view for around 10 minutes along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Quite superb.
Hoatzin - Opisthocomus hoazin
Seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 seen on the 17th and 12 the next day and 4 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
White-throated Screech Owl - Otus albogularis
A superb individual was spotlighted along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Amazonian Pygmy Owl - Glaucidium minutissimum
A single bird was spotlighted at the edge of the clearing at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 22nd.
Great Potoo - Nyctibius grandis
Another highlight of the trip was the superb pair of Great Potoos that hunted around the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing and were seen on both the 21st and 22nd. Superb telescope views were obtained whilst being spotlighted by an incredibly bright light attached to a generator wheeled around in a wheelbarrow !
Common Potoo - Nyctibius griseus
A superb individual was spotlighted around the garden at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Sand-coloured Nighthawk - Chordeiles rupestris
A stunning species which appears in huge flocks often seen flying after showers etc. being far better than expected with 25 seen roosting on a tree in the middle of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th, 250 in flight on the 20th and 200 in flight on the 21st from the Manu Wildlife Centre jetty.
Pauraque - Nyctidromus albicollis
JFC saw a single bird whilst spotlighting at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Ladder-tailed Nightjar - Hydropsalis climacocerca
A single male was observed sallying short distances from a low perch along the edge of the Rio Madre de Dios from the Manu Wildlife Centre landing jetty on both the 19th and 22nd.
Swallow-tailed Nightjar - Uropsalis segmentata
JFC had a single male fly past him at close range along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th of which DC unfortunately only obtained UTV's of it dissappearing.
Lyre-tailed Nightjar - Uropsalis lyra
A single female was seen from the bridge at Union Camp on the 14th but the following evening the female was accompanied by a stunning male that was seen to fly down from high above us on the forested ridge and then a couple more times over the forest.
White-collared Swift - Streptoprocne zonaris
Seen on seven dates between the 13th and 21st in good numbers with an estimated maximum of 300 over Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. A single bird was also seen at the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Chestnut-collared Swift - Cypseloides rutilus
Around 10 were seen in the company of the previous species above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Gray-rumped Swift - Chaetura cinereiventris
A party of 4 were tentatively identified below Union Camp on the 16th.
Pale-rumped Swift - Chaetura egregia
DC saw a single bird low over Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Short-tailed Swift - Chaetura brachyura
This impressive species was seen on three dates with 6 seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 2 over Cocha Blanca on the 21st and 10 over the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
White-tipped Swift - Aeronautes montivagus
A party of 4 were seen below the Union Camp on the 16th.
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift - Panyptila cayennensis
A party of 4 were seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th with singles in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre on both the 19th and 20th.
Fork-tailed Palm Swift - Reinarda squamata<->
JFC saw 3 at Amazonia Lodge on the 16th and a single bird was seen over Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Rufous-breasted Hermit - Glaucis hirsuta
Up to 3 were seen along the Old Bamboo Trail visiting the Heliconia thickets on the 15th.
Long-tailed Hermit - Phaethornis superciliosus
JFC saw singles at the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and at the Manu Wildlife Centre clearing on the 24th.
KOEPCKE'S HERMIT - Phaethornis koepckeae
DC saw a single bird well along the Ridge Trail above Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 2 were seen in the same area on the 19th when a nest was found made of a fluffy white "material". We had not found a description but this species proved to be a distinctly "orange" long tailed Hermit. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Reddish Hermit - Phaethornis ruber
JFC was fortunate to see a singlr individual hover in front of him whilst walking off the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Green-fronted Lancebill - Doryfera ludoviciae
A total of 3 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp on the 15th including one repeatedly hovering over the river and sitting on rocks and two attending a flowering vine.
Gray-breasted Sabrewing - Campylopterus largipennis
A single bird was seen in a wooded ravine above Atalaya on the 17th and another was seen at the Heliconia thicket along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Mountain Violetear - Colibri cyanotus
A single bird was seen at a flowering vine just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Violet-headed Hummingbird - Klais guimeti
Two were seen in the woodland above Atalaya on the 17th.
Blue-chinned Sapphire - Chlorestes notatus
Two males were tentatively identified along the road below Union Camp on the 16th.
Fork-tailed Woodnymph - Thalurania furcata
Singles were seen above Atalaya on the 17th and along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
GREEN AND WHITE HUMMINGBIRD - Amazilia viridicauda
Singles were tentatively identified on a scrubby slope above Urubamba on the 24th and along a stream at Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Amazilia Hummingbird - Amazilla amazilla
Two were seen at an "agricultural oasis" just south and inland of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Speckled Hummingbird - Adelomyla melanogenys<->
A single bird was seen along the road below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and 2 were seen in the vicinity of Union Camp on the 15th.
Giant Hummingbird - Patagona gigas
A single bird was seen well from the bridge at Paucartambo on the 13th.
Shining Sunbeam - Aglaeactis cupripennis
Around 6 were seen along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 1 along the road just below the Camp on the 14th and around 10 were seen before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
WHITE-TUFTED SUNBEAM - Aglaeactis castelnaudii
At least 4 were seen just before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as "common only at a few sites."
Great Sapphirewing - Pterophanes cyanopterus
A total of 4 were seen just before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Bronzy Inca - Coeligena coeligena
A single bird was seen several times feeding at a flowering vine just below the Union Camp on the 15th.
Violet-throated Starfrontlet - Coeligena violifer
A single bird was seen along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen at the cloud forest beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Amethyst-throated Sunangel - Heliangelus amethysticollis
Around 4 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 10 in the vicinity of and below the Camp the next day. An extremely attractive species.
Greenish Puffleg - Haplophaedia aureliae
Two were seen frequenting a flowering vine just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Black-tailed Trainbearer - Lesbia victoriae
Singles were seen on a hillside on the outskirts of Urubamba on the 24th and along the stream running through Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Green-tailed Trainbearer - Lesbia nuna
Around 8 were seen on the 12th being the combined total from Sacsayhuaman and the hillsides around the Huacarpay Lakes.
Tyrian Metaltail - Metallura tyrianthina
Around 8 were seen along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th with 1 seen just below the Camp on the 14th with 2 just beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 1 before the pass on the 26th.
Rufous-capped Thornbill - Chalcostigma ruficeps
A superb male was watched perched for some time along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as "Generally rare or local around 2,000 - 2,700m but occasionally to 3,600m.
Blue-mantled Thornbill - Chalcostigma stanleyi
Single superb males were seen in the Polylepis wood near the pass at Abra Malaga on both the 25th and 26th.
BEARDED MOUNTAINEER - Oreonympha nobilis
A stunning species proving to be an early highlight of the trip with up to 6 being seen at the hillsides next to Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Long-tailed Sylph - Aglaiocercus kingi
Two superb males were seen below Pillhuata Camp on the 14th and 1 was seen near Union Camp the following day.
Oasis Hummingbird - Rhodopis vesper
Another excellent species only being seen at Lomas Lachay where at least 10 were seen on the 27th including some exquisite males.
White-bellied Woodstar - Acestrura mulsant
Single males were seen at Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and below Union Camp on the 15th.
Golden-headed Quetzal - Pharomachrus auriceps
A party of 5 were seen between Pillahuata Camp and Union Camp on the 14th and a single bird was seen just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Pavonine Quetzel - Pharomachus pavoninus
DC obtained excellant but unfortunately brief views of a single male along the Collpa Trail at Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd. Unfortunately JFC only obtained untickable flight views.
Black-tailed Trogon - Trogon melanurus
First seen at Amazonia Lodge with 1 on the 17th and 2 the next day and then in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
Collared Trogon - Trogon collaris
A single bird was seen along the Toucan Loop Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Ringed Kingfisher - Megaceryle torquata
A single bird was seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Amazon Kingfisher - Chloroceryle amazona
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 4 seen on the 19th, 2 on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.
Green Kingfisher - Chloroceryle americana
JFC saw a single male along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Rufous Motmot - Baryphthengus martii
DC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Purus Jacamar - Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus
A superb party of 3 were tape lured in to view along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Bluish-fronted Jacamar - Galbula cyanescens
A total of 4 of these "traditional" Jacamars were seen in the forest above Atalaya on the 17th.
Black-fronted Nunbird - Monasa nigrifrons
Singles were seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 18th and were then only seen in dead trees alongside the Rio Madre de Dios with 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
White-fronted Nunbird - Monasa morphoeus
Two were seen along the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st.
Swallow-winged Puffbird - Chelidoptera tenebrosa
Seen hunting from high in dead trees alongside the Rio Madre de Dios with 8 seen on the 19th, 6 on the 20th and 8 on the 24th.
Black-spotted Barbet - Capito niger
Only seen along the Collpa Trail where 2 were seen on the 21st and 1 was seen on the 23rd.
Lemon-throated Barbet - Eubucco richardsoni
A superb male was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Versicoloured Barbet - Eubucco versicolor
Two were seen below the Union Camp near the Cock of the Rocks lek on the 15th.
Blue-banded Toucanet - Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis
A total of 3 were seen between Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Chestnut-eared Aracari - Pteroglossus castanotis
A single bird was seen above Atalaya on the 17th, 2 along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th with others in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
Curl-crested Aracari - Pteroglossus beauhamaesii
A superb pair were seen in the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 21st.
Golden-collared Toucanet - Selenidera reinwardtii
A party of 3 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan - Andigena hypoglauca
Up to 7 of these superb birds were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International. (Collar et al. 1994).
Cuvier's Toucan - Ramphastos cuvieri
A single bird was seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th followed by 2 at the edge of the Manu Wildlife Centre clearing on the 21st and finally 1 perched in alarge dead tree next to the Rio Madre de Dios on the 24th.
Andean Flicker - Colaptes rupicola
Around 4 were seen on the drive from Cusco to Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 3 were seen near the Polylepis forest at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker - Piculus rivolii
Two were seen between Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Golden Olive Woodpecker - Piculus rubiginosus
DC saw 2 above the Union Camp on the 16th.
Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Caleus spectabilis
A superb individual was taped into view along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th.
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cruentatus
Another good Woodpecker with 1 seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Little Woodpecker - Veniliornis passerinus
A single individual was seen with a bird flock at the start of the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Red-stained Woodpecker - Veniliornis affinis
A pair were seen along the Toucan Loop trail on the 22nd.
Red-necked Woodpecker - Campephilus rubricollis
A pair of these impressive Woodpeckers were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd and a pair was seen at the edge of the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 24th.
COASTAL MINER - Geositta peruviana
Around 8 were seen north of Lima on the 27th both along the road and at the entrance gate to Lomas Lachay N.P. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Slender-billed Miner - Geositta tenuirostris
A pair of these superb birds were seen just beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th living up to expectations. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Bar-winged Cinclodes - Cinclodes fuscus
A single bird was seen on the drive between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and around 6 were seen on both the 25th and 26th near the pass at Abra Malaga.
Royal Cinclodes - Cinclodes aricomae
A pair of this rare species were seen in the Polylepis woodland at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Birds of South America state that the species is considered threatened by local inhabitants' ongoing destruction of Polylepis woodlands for firewood. This species islisted as Critical by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that less than 50 pairs are known with certainty.
Pale-legged Hornero - Furnarius leucopus
A family party of 4 were seen near the marsh along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
WHITE-BROWED TIT SPINETAIL - Leptasthenura xenothorax
This extremely localised species was seen at Abra Malaga where 5 were seen in the Polylepis on the 25th and 1 in the same area the following day. Birds of South America states that they consider that the species is threatened by the continued cutting of trees for firewood and pasturage. This species is listed as Critical by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that the Polylepis woods to which it is restricted are known to hold no more than 20 families (70 birds) each (most hold 1 or 2 pairs).
Tawny Tit Spinetail - Leptasthenura yanacensis
Around 6 were seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Wren-like Rushbird - Phleocryptes melanops
A pair were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Azara's Spinetail - Synallaxis azarae
Two were taped in to view along the roadside between Pillahuata Camp and Union Camp on the 14th.
Cabanis' Spinetail - Synallaxis cabanisi
Three were seen creeping around on the ground along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as very furtive in Birds of South America.
CREAMY-CRESTED SPINETAIL - Cranioleuca albicapilla
Aptly described in Birds of South America as "strikingly attractive". Our only encounter was of 3 birds taped into view along a ravine with a fast flowing stream running through it between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
MARCARPATA SPINETAIL - Cranioleuca marcapatae
Another attractive Spinetail with around 6 being seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. This extremely localised species is described as fairly common in Birds of the High Andes.
PUNA THISTLETAIL - Schizoeaca helleri
A single bird was seen somewhat briefly along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
A pair allowed good prolonged views having been taped into view along a hillside adjacent to the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th. Described as "hard to see well as it seldom remainsin the open for more than a few seconds" by Birds of South America.
Cordilleran Canastero - Asthenes modesta
A single bird was tentatively identified near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th
Streak-throated Canastero - Asthenes humilis
Around 4 were seen at the foot of the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Line-fronted Canastero - Asthenes urubambensis
A superb individual was taped in to view in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th proving to be our favorite Canastero seen. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International. (Collar et al. 1994).
Spotted Barbtail - Premnoplex brunnescens
A single bird was seen well just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Pearled Treerunner - Margarornis squamiger
Aptly described as "an attractive and boldly patterned funariid" by Birds of South America. A single bird was seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen between the Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Rufous-tailed Xenops - Xenops milleri
A pair were seen on a large tree for some time alongwith a bird flock along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd. In Birds of South America it states that "there are only a few records of this probably under recorded species".
Plain Xenops - Xenops minutus
A single bird was seen on the 21st and 2 the following day in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre.
Montane Foliage Gleaner - Anabacerthia striaticollis
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp on the 15th.
Streaked Tuftedcheek - Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii
A superb individual was seen the far side of the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th.
Striped Woodhaunter - Hyloctistes subulatus
A single bird was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Chestnut-winged Foliage Gleaner - Philydor erythropterus
This distinctive Foliage Gleaner was seen along the Collpa Trail with mixed birdflocks with 2 being seen on the 22nd and 1 the following day.
Dusky-cheeked Foliage Gleaner - Automolus dorsalis
A single individual was seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described as "rare to uncommon and seemingly local" by Birds of South America.
Olive-backed Foliage Gleaner - Automolus infuscatus
Around 4 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st with their puffy white throat proving distinctive.
Buff-throated Foliage Gleaner - Automolus ochrolaemus
A pair were seen to accompany a mixed birdflock along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Ruddy Foliage Gleaner - Automolus rubiginosus
A single bird was seen along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and 4 were seen along the Toucan Loop Trail on the 20th.
Plain Brown Woodcreeper - Dendrocincla fuliginosa
JFC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper - Glyphorynchus spirurus
A single bird was seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Olivaceous Woodcreeper - Sittasomus griseicapillus
JFC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Ocellated Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus ocellatus
JFC saw a single bird along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Buff-throated Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus guttatus
The most frequently observed Woodcreeper along various trails in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 2 seen on the 20th, 2 on the 21st and 1 on the 23rd.
Olive-backed Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus triangularis
Around 6 were seen with various birdflocks along the road just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Bamboo Antshrike - Cymbilaimus sanctaemariae
A superb male was taped in to view along the Bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and JFC saw another male along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Great Antshrike - Taraba major
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Chestnut-backed Antshrike - Thamnophilus palliatus
A superb male was taped in to view in the degraded forest above Attalaya on the 16th. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Plain-winged Antshrike - Thamnophilus schistaceus
Single males were seen along the Jeep Trail and the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 19th respectively.
Spot-winged Antshrike - Pygiptila stellaris
This heavy billed, short tailed species was seen on various trails around the Manu Wildlife Centre most frequently along the Collpa Trail with 2 on the 21st, 1 on the 22nd and 3 on the 23rd.
Bluish Slate Antshrike - Thamnomanes schistogynus
A pair were seen along the Ridge Trail at the Amazonia Lodge on the 19th, with a female being seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and pairs were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st and 22nd.
Yellow-breasted Antwren - Herpsilochmus axiliaris
Two males were seen along the road in degraded forest beyond the Bamboo Trail above Attalaya on the 17th. Described as "rare to locally fairly common " in Birds of South America.
Dot-winged Antwren - Microrhopias quixensis
A superb pair were seen along the road in degraded forest beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Pygmy Antwren - Myrmotherula brachyura
Another superb species of Antwren which was only encountered once with a pair seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th.
Plain-throated Antwren - Myrmotherula hauxwelli
A stunning male was seen for some time near the start of the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Ornate Antwren - Myrmotherula ornata
A pair followed by a single male were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. The pair were foraging high in the trees but allowed prolonged good views.
Long-winged Antwren - Myrmotherula longipennis
Pairs were seen along the trails in the immediate vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Gray Antwren - Myrmotherula menetriesii
A pair was seen near the start of the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and another pair were seen on the Toucan Loop on the 21st.
Manu Antbird - Cercomacra manu
A pair of this species which was only described in 1990 was seen in response to tape playback along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and JFC saw a male along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th. Only described in 1990 Birds of South America state that it is locally uncommon to fairly common.
White-browed Antbird - Myrmoborus leucophrys
This superb species was seen on four date with two males seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th, an obliging male seen near the landing stage at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 22nd, a female seen along the Toucan Loop near the river on the 23rd and finally a male along the Toucan Loop near the entrance on the 24th.
Black-faced Antbird - Myrmoborus myotherinus
Another superb species with DC seeing a male near the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 24th with JFC seeing a male along the same trail on the 23rd.
Scale-backed Antbird - Hylophylax poecilinota
A single female was seen along the Fig Pass Trail on the 21st but this was completely eclipsed by the antics of a pair collecting nesting material from the Collpa Trail on the 23rd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Warbling Antbird - Hypocnemis cantator
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Attalaya on the 17th and a single bird was noted on the 22nd.
Silvered Antbird - Sclateria naevia
A superb pair were seen creeping along the edge of the forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
White-lined Antbird - Percnostola lophotes
A stunning male was seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Black-throated Antbird - Myrmeciza atrothorax
A single male was taped into view in the forest at the edge of the marsh at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Sooty Antbird - Myrmeciza fortis
A single male was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Goeldi's Antbird - Myrmeciza goeldii
A pair were taped in to view along the jeep trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
White-throated Antbird - Gymnopithys salvini
DC saw a pair cross the Collpa Trail at around midday on the 23rd and the female was again seen in the same general area in the late afternoon much to JFC's delight. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Black-faced Antthrush - Formicarius analis
A superb individual was whistled in to view at the start of the Toucan Loop Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 24th.
Rufous-fronted Antthrush - Formicarius rufifrons
A single bird was seen well after an hour of searching for it in a dense Heliconia thicket along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described by Birds of South America as "Rare to locally uncommon and very hard to see." This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state the global population is put at 700 - 3,500 pairs being at some risk from actual and impending agricultural development although 20% are within currently protected areas.
Rufous-capped Antthrush - Formicarius colma
A stunning species proving to be one of the highlights of the trip with superb views obtained of a single bird just opposite the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common but hard to see by Birds of South America.
RED AND WHITE ANTPITTA - Grallaria erythroleuca
A superb individual was repeatedly whistled into view behind the toilets at the Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th affording excellant views. Aptly described by Birds of South America as "perhaps the most handsome Antpitta". Stated to be Uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Stripe-headed Antpitta - Grallaria andicola
Another superb species with up to 3 birds being seen well in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th including one individual perched in full view allowing some good photographs to be taken. Described by Birds of the High Andes as usually local and in fairly low numbers, but locally common.
Amazonian Antpitta - Hylopezus berlepschi
A single bird was taped in to view along the jeep track at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th calling continuously from a low branch in response to the tape. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Rusty-belted Tapaculo - Liosceles thoracicus
A single individual of this interesting species was whistled into view along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Andean Tapaculo - Scytalopus griseicollis simonsi
A superb individual was taped in to view in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
White-crowned Tapaculo - Scytalopus bolivianus
A single individual was taped in to view from the bamboo found in the cloud forest on the far side of the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Mottle-backed Elaenia - Elaenia gigas
The "Harpy Eagle" Elaenia was seen at Amazonia Lodge wher a single bird was seen to be constructing its nest in a small bush in the garden on both the 17th and 18th. Described as rare to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Sierran Elaenia - Elaenia pallatangae
Seen in the immediate vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 1 seen on the 13th and 2 on the 14th.
White-crested Elaenia - Elaenia albiceps
Seen in the vicinity of the Pillahuata Camp with 4 seen on the 13th and 6 on the 14th.
Gray Elaenia - Myiopagis caniceps
A single bird was tentatively identified along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described as rare to locally uncommon by Birds of South America.
White-banded Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus stictopterus
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 6 seen on the 14th.
White-throated Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus leucophrys
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 1 seen on the 13th and 2 on the 14th, and 6 were seen over the far side of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Torrent Tyrannulet - Serpophaga cinerea
A pair were seen from the bridge at Paucartambo on the 13th.
Many-coloured Rush Tyrant - Tachuris rubrigastra
A total of 4 of these stunning birds were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th with fine views being obtained.
Tufted Tit Tyrant - Anairetes parulus
A pair were seen between Pillhuata and Union Camps on the 14th and a single bird was seen below the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Yellow-billed Tit Tyrant - Anairetes flavirostris
A pair were seen on a scrubby hillside near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Ash-breasted Tit Tyrant - Anairetes alpinus
This very local and rare species was seen at the Polylepsis wood at Abra Malaga where a total of around 6 were seen on the 26th. This species is listed as Endangered by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state the population as being several hundred birds with the woodlands suffering cutting for firewood and lack of regeneration caused by widespread burning.
UNSTREAKED TIT - TYRANT - Uromyias agraphia
Around 6 were seen in the cloud forest on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as uncommon, perhaps overlooked.
Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant - Phylloscartes ophthalmicus
Around 3 were seen near the Union Camp on the 15th.
Streak-necked Flycatcher - Mionectes striaticollis
Around 6 were seen near the Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
McConnell's Flycatcher - Mionectes macconnelli
A single bird was seen near the start of the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Johannes' Tody Tyrant - Hemitriccus johannis
A single individual was seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as rare to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
White-eyed Tody Tyrant - Hemitriccus zosterops
A single bird was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Flammulated Bamboo Tyrant - Hemitriccus flammulatus
JFC saw a single bird which reacted well to tape playback along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher - Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum
A pair of these superb birds were seen in the forest along the road beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Ringed Antpipit - Corythopis torquata
An amazing pair with one exactly following the path of the other and only several inches apart were seen near the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 21st at the same time as the Rufous Capped Antthrush ! JFC saw a single bird on the 23rd again along the Collpa Trail.
Golden-crowned Spadebill - Platyrinchus coronatus
Excellent views were obtained of a superb individual along the Toucan Loop on the 22nd.
Yellow-margined Flycatcher - Tolmomyias assimilis
Around 4 were seen in the forest above Atalaya on the 17th.
Olivaceous Flatbill - Rhynchocyclus olivaceus
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Rufous-tailed Flatbill - Ramphotrigon ruficauda
Singles were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd and 23rd.
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher - Terenotriccus erythrurus
A single bird was seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Cinnamon Flycatcher - Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea
At least 3 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and around 8 were seen near the Union Camp on the 15th.
Olive-tufted Flycatcher - Mitrephanes olivaceus
A single bird was seen near the Union Camp on the 15th. Described as rare to uncommon by Birds of South America.
Eastern / Western Pewee - Contopus virens / sordidulus
A single bird was seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 19th.
Smoke-coloured Pewee - Contopus fumigatus
Seen on four dates in the Pillahuata and Union Camp areas with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 15th.
Olive-sided Flycatcher - Contopus borealis
A single bird was seen in the woodland above Atalaya on the 17th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as uncommon and declining.
Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans
Seen along the river at Union Camp with 2 seen on the 15th and 6 seen on the 16th.
Vermilion Flycatcher - Pyrocephalus rubinus
A single bird was seen in Lima on the 11th and a few were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Rufous-breasted Chat Tyrant - Ochtoeca rufipectoralis
Around 6 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and the same number were seen on the far side of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
White-browed Chat Tyrant - Ochthoeca leucophrys
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
D'Orbigny's Chat Tyrant - Ochthoeca oenanthoides
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant - Polioxolmis rufipennis
A single bird was seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 2 were seen in the same area the next day. Described by Birds of South America as rare to uncommon and local.
Red-rumped Bush Tyrant - Cnemarchus erythropygius
Only seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga where 2 were seen on the 25th and 1 the next day. Described as rare to locally common by Birds of South America.
Black-billed Shrike Tyrant - Agriornis montana
A pair were seen at some Inca burial chambers between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and a pair were seen near Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Drab Water Tyrant - Ochthornis littoralis
Seen on four dates along the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 6 recorded on the 19th.
Plain-capped Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola alpina
A single bird was seen at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Cinereous Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola cinerea
A single bird was seen below the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Puna Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola juninensis
A smart species with a single bird being seen on a scree slope in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola rufivertex
Singles were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and below the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
White-fronted Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola albifrons
This large pale winged Ground Tyrant was seen at Abra Malaga where 1 was seen below the Polylepis Wood on the 25th.
Short-tailed Field Tyrant - Muscigralla brevicauda
A single bird was seen on various piles of earth in a field north of Lima on the 27th although the views were more distant than we would have liked.
Long-tailed Tyrant - Colonia colonus
Two were seen in the woodland beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-winged Black Tyrant - Knipolegus aterrimus
A single bird was seen in a clearing above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Andean Negrito - Lessonia oreas
A pair were seen at some roadside pools between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
White-eyed Attila - Attila bolivianus
A superb individual was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Short-crested Flycatcher - Myiarchus ferox
A single bird was tentatively identified at Amazonia Lodge in the garden on both the 18th and 19th.
Dusky-capped Flycatcher - Myiarchus tuberculifer
A single bird was tentatively identified above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Great Kiskadee - Pitangus sulphuratus
Only positively identified at Cocha Blanca where 6 were seen on the 21st although many Kiskadee types were not identified.
Lesser Kiskadee - Philohydor lictor
Only positively identified at the forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge where 4 were seen on the 18th.
Social Flycatcher - Myiozetetes similis
Only identified around the Amazonia Lodge with 2 on the 17th, 2 on the 18th and 1 on the 19th.
Gray-capped Flycatcher - Myiozetetes granadensis
A single bird was seen just above Atalaya on the 16th and a pair were seen around the clearing at Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st.
Golden-crowned Flycatcher - Myiodynastes chrysocephalus
A pair were seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Piratic Flycatcher - Legatus leucophaius
Seen on four dates in ones and twos at both Amazonia Lodge and around the Manu Wildlife Centre.
Tropical Kingbird - Tyrannus melancholicus
Recorded on six dates from various locations in the lowlands but only in small numbers.
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus
Impressive flocks were seen in flight over the Rio Madre de Dios with 100 seen on the 19th, 200 on the 21st and 5 on the 24th.
Barred Becard - Pachyramphus versicolor
Only seen around Pillahuata Camp where 3 were seen on the 14th including a pair nestbuilding over the toilets.
White-winged Becard - Pachyramphus polychopterus
A single male was seen in the forest along the road beyongd the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Masked Tityra - Tityra semifasciata
Only seen in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 20th and 2 on the 22nd.
Dwarf Tyrant Manakin - Tyranneutes stolzmanni
A single bird was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th in response to tape playback.
Cinnamon Tyrant Manakin - Neopipo cinnamomea
DC saw a single bird along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th but unfortunately JFC only obtained UTV's. Described by Birds of South America as "Rare and local". The bird possessed typical Manakin movements moving quickly between branches but then perching motionless for some time. Appeared much shorter tailed and completely unlike the shape of Ruddy Tailed Flycatcher always recalling a Manakin.
Wing-barred Piprites - Piprites chloris
Two were seen at the start of the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Yungas Manakin - Chiroxiphia boliviana
A stunning male was seen just above Union Camp on the 15th perched level with head height for some time and another male was seen poorly below the Union Camp the following day.
Round-tailed Manakin - Pipra chloromeros
Another superb species with 3 superb males seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and a single female seen in the same area the following day.
Band-tailed Manakin - Pipra fasciicauda
Superb males were seen along the Jeep Trail and a trail heading off towards the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Red-crested Cotinga - Ampelion rubrocristatus
A pair were seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Barred Fruiteater - Pipreola arcuata
A single bird was seen nest building just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Plum-throated Cotinga - Cotinga maynana
Two superb males were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
BLACK-FACED COTINGA - Conioptilon mcilhennyi
A single individual was watched for around 10 minutes along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Screaming Piha - Lipaugus vociferans
A single bird was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Bare-necked Fruitcrow - Gymnoderus foetidus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with 1 seen on the 20th near the Macaw Lick, 2 seen on the 21st, 2 on the 22nd and 4 seen on the 24th.
Andean Cock of the Rock - Rupicola peruviana
Only seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 14th, 15 including superb views of the lekking birds just below Union Camp on the 15th and 2 seen on the 16th.
White-collared Jay - Cyanolyca viridicyana
Up to 4 were seen just below the Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Purplish Jay - Cyanocorax cyanomelas
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 8 along the river on the 19th and 5 seen on the 21st and 2 on the 24th.
Violaceous Jay - Cyanocorax violaceus
Seen in the forest above at Atalaya and around Amazonia Lodge with 4 seen on the 17th and 1 the next day.
Green Jay - Cyanocorax yncas
A single bird was seen above the Union Camp on the 14th.
Brown-chested Martin - Phaeoprogne tapera
Around 20 were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on both the 19th and 24th.
White-winged Swallow - Tachycineta albiventer
Seen on seven dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 200 recorded on the 19th.
Brown-bellied Swallow - Notiochelidon murina
Around 10 were seen at Paucartambo on the 13th with 6 being seen at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 12 the following day.
Blue and White Swallow - Notiochelidon cyanoleuca
Up to 20 were seen on three dates in the vicinity of Pillahuata and Union Camps and 10 were seen at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 20 north of Lima on the 27th.
White-banded Swallow - Atticora fasciata
Seen on five dates along the Madre de Dios with a maximum of 40 seen on the 19th.
Southern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx ruficollis
Seen on five dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 20 on the 16th.
Sand Martin - Riparia riparia
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Seen on five dates at Huacarpay Lakes, Paucartambo, the Rio Madre de Dios and Lima with a maximum of 20 seen on two dates.
Black-capped Donacobius - Donacobius atricapillus
A pair were seen at the marsh at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 4 were seen alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Thrush-like Wren - Campylorhynchus turdinus
A family party of 5 were seen at the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 21st and 4 at the opposite side of the clearing on the 22nd.
Gray-mantled Wren - Odontorchilus branickii
A single bird was seen in the canopy with a mixed bird flock just below Union Camp on the 15th. Described as uncommon and local by Birds of South America.
House Wren - Troglodytes aedon
A pair were seen near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Gray-breasted Wood Wren - Henicorhina leucophrys
DC saw a single bird just above Union Camp on the 16th.
Tawny-faced Gnatwren - Microbates cinereiventris
A single bird was seen along the ridge trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Andean Solitaire - Myadestes ralloides
Singles were seen above Union Camp on both the 14th and 16th.
White-eared Solitaire - Entomodestes leucotis
Two were seen above Union Camp on the 14th and 1 in the same area on the 16th.
Swainson's Thrush - Catharus ustulatus
Only seen along the trails in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 21st and 1 on the 23rd.
Glossy Black Thrush - Turdus seranus
Only seen near Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 1 on the 14th.
Great Thrush - Turdus fuscater
Up to 45 were seen on two days around Pillahuata Camp and on two days around Abra Malaga.
Chiguanco Thrush - Turdus chiguanco
Seen on six dates in highland areas with a maximum of 20 seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
Black-billed Thrush - Turdus ignobilis
Only seen at the clearing at Amazonia Lodge where up to 4 were seen on the three dates there.
White-capped Dipper - Cinclus leucocephalus
Singles were seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and at Union Camp on the 15th and 16th including one scaling the impressive waterfall just above the Camp.
Paramo Pipit - Anthus bogotensis
A pair were seen near Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus
Only seen above Atalaya and at Amazonia Lodge with a total of 4 recorded over three days.
Dusky-capped Greenlet - Hylophilus hypoxanthus
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Tawny-crowned Greenlet - Hylophilus ochraceiceps
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Blackburnian Warbler - Dendroica fusca
A single bird was seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th. A gem as always.
Slate-throated Redstart - Myioborus miniatus
Only seen in the vicinity of Union Camp where 15 were seen on the 15th and 6 the next day.
Spectacled Redstart - Myioborus melanocephalus
Seen around the Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 4 the next day and then on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga where 5 were seen on the 25th.
Citrine Warbler - Basileuterus luteoviridis
Seen around the Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 1 on the 14th and 1 was seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Three-striped Warbler - Basileuterus tristriatus
Seen around the Union Camp where 6 were recorded on the 14th and 2 the next day.
Two-banded Warbler - Basileuterus bivittatus
A pair were seen in bamboo above Atalaya on the 17th.
Golden-bellied Warbler - Basileuterus chrysogaster
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th and another pair were seen along the ridge trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Bluish Flowerpiercer - Diglossa caerulescens
A pair were seen above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and a single bird was seen above Union Camp on the 15th.
Masked Flowerpiercer - Diglossa cyanea
Four were seen on both the 13th and 14th around Pillahuata Camp and 1 was seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Black-throated Flowerpiercer - Diglossa brunneiventris
A pair were present near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th with singles near Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 14th and around 10 at the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 26th.
Giant Conebill - Oreomanes fraseri
Incredible views were obtained in the Polylepis Wood at Abra Malaga where 3 were seen on the 25th and 5 were seen on the 26th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Tit-like Dacnis - Xenodacnis parina
Around 6 were seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Cinereous Conebill - Conirostrum cinereum
Around 4 were seen near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th and around 6 were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
White-browed Conebill - Conirostrum ferrugineiventre
Around 12 were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Blue-backed Conebill - Conirostrum sitticolor
A party of 3 were seen just below Pillahuata on the 14th.
Capped Conebill - Conirostrum albifrons
Two were seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Purple Honeycreeper - Cyanerpes caeruleus
Two were seen well below Union Camp on the 16th.
Green Honeycreeper - Chlorophanes spiza
Singles were seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Bananaquit - Coereba flaveola
A single bird was seen near Union Camp on the 15th and 2 were seen above Atalaya on the 17th.
Rust and Yellow Tanager - Thlypopsis ruficeps
Around 4 were seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and 1 was seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Orange-eared Tanager - Chlorochrysa calliparaea
Only seen below Union Camp where 6 were seen on the 15th and 1 on the 16th.
Blue-necked Tanager - Tangara cyanicollis
Only seen below Union Camp where 6 were seen on the 15th and 2 on the 16th.
Golden Tanager - Tangara arthus
Only seen below Union Camp where 4 were seen on the 15th and 2 were seen on the 16th.
Saffron-crowned Tanager - Tangara xanthocephala
Only 2 seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Beryl-spangled Tanager - Tangara nigroviridis
Only seen near the Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 15th and 1 on the 16th.
Golden-naped Tanager - Tangara ruficervix
A single bird was scoped just below the Cock of the Rock lek below Union Camp on the 15th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as uncommon to rare.
Bay-headed Tanager - Tangara gyrola
Only seen near the Union Camp with 1 seen on the 15th and 2 on the 16th.
Green and Gold Tanager - Tangara schrankii
At Amazonia Lodge 3 were seen along the Ridge Trail on the 18th and 1 the following day and 1 was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Spotted Tanager - Tangara punctata
A single bird was seen below the Union Camp on the 16th.
Yellow-bellied Tanager - Tangara xanthogastra
Singles were seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 16th and along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Paradise Tanager - Tangara chilensis
Around 4 were seen on the drive down from Union Camp on the 16th and 3 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Purple-throated Euphonia - Euphonia chlorotica
Singles were seen above Union Camp on the 14th and 15th.
Orange-bellied Euphonia - Euphonia xanthogaster
Two's were recorded below Union Camp on the 15th and 16th and a single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Blue-naped Chlorophonia - Chlorophonia cyanea
Two were seen below Union Camp on the 16th.
Plushcap - Catamblyrhynchus diadema
Two were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described by Birds of South America as uncommon.
Common Bush Tanager - Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
A pair were seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Yellow-whiskered Bush Tanager - Chlorospingus parvirostris
Only seen above Union Camp where 2 were seen on the 14th and 4 on the 15th.
Black-capped Hemispingus - Hemispingus atropileus
JFC saw a single bird below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
PARODI'S HEMISPINGUS - Hemispingus parodii
Around 15 were seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th. This species was only described in 1974 and stated as being Uncommon in Birds of the High Andes.
Superciliaried Hemispingus - Hemispingus superciliaris
A single bird was seen above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen just below the camp the following day.
Three-striped Hemispingus - Hemispingus trifasciatus
DC saw 2 at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described as Uncommon by Birds of the High Andes.
Fawn-breasted Tanager - Pipraeidea melanonota
Singles were seen just below Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as Generally Uncommon in the Andes.
Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager - Delothraupis castaneoventris
A single bird was seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described as Uncommon in Birds of the High Andes.
Slaty Tanager - Creurgops dentata
A pair of these attractive Tanagers were seen just below Union Camp on the 15th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as generally an uncommon bird.
Yellow-throated Tanager - Iridosornis analis
A party of 3 were seen just below Union Camp on the 15th Described in Birds of the High Andes as uncommon..
Golden-collared Tanager - Iridosornis jelskii
JFC saw a single bird cross the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described in Birds of South America as rare to locally uncommon.
Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager - Anaisognathus igniventris
Around 6 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and around 6 were seen at the far side of the Pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Hooded Mountain Tanager - Buthraupis montana
A party of 3 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Grass Green Tanager - Chlorornis riefferii
A single bird was seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Blue and Yellow Tanager - Thraupis bonariensis
A single individual was seen on a scrub covered hillside above Urubamba on the 24th.
Blue-capped Tanager - Thraupis cyanocephala
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp where 8 were seen on the 13th and 10 the following day.
Blue Gray Tanager - Thraupis episcopus
Around 6 were seen at Atalaya on the 17th with 1 at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st and 2 at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th. All birds showed two wingbars.
Silver-beaked Tanager - Ramphocelus carbo
Up to 10 were seen on three dates around Amazonia Lodge and 4 were seen at Manu on the 22nd.
Masked Crimson Tanager - Ramphocelus nigrogularis
A pair were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 4 were seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Red-crowned Ant Tanager - Habia rubica
A party of 4 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Olive Tanager - Chlorothraupis carmioli
A single individual was seen in a ravine above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-winged Shrike Tanager - Lanio versicolor
A pair were seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on both the 18th and 19th with two adults seen feeding a youngster along the Collpa Trail on the 21st and 2 seen in the same area the following day.
Magpie Tanager - Cissopis leveriana
Around 6 were seen above Atalaya on the 17th.
Peruvian Meadowlark - Sturnella bellicosa
Around 15 were seen north of Lima on the 27th including a large flock at Lomas Lachay.
Yellow-winged Blackbird - Agelaius thilius
Around 8 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and a single bird was seen at some roadside pools between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Pale-eyed Blackbird - Agelaius xanthophthalmus
A pair were seen although rather distantly at Cocha Camungo on the 20th. Described as uncommon and very local by Birds of South America.
Scrub Blackbird - Dives warszewiczi
Around 10 were seen in Lima during the drive to the airport on the 28th.
Giant Cowbird - Scaphidura oryzivora
Seen on four dates on the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 50 seen on the 19th.
Epaulet Oriole - Icterus cayanensis
A pair were seen at the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th.
Yellow-billed Cacique - Amblycercus holosericeus
A single bird was seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Solitary Cacique - Cacicus solitarius
A pair were seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Yellow-rumped Cacique - Cacicus cela
Seen on eight dates at Amazonia Lodge into the Manu with a maximum of 20 recorded on three dates.
Mountain Cacique - Cacicus leucoramphus
Pairs were seen near Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th.
Crested Oropendola - Psarocolius decumanus
A party of 3 were seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and 2 were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge the next day.
Russet-backed Oropendola - Psarocolius angustifrons
Up to 25 were seen on two days at Amazonia Lodge and around 10 were seen near Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Dusky Green Oropendola - Psarocolius atrovirens
Only seen in the vicinity of Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 15th and 6 were seen on the 16th.
Olive Oropendola - Psarocolius bifasciatus
Around 6 were seen near Atalaya on the 17th and 1 was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Golden-billed Saltator - Saltator aurantiirostris
Seen on three dates around Cusco and on another near Pillahuata Camp in small numbers.
Red-capped Cardinal - Paroaria gularis
A pair were seen around Amazonia Lodge on the 18th, 10 were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Blue Black Grassquit - Volatinia jacarina
Around 10 were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Parrot-billed Seedeater - Sporophila peruviana
An impressive male was seen at an "agricultural oasis" north of Lima on the 27th.
Chestnut-throated Seedeater - Sporophila telasco
Around 3 were seen at an "agricultural oasis" north of Lima on the 27th.
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater - Sporophila castaneiventris
Only seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 seen on the 17th and 6 seen on the 18th.
Rufous-naped Brush Finch - Atlapetes rufinucha
Up to six were recorded on three dates at Pillahuata and Union Camps.
Stripe-headed Brush Finch - Atlaptes torquatus
Singles were seen behind the toilets at Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Paramo Seedeater - Catamenia homochroa
A total of 3 were seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th. Described by Birds of South America as uncommon and seemingly local.
Band-tailed Seedeater - Catamenia analis
A single bird was seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and 4 were seen near Urubamba on the 24th and 2 on the 25th.
Plumbeous Sierra Finch - Phrygilus unicolor
Seen around Abra Malaga with 15 on the 25th and 6 on the 26th.
Ash-breasted Sierra Finch - Phrygilus plebejus
Around 6 were seen near Huancarani on the 13th with 1 at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 2 the next day.
Peruvian Sierra Finch - Phrygilus punensis
Up to 3 were seen at Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th with 1 seen near Huancarani on the 13th and around 6 seen at Abra Malaga below the Polylepis on the 26th.
White-winged Diuca Finch - Diuca speculifera
Around 6 of these superb birds were seen at Abra Malaga Polylepis on the 25th.
A pair of these superb birds were seen extremely well near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Rufous-collared Sparrow - Zonotrichia capensis
Only seen on five dates being seen around Cusco, Pillahuata Camp and Lima in good numbers.
Yellow-browed Sparrow - Ammodramus aurifrons
A single bird was seen in flight over the Rio Madre de Dios on the 21st.
Hooded Siskin - Carduelis magellanica
Seen on nine dates in widespread locations in good numbers.
Thick-billed Siskin - Carduelis crassirostris
A total of 3 were seen in the Abra Malaga Polylepis including a fine male on the 26th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as locally common.
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
Quite common north of Lima on the 27th.
Birds to Watch 2. Birdlife International. Collar, Crosby and Stattersfield 1994.
Manu" Avian Adventures 1995 Trips August & October. Elwonger and Flieg 1996.
Birds of the High Andes. Fjeldsa and Krabbe 1990.
Birds of Colombia. Hilty and Brown 1986.
The Birds of South America. Ridgely and Tudor 1989, 1994.
Birds of Amazonia Lodge and Vicinity. Stotz, Fitzpatrick and Willard 1996.
10th October :
Arrived Caracas via Madrid and San Juan, Puerto Rico where we were told that the connecting flight to Lima had been cancelled. Put up in the Hilton !
11th October :
Left Caracas and flew to Bogata, Colombia where changed planes flying first to Quito and then Lima arriving c. 20 hours late. Spent the last hour of daylight birding the seafront at Miraflores. Met up with Barry & Gail Cooper who had invited us on 'their' trip to Peru and who had therefore made most of the arrangements. Also met Craig and Rose who also joined us throughout the trip.
Left Caracas and flew to Bogata, Colombia where changed planes flying first to Quito and then Lima arriving c. 20 hours late. Spent the last hour of daylight birding the seafront at Miraflores. Met up with Barry & Gail Cooper who had invited us on 'their' trip to Peru and who had therefore made most of the arrangements. Also met Craig and Rose who also joined us throughout the trip.
12th October :
Left Lima on early flight to Cusco spending the rest of the morning birding in the vicinity of the Inca ruins at Sacsayhuaman and birded the Huacarpay Lakes all afternoon. Met up with Clive Byers who accompanied us and arranged all the logisitcs for our trip into the Manu.
Left Lima on early flight to Cusco spending the rest of the morning birding in the vicinity of the Inca ruins at Sacsayhuaman and birded the Huacarpay Lakes all afternoon. Met up with Clive Byers who accompanied us and arranged all the logisitcs for our trip into the Manu.
13th October :
Left Cusco before light heading along the Manu Road via Huancarani and Paucartambo camping at Pillahuata (2,600m).
Left Cusco before light heading along the Manu Road via Huancarani and Paucartambo camping at Pillahuata (2,600m).
14th October :
Birded the road from Pillahuata to the Union Cloud Forest Platform (1,600m).
Birded the road from Pillahuata to the Union Cloud Forest Platform (1,600m).
15th October :
Visited the Cock of the Rock lek below Union Camp at dawn, birding the road back to the Camp, spending the rest of the morning birding the road above Union and again walking the road below Union Camp in the afternoon.
Visited the Cock of the Rock lek below Union Camp at dawn, birding the road back to the Camp, spending the rest of the morning birding the road above Union and again walking the road below Union Camp in the afternoon.
16th October :
Left Union Camp birding the road to Atalaya where boarded the boat to Amazonia Lodge.
Left Union Camp birding the road to Atalaya where boarded the boat to Amazonia Lodge.
17th October :
Went back to Atalaya by boat waiting for Macaws at the viewpoint above the village and birded the bamboo ridge trail beyond the viewpoint. Returned to Amazonia Lodge walking the Jeep Trail.
Went back to Atalaya by boat waiting for Macaws at the viewpoint above the village and birded the bamboo ridge trail beyond the viewpoint. Returned to Amazonia Lodge walking the Jeep Trail.
18th October :
Spent day around Amazonia Lodge first trying the Jeep Trail and then the Ridge Trail before again looking along the Jeep Trail and birding the marsh at dusk.
Spent day around Amazonia Lodge first trying the Jeep Trail and then the Ridge Trail before again looking along the Jeep Trail and birding the marsh at dusk.
19th October :
Spent early morning along the Ridge Trail before making the six hour boat trip along the Rio Madre de Dios to the Manu Wildlife Centre.
Spent early morning along the Ridge Trail before making the six hour boat trip along the Rio Madre de Dios to the Manu Wildlife Centre.
20th October :
Visited the Manu Wildlife Centre Macaw Lick before walking the Cocha Camungo Trail and then the Old Bamboo Trail.
Visited the Manu Wildlife Centre Macaw Lick before walking the Cocha Camungo Trail and then the Old Bamboo Trail.
21st October :
Spent a wet morning along the Toucan Trail, Fig Pass Trail and Collpa Trails and spent the afternoon visiting the Cocha Blanca Oxbow Lake.
Spent a wet morning along the Toucan Trail, Fig Pass Trail and Collpa Trails and spent the afternoon visiting the Cocha Blanca Oxbow Lake.
22nd October :
Set off early in the morning to again try the Old Bamboo Trail before returning to walk the Toucan and Collpa Trails.
Set off early in the morning to again try the Old Bamboo Trail before returning to walk the Toucan and Collpa Trails.
23rd October :
Spent all day on the Collpa Trail and the Toucan Loop.
Spent all day on the Collpa Trail and the Toucan Loop.
24th October :
A quick walk of the Toucan Loop Trail before taking the boat to the Boca Manu Airstrip where we waited for the plane to return us to Cusco. We then left Cusco birding the lakes on the way to Urubamba.
A quick walk of the Toucan Loop Trail before taking the boat to the Boca Manu Airstrip where we waited for the plane to return us to Cusco. We then left Cusco birding the lakes on the way to Urubamba.
25th October :
Spent the morning birding the cloud forest on the far side of Abra Malaga Pass and the afternoon in the Polylepis Woods at the pass.
Spent the morning birding the cloud forest on the far side of Abra Malaga Pass and the afternoon in the Polylepis Woods at the pass.
26th October :
Spent all morning in the Polylepis Woods at Abra Malaga and the afternoon birding the road back to Ollantaytambo before heading back to Cusco.
Spent all morning in the Polylepis Woods at Abra Malaga and the afternoon birding the road back to Ollantaytambo before heading back to Cusco.
27th October :
Early flight to Lima unfortunately via Arequipa spending the rest of the day north of Lima visiting the Lomas Lachay National Park.
Early flight to Lima unfortunately via Arequipa spending the rest of the day north of Lima visiting the Lomas Lachay National Park.
28th October :
Morning flight to London via Caracas and an unscheduled stop in Madrid again arriving considerably late.
Systematic List of Species recorded by DC or JFC :Morning flight to London via Caracas and an unscheduled stop in Madrid again arriving considerably late.
Hooded Tinamou - Nothocercus nigrocapillus
A single bird was seen twice walking on the road above the Union Cloud Forest Platform at virtually midday on the 15th allowing some good photographs to be obtained. This species is described as "Shy and difficult to see" in Birds of the High Andes where it is also stated that "very few records are known". It is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Cinereous Tinamou - Crypturellus cinereus
A party of 4 were seen walking around near the edge of a small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 21st. This species is described as "notably furtive and difficult to see" in Birds of Colombia.
White-tufted Grebe - Rollandia rolland
Around 6 were seen on the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and the same number were seen on a resevoir between Cusco and Urubamba.
Sooty Shearwater - Puffinus griseus
Two rather distant Shearwaters thought to be this species were seen off the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Peruvian Booby - Morus variegata
Around 15 were seen of the Miraflores beach on the 11th and 10 were seen off the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th. Often watched feeding close inshore.
Peruvian Pelican - Pelecanus thagus
An estimated 8 were seen from the Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Neotropic Cormorant - Phalacrocorax brasillanus
Seen on four dates with 12 at Miraflores on the 11th, 6 near Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 20 along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 4 near Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Guanay Cormorant - Phalacrocorax bouganvilli
Singles were seen from Miraflores beach on the 11th and from the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Anhinga - Anhinga anhinga
A single bird was seen drying itself alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
White-necked Heron - Ardea cocoi
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on five dates with a maximum of 5 recorded on both the 19th and 21st.
Great Egret - Casmerodius albus
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on five dates with a maximum of 12 being recorded on the 19th.
Snowy Egret - Egretta thula
Only seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on two dates upstream of the Boca Manu Airstrip with 12 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Striated Heron - Butorides striatus
A single bird was seen in flight alongside the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
Suprisingly only seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip where a party of 5 on the 19th had dwindled to 4 by the 24th.
Capped Heron - Pilherodius pileatus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 6 recorded on the 19th.
Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Rufescent Tiger Heron - Tigrisoma lineatum
A single bird was seen along a forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Fasciated Tiger Heron - Tigrisoma fasciatum
A single bird was seen on a gravel bank just upstream from the Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 2 were seen on the Rio Madre de Dios on the journey downstream on the 19th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Boat-billed Heron - Cochlearius cochlearius
A single bird was seen at roost in the trees alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Jabiru - Jabiru mycteria
A pair were seen on a bank of the Rio Madre de Rios during the boat ride of the 19th.
Buff-necked Ibis - Theristicus caudatus
A single bird was seen on the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Black-faced Ibis - Theristicus melanopis
A superb party of 4 were seen to fly up the valley at Abra Malaga and land on a ridge below us on the 24th. Treated as a separate species from Buff Necked in Birds of the High Andes.
Puna Ibis - Plegadis ridgwayi
Seen in the Cusco area with 6 recorded at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 20 in marshy areas along the road between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Roseate Spoonbill - Ajaja ajaja
A party of 4 were seen on the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios during the boatride on the 19th.
Horned Screamer - Anhima comuta
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 recorded on the 19th, 2 on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.
Crested Duck - Anas speculariodes
A pair were seen to fly from a small pool near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Speckled Teal - Anas flavirostris
The yellow billed form were recorded at Huacarpay Lakes with 10 on the 12th, 3 seen during the drive on the 13th, 20 on a roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and a single bird seen on a small pool near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Yellow-billed Pintail - Anas georgica
Around 15 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 2 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Puna Teal - Anas puna
Around 20 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and around 20 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.Treated as a separate species from Silver Teal by Birds of the High Andes.
Cinnamon Teal - Anas cyanoptera
Around 8 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 10 were present on the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Torrent Duck - Merganetta armata
A pair of these fine duck were seen just below the town of Paucartambo on the 13th.
Muscovy Duck - Calrina moschata
Pairs were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on both the 19th and 24th.
Andean (Ruddy) Duck - Oxyura ferruginea
Around 6 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and a single bird was seen on a resevoir between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura
Seen on four dates whilst east of the Andes with a maximum of 40 recorded on the 19th.
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture - Cathartes melambrotus
Seen in small numbers on five dates between the Amazonia Lodge and the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 21st.
Black Vulture - Coragyps atratus
Seen on six dates in small numbers mainly in the lowlands east of the Andes with a maximum of 12 recorded on the 19th, but also 2 were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
King Vulture - Sarcoramphus papa
Pairs were seen over the Rio Madre de Dios during the boat trip on the 19th and over Cocha Blanca on the 21st and a single adult was seen over the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Andean Condor - Vultur gryphus
A single individual was seen in flight from the Abra Malaga Polylepis woodland on the 26th.
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus
Seen over the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 from the boat ride on the 19th and 1 on the 21st.
Swallow-tailed Kite - Elanoides forficatus
Only seen on three dates with 20 over Atalaya on the 16th and 4 seen nearby the following day and 2 seen near the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th.
Double-toothed Kite - Harpagus bidentatus
A single bird was seen circling over the Boca Manu Airstrip for around 10 minutes on the 24th with the puffy white undertail coverts proving a good field character.
Plumbeous Kite - Ictinia plumbea
Seen on eight dates whilst in the lowlands east of the Andes with a maximum of 10 recorded around the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Crane Hawk - Geranospiza caerulescens
A single adult was seen in flight along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Sharp-shinned Hawk - Accipiter striatus
A single bird was tentatively identified as this species along the road above Union Camp on the 15th.
Slate-coloured Hawk - Leucopternis schistacea
A single adult was seen perched in a dead tree alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Great Black Hawk - Buteogallus urubitinga
Only seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Solitary Eagle - Harpyhaliaetus solitarius
A superb individual was watched for around 15 minutes in flight - at one time alongside a Black and Chestnut Eagle which it dwarfed - over the forest just below the Union Camp on the 16th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Black-chested Buzzard Eagle - Geranoaetus melanoleucus
We were suprised to see as many as 15 during the day north of Lima on the 27th with some individuals being suprisingly tame at Lomas Lachay National Park.
Roadside Hawk - Buteo magnirostris
Only seen on four dates with 2 at Atalaya on the 16th and nearby the next day with 1 sat alongside the Rio Madre de Dios on the 21st and 2 near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Short-tailed Hawk - Buteo brachyurus
A single light phase individual was seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-throated Hawk - Buteo albigula
A single individual was seen twice in flight over the forest above Pillahuata on the 13th. Described as "rare" by Birds of the High Andes.
Red-backed Hawk - Buteo polyosoma
A pair were seen hunting around Paucartambo on the 13th, and singles were recorded near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th and north of Lima on the 27th.
Puna Hawk - Buteo poecilochrous
Singles were seen near the pass at Abra Malaga on both the 25th and 26th.
Zone-tailed Hawk - Buteo albonotatus
A single bird was seen from a boat trip along the Rio Madre de Dios between the Manu Wildlife Centre and Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Black and White Hawk Eagle - Spizastur melanoleucus
A superb individual was watched soaring over Cocha Blanca on the 21st. This species is isted as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Black Hawk Eagle - Spizaetus tyrannus
A superb individual was watched calling whilst soaring over the bamboo ridge trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Black and Chestnut Eagle - Oroaetus isidori
A single bird flew close past us along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th, a single bird was seen over a ridge from below the Union Camp on the 15th with another circling over an apparently occupied nest near the viewpoint just above Union Camp the same day and a single bird was seen alongside the Solitary Eagle below the Union Camp on the 16th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994 and described in Birds of the High Andes as "local and rare".
Black Caracara - Daptrius ater
A single bird was seen in flight from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and 3 lingered around the Macaw lick near the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th.
Red-throated Caracara - Daptrius americanus
A pair were seen in woodland near Atalaya during the evening of the 16th.
Mountain Caracara - Phalcoboenus megalopterus
Around 5 were seen near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 3 the next day.
Laughing Falcon - Herpetotheres cachinnans
A single bird was seen perched in a dead tree next to Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
American Kestrel - Falco sparverius
Seen around Lima, Cusco and Urubamba on six dates with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 12th.
Bat Falcon - Falco rufigularis
A total of five birds were seen over four dates in the lowlands east of the Andes mainly seen perched alongside the Rio Madre de Dios in dead trees.
Aplomado Falcon - Falco femoralis
A single bird was seen perched in a field near the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th. Superb as always.
Peregrine - Falco peregrinus
A pair were seen in flight along the cliffs at Miraflores beach on the 11th, 1 along the Rio Madre de Dios near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th, 1 at Ollantaytambo on the 26th and 2 seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Speckled Chachalaca - Ortalis guttata
A total of 5 were seen in woodland near Attalaya on the 16th, 4 along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 1 seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Andean Guan - Penelope montagnii
Superb views were obtained of this species with 12 seen near Pillahuata on the 14th and singles seen near the Union Camp on both the 15th and 16th.
Spix's Guan - Penelope jacquacu
Parties of 4 were seen on two dates being along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Blue-throated Piping Guan - Pipile cumanensis
A superb species with some excellant scope views being obtained being seen on four dates in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 3 being seen on the 22nd.
Razor-billed Curassow - Mitu tuberosa
Superb views down to fifteen feet were obtained of this incredible species as it walked towards us adjacent to a forest stream that crosses the Collpa Trail near the Parrot lick on the 23rd. One of the highlights of the trip. Several others were heard "booming" in the vicinity of this trail.
Limpkin - Aramus guarauna
A single bird was seen at the small marsh along start of the jeep trail near Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Plumbeous Rail - Pardirallus sanguinolentus
A pair were seen feeding at small pools on the edge of the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
Around 6 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 20 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Slate-coloured Coot - Fulica ardesiaca
Around 20 were seen at both the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Sungrebe - Heliornis fulica
A superb pair of these diminutive Finfoots were seen both creeping along the edge of Cocha Blanca and in flight ! on the 21st.
Sunbittern - Eurypyga helias
A pair were seen along the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and a single individual flew and landed at the landing area of the Manu Wildlife Centre at dusk on the 22nd.
Wattled Jacana - Jacana jacana
Around 6 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Andean Lapwing - Vanellus resplendens
Two were seen along the road between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and 2 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Pied Lapwing - Hoploxypterus cayanus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 8 recorded on the 24th.
American Golden Plover - Pluvialis dominica
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and 8 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Collared Plover - Charadrius collaris
A single bird was seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen on the 24th.
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus
Around 15 were seen in fields north of Lima on the 27th.
Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes
Singles were seen at Huarcarpay Lakes on the 12th and at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 2 were seen at small pools at the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, 1 on the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and 2 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 25th.
Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularia
Seen on seven dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 10 seen on the 19th.
Baird's Sandpiper - Calidris bairdii
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Pectoral Sandpiper - Calidris melanotos
A single bird was seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, a total of 3 seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 20th and around 15 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco an Urubamba on the 24th.
Sanderling - Calidris alba
We were somewhat surprised to see a single bird along the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Tryngites subruficollis
Two were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Upland Sandpiper - Bartramia longicauda
Singles were seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 19th and on the bank of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 24th.
Black-necked Stilt - Himantopus mexicanus
A single bird was seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Wilson's Phalarope - Phalaropus tricolor
Around 15 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Least Seedsnipe - Thinocorus rumicivorus
A total of 10 were seen north of Lima both along the road and at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Arctic Skua - Stercorarius parasiticus
A single individual was watched chasing Terns from the Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Gray Gull - Larus modestus
A flock of 300 of these superb Gulls were seen on the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Franklin's Gull - Larus pipixcan
A flock of 300 were seen mainly feeding just offshore from the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Band-tailed Gull - Larus belcheri
Around 25 were seen at the beach at Miraflores on the 11th and 15 were seen at the beach just south of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus
Around 6 were seen at Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Andean Gull - Larus serranus
Around 25 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th, 10 at the roadside marsh between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 10 along the river near Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Large-billed Tern - Phaetusa simplex
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 6 seen on the 19th and 2 on the 20th.
South American Tern - Sterna hirundinacea
Around 10 were seen at Miraflores beach on the 11th.
Yellow-billed Tern - Sterna superciliaris
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 3 on the 19th, 6 on the 20th and 4 on the 21st.
Inca Tern - Larosterna inca
A party of 10 were seen feeding offshore from Miraflores beach on the 11th although closer views would have been appreciated.
Black Skimmer - Rynchops nigra
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with a total of 6 seen on the 19th and 1 on the 24th.
Band-tailed Pigeon - Columba fasciata
Singles were seen near the Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th.
Spot-winged Pigeon - Columba maculosa
Seen on three dates with 2 seen near Huancarani on the 13th, 3 seen between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th and 12 on the return journey on the 26th.
Pale-vented Pigeon - Columba cayennensis
Around 12 were seen both in flight and perched around Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Ruddy Pigeon - Columba subvinacea
Only identified at Amazonia Lodge where 2 were seen on the 18th and 4 on the 19th.
Plumbeous Pigeon - Columba plumbea
Around 8 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp where interestingly they showed a white iris and 3 were tentatively identified at the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at Manu Wildlife Centre.
Eared Dove - Zenaida auriculata
Fair numbers were seen in and around Lima on three dates with a maximum of 10 seen on the 11th.
Pacific Dove - Zenaida meloda
A recent split from White Winged Dove ? seen around Lima with 50 seen on the 11th and 20 on the 27th.
Croaking Ground Dove - Columbina cruziana
Only seen on the coast with 2 at Lima on the 11th and around 10 seen at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Bare-faced Ground Dove - Metriopella cecillae
A party of 6 were seen at a ravine near the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Black-winged Ground Dove - Metriopella melanoptera
A party of 4 were seen near some Inca burial chambers on the road between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
Gray-fronted Dove - Leptotila rufaxilla
A single bird was seen near the buildings at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 2 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Blue and Yellow Macaw - Ara ararauna
This superb species was seen on six dates in the vicinity of Boca Manu and the Manu Wildlife Centre being recorded as follows: 30 on the 19th, 10 on the 20th, 15 on the 21st, 20 on the 22nd, 15 on the 23rd and 10 on the 24th. A flock of 18 seen on the 19th has to be one of the highlights of the trip.
Military Macaw - Ara militaris
A pair were seen flying to roost over Atalaya on the 16th. This species is listed as Vulnerable by Collar et al. who state that perhaps the great majority of its population are under threat of extinction in the near future owing to habitat loss and trade.
Scarlet Macaw - Ara macao
Seen on six dates in small numbers in the lowlands east of the Andes with maximums of 4 recorded on both the 20th and 21st.
Red and Green Macaw - Ara chloropterus
Seen on five dates in the vicinity of Boca Manu and the Manu Wildlife Centre in fair numbers with a maximum of 50 seen coming to the lick during the morning of the 20th.
Chestnut-fronted Macaw - Ara severa
Seen on seven dates between Atalaya and the Manu Wildlife Centre in good numbers with a maximum of 20 being recorded on the 17th.
Red-bellied Macaw - Ara manllata
A party of 4 were seen in flight near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Blue-headed Macaw - Ara couloni
Pairs were seen in flight from the viewpoint above Atalaya and from further along the road during the morning of the 17th.
White-eyed Parakeet - Aratinga leucophthalmus
Seen on five dates between Amazonia Lodge and the Manu Wildlife Centre in fair numbers with a maximum of 50 being seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Dusky-headed Parakeet - Aratinga weddellii
A pair were seen at their nest hole along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Painted Parakeet - Pyrrhura picta
Around 10 of these superb Parakeets attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd and 8 were seen flying across the river near the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Mountain Parakeet - Bolborhynchus aurifrons
A flock of around 20 were seen at Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Dusky-billed Parrotlet - Forpus sclateri
Around 5 attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Tui Parakeet - Brotogeris sanctitomae
A party of 3 were seen perched in a dead tree along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and 2 attended the Parrot lick at the end of the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Orange-cheeked Parrot - Pionopsitta barrabandi
Around 25 of these attractive Parrots were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Blue-headed Parrot - Pionus menstruus
Seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 on the 17th and 4 on the 19th and around 60 were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Plum-crowned Parrot - Pionus tumultuosus
A flock of around 10 alighted in a close tree for a few minutes just below the Union Camp on the 15th. This species is described as "Not Uncommon but may be local" by Birds of the High Andes.
Mealy Parrot - Amazona farinosa
Pairs were seen at Atalaya on the 17th and at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and around 15 were seen at the Macaw lick on the 20th.
Dark-billed Cuckoo - Coccyzus melacoryphus
Singles were seen above Atalaya on the 17th and along the forested ox bow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Squirrel Cuckoo - Piaya cayana
Seen on six dates between the 14th and 22nd with a maximum of 4 seen on the 17th.
Greater Ani - Crotophaga major
Seen on three dates in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with a maximum of 15 seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Smooth-billed Ani - Crotophaga ani<->
Around 10 were seen in agricultural areas between Union Camp and Atalaya on the 16th.
Pheasant Cuckoo - Dromococcyx phasianellus
One of the highlights of the trip was a superb individual tape lured in to view for around 10 minutes along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Quite superb.
Hoatzin - Opisthocomus hoazin
Seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 seen on the 17th and 12 the next day and 4 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
White-throated Screech Owl - Otus albogularis
A superb individual was spotlighted along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Amazonian Pygmy Owl - Glaucidium minutissimum
A single bird was spotlighted at the edge of the clearing at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 22nd.
Great Potoo - Nyctibius grandis
Another highlight of the trip was the superb pair of Great Potoos that hunted around the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing and were seen on both the 21st and 22nd. Superb telescope views were obtained whilst being spotlighted by an incredibly bright light attached to a generator wheeled around in a wheelbarrow !
Common Potoo - Nyctibius griseus
A superb individual was spotlighted around the garden at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Sand-coloured Nighthawk - Chordeiles rupestris
A stunning species which appears in huge flocks often seen flying after showers etc. being far better than expected with 25 seen roosting on a tree in the middle of the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th, 250 in flight on the 20th and 200 in flight on the 21st from the Manu Wildlife Centre jetty.
Pauraque - Nyctidromus albicollis
JFC saw a single bird whilst spotlighting at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Ladder-tailed Nightjar - Hydropsalis climacocerca
A single male was observed sallying short distances from a low perch along the edge of the Rio Madre de Dios from the Manu Wildlife Centre landing jetty on both the 19th and 22nd.
Swallow-tailed Nightjar - Uropsalis segmentata
JFC had a single male fly past him at close range along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th of which DC unfortunately only obtained UTV's of it dissappearing.
Lyre-tailed Nightjar - Uropsalis lyra
A single female was seen from the bridge at Union Camp on the 14th but the following evening the female was accompanied by a stunning male that was seen to fly down from high above us on the forested ridge and then a couple more times over the forest.
White-collared Swift - Streptoprocne zonaris
Seen on seven dates between the 13th and 21st in good numbers with an estimated maximum of 300 over Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. A single bird was also seen at the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Chestnut-collared Swift - Cypseloides rutilus
Around 10 were seen in the company of the previous species above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Gray-rumped Swift - Chaetura cinereiventris
A party of 4 were tentatively identified below Union Camp on the 16th.
Pale-rumped Swift - Chaetura egregia
DC saw a single bird low over Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Short-tailed Swift - Chaetura brachyura
This impressive species was seen on three dates with 6 seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 2 over Cocha Blanca on the 21st and 10 over the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
White-tipped Swift - Aeronautes montivagus
A party of 4 were seen below the Union Camp on the 16th.
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift - Panyptila cayennensis
A party of 4 were seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th with singles in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre on both the 19th and 20th.
Fork-tailed Palm Swift - Reinarda squamata<->
JFC saw 3 at Amazonia Lodge on the 16th and a single bird was seen over Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Rufous-breasted Hermit - Glaucis hirsuta
Up to 3 were seen along the Old Bamboo Trail visiting the Heliconia thickets on the 15th.
Long-tailed Hermit - Phaethornis superciliosus
JFC saw singles at the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and at the Manu Wildlife Centre clearing on the 24th.
KOEPCKE'S HERMIT - Phaethornis koepckeae
DC saw a single bird well along the Ridge Trail above Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 2 were seen in the same area on the 19th when a nest was found made of a fluffy white "material". We had not found a description but this species proved to be a distinctly "orange" long tailed Hermit. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Collar et al. 1994.
Reddish Hermit - Phaethornis ruber
JFC was fortunate to see a singlr individual hover in front of him whilst walking off the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Green-fronted Lancebill - Doryfera ludoviciae
A total of 3 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp on the 15th including one repeatedly hovering over the river and sitting on rocks and two attending a flowering vine.
Gray-breasted Sabrewing - Campylopterus largipennis
A single bird was seen in a wooded ravine above Atalaya on the 17th and another was seen at the Heliconia thicket along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Mountain Violetear - Colibri cyanotus
A single bird was seen at a flowering vine just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Violet-headed Hummingbird - Klais guimeti
Two were seen in the woodland above Atalaya on the 17th.
Blue-chinned Sapphire - Chlorestes notatus
Two males were tentatively identified along the road below Union Camp on the 16th.
Fork-tailed Woodnymph - Thalurania furcata
Singles were seen above Atalaya on the 17th and along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
GREEN AND WHITE HUMMINGBIRD - Amazilia viridicauda
Singles were tentatively identified on a scrubby slope above Urubamba on the 24th and along a stream at Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Amazilia Hummingbird - Amazilla amazilla
Two were seen at an "agricultural oasis" just south and inland of Lomas Lachay on the 27th.
Speckled Hummingbird - Adelomyla melanogenys<->
A single bird was seen along the road below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and 2 were seen in the vicinity of Union Camp on the 15th.
Giant Hummingbird - Patagona gigas
A single bird was seen well from the bridge at Paucartambo on the 13th.
Shining Sunbeam - Aglaeactis cupripennis
Around 6 were seen along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 1 along the road just below the Camp on the 14th and around 10 were seen before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
WHITE-TUFTED SUNBEAM - Aglaeactis castelnaudii
At least 4 were seen just before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as "common only at a few sites."
Great Sapphirewing - Pterophanes cyanopterus
A total of 4 were seen just before the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Bronzy Inca - Coeligena coeligena
A single bird was seen several times feeding at a flowering vine just below the Union Camp on the 15th.
Violet-throated Starfrontlet - Coeligena violifer
A single bird was seen along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen at the cloud forest beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Amethyst-throated Sunangel - Heliangelus amethysticollis
Around 4 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 10 in the vicinity of and below the Camp the next day. An extremely attractive species.
Greenish Puffleg - Haplophaedia aureliae
Two were seen frequenting a flowering vine just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Black-tailed Trainbearer - Lesbia victoriae
Singles were seen on a hillside on the outskirts of Urubamba on the 24th and along the stream running through Ollantaytambo on the 26th.
Green-tailed Trainbearer - Lesbia nuna
Around 8 were seen on the 12th being the combined total from Sacsayhuaman and the hillsides around the Huacarpay Lakes.
Tyrian Metaltail - Metallura tyrianthina
Around 8 were seen along the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th with 1 seen just below the Camp on the 14th with 2 just beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 1 before the pass on the 26th.
Rufous-capped Thornbill - Chalcostigma ruficeps
A superb male was watched perched for some time along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as "Generally rare or local around 2,000 - 2,700m but occasionally to 3,600m.
Blue-mantled Thornbill - Chalcostigma stanleyi
Single superb males were seen in the Polylepis wood near the pass at Abra Malaga on both the 25th and 26th.
BEARDED MOUNTAINEER - Oreonympha nobilis
A stunning species proving to be an early highlight of the trip with up to 6 being seen at the hillsides next to Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Long-tailed Sylph - Aglaiocercus kingi
Two superb males were seen below Pillhuata Camp on the 14th and 1 was seen near Union Camp the following day.
Oasis Hummingbird - Rhodopis vesper
Another excellent species only being seen at Lomas Lachay where at least 10 were seen on the 27th including some exquisite males.
White-bellied Woodstar - Acestrura mulsant
Single males were seen at Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and below Union Camp on the 15th.
Golden-headed Quetzal - Pharomachrus auriceps
A party of 5 were seen between Pillahuata Camp and Union Camp on the 14th and a single bird was seen just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Pavonine Quetzel - Pharomachus pavoninus
DC obtained excellant but unfortunately brief views of a single male along the Collpa Trail at Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd. Unfortunately JFC only obtained untickable flight views.
Black-tailed Trogon - Trogon melanurus
First seen at Amazonia Lodge with 1 on the 17th and 2 the next day and then in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
Collared Trogon - Trogon collaris
A single bird was seen along the Toucan Loop Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Ringed Kingfisher - Megaceryle torquata
A single bird was seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Amazon Kingfisher - Chloroceryle amazona
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 4 seen on the 19th, 2 on the 20th and 1 on the 21st.
Green Kingfisher - Chloroceryle americana
JFC saw a single male along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th.
Rufous Motmot - Baryphthengus martii
DC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 23rd.
Purus Jacamar - Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus
A superb party of 3 were tape lured in to view along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Bluish-fronted Jacamar - Galbula cyanescens
A total of 4 of these "traditional" Jacamars were seen in the forest above Atalaya on the 17th.
Black-fronted Nunbird - Monasa nigrifrons
Singles were seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 18th and were then only seen in dead trees alongside the Rio Madre de Dios with 1 on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
White-fronted Nunbird - Monasa morphoeus
Two were seen along the Collpa Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st.
Swallow-winged Puffbird - Chelidoptera tenebrosa
Seen hunting from high in dead trees alongside the Rio Madre de Dios with 8 seen on the 19th, 6 on the 20th and 8 on the 24th.
Black-spotted Barbet - Capito niger
Only seen along the Collpa Trail where 2 were seen on the 21st and 1 was seen on the 23rd.
Lemon-throated Barbet - Eubucco richardsoni
A superb male was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Versicoloured Barbet - Eubucco versicolor
Two were seen below the Union Camp near the Cock of the Rocks lek on the 15th.
Blue-banded Toucanet - Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis
A total of 3 were seen between Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Chestnut-eared Aracari - Pteroglossus castanotis
A single bird was seen above Atalaya on the 17th, 2 along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th with others in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 20th and 2 on the 21st.
Curl-crested Aracari - Pteroglossus beauhamaesii
A superb pair were seen in the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 21st.
Golden-collared Toucanet - Selenidera reinwardtii
A party of 3 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan - Andigena hypoglauca
Up to 7 of these superb birds were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International. (Collar et al. 1994).
Cuvier's Toucan - Ramphastos cuvieri
A single bird was seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th followed by 2 at the edge of the Manu Wildlife Centre clearing on the 21st and finally 1 perched in alarge dead tree next to the Rio Madre de Dios on the 24th.
Andean Flicker - Colaptes rupicola
Around 4 were seen on the drive from Cusco to Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 3 were seen near the Polylepis forest at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker - Piculus rivolii
Two were seen between Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Golden Olive Woodpecker - Piculus rubiginosus
DC saw 2 above the Union Camp on the 16th.
Rufous-headed Woodpecker - Caleus spectabilis
A superb individual was taped into view along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th.
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - Melanerpes cruentatus
Another good Woodpecker with 1 seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Little Woodpecker - Veniliornis passerinus
A single individual was seen with a bird flock at the start of the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Red-stained Woodpecker - Veniliornis affinis
A pair were seen along the Toucan Loop trail on the 22nd.
Red-necked Woodpecker - Campephilus rubricollis
A pair of these impressive Woodpeckers were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd and a pair was seen at the edge of the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 24th.
COASTAL MINER - Geositta peruviana
Around 8 were seen north of Lima on the 27th both along the road and at the entrance gate to Lomas Lachay N.P. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Slender-billed Miner - Geositta tenuirostris
A pair of these superb birds were seen just beyond the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th living up to expectations. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Bar-winged Cinclodes - Cinclodes fuscus
A single bird was seen on the drive between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and around 6 were seen on both the 25th and 26th near the pass at Abra Malaga.
Royal Cinclodes - Cinclodes aricomae
A pair of this rare species were seen in the Polylepis woodland at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Birds of South America state that the species is considered threatened by local inhabitants' ongoing destruction of Polylepis woodlands for firewood. This species islisted as Critical by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that less than 50 pairs are known with certainty.
Pale-legged Hornero - Furnarius leucopus
A family party of 4 were seen near the marsh along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
WHITE-BROWED TIT SPINETAIL - Leptasthenura xenothorax
This extremely localised species was seen at Abra Malaga where 5 were seen in the Polylepis on the 25th and 1 in the same area the following day. Birds of South America states that they consider that the species is threatened by the continued cutting of trees for firewood and pasturage. This species is listed as Critical by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state that the Polylepis woods to which it is restricted are known to hold no more than 20 families (70 birds) each (most hold 1 or 2 pairs).
Tawny Tit Spinetail - Leptasthenura yanacensis
Around 6 were seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Wren-like Rushbird - Phleocryptes melanops
A pair were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Azara's Spinetail - Synallaxis azarae
Two were taped in to view along the roadside between Pillahuata Camp and Union Camp on the 14th.
Cabanis' Spinetail - Synallaxis cabanisi
Three were seen creeping around on the ground along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as very furtive in Birds of South America.
CREAMY-CRESTED SPINETAIL - Cranioleuca albicapilla
Aptly described in Birds of South America as "strikingly attractive". Our only encounter was of 3 birds taped into view along a ravine with a fast flowing stream running through it between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
MARCARPATA SPINETAIL - Cranioleuca marcapatae
Another attractive Spinetail with around 6 being seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. This extremely localised species is described as fairly common in Birds of the High Andes.
PUNA THISTLETAIL - Schizoeaca helleri
A single bird was seen somewhat briefly along the road above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
A pair allowed good prolonged views having been taped into view along a hillside adjacent to the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th. Described as "hard to see well as it seldom remainsin the open for more than a few seconds" by Birds of South America.
Cordilleran Canastero - Asthenes modesta
A single bird was tentatively identified near the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th
Streak-throated Canastero - Asthenes humilis
Around 4 were seen at the foot of the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Line-fronted Canastero - Asthenes urubambensis
A superb individual was taped in to view in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th proving to be our favorite Canastero seen. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International. (Collar et al. 1994).
Spotted Barbtail - Premnoplex brunnescens
A single bird was seen well just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Pearled Treerunner - Margarornis squamiger
Aptly described as "an attractive and boldly patterned funariid" by Birds of South America. A single bird was seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen between the Pillahuata and Union Camps on the 14th.
Rufous-tailed Xenops - Xenops milleri
A pair were seen on a large tree for some time alongwith a bird flock along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd. In Birds of South America it states that "there are only a few records of this probably under recorded species".
Plain Xenops - Xenops minutus
A single bird was seen on the 21st and 2 the following day in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre.
Montane Foliage Gleaner - Anabacerthia striaticollis
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp on the 15th.
Streaked Tuftedcheek - Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii
A superb individual was seen the far side of the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th.
Striped Woodhaunter - Hyloctistes subulatus
A single bird was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Chestnut-winged Foliage Gleaner - Philydor erythropterus
This distinctive Foliage Gleaner was seen along the Collpa Trail with mixed birdflocks with 2 being seen on the 22nd and 1 the following day.
Dusky-cheeked Foliage Gleaner - Automolus dorsalis
A single individual was seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described as "rare to uncommon and seemingly local" by Birds of South America.
Olive-backed Foliage Gleaner - Automolus infuscatus
Around 4 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st with their puffy white throat proving distinctive.
Buff-throated Foliage Gleaner - Automolus ochrolaemus
A pair were seen to accompany a mixed birdflock along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Ruddy Foliage Gleaner - Automolus rubiginosus
A single bird was seen along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and 4 were seen along the Toucan Loop Trail on the 20th.
Plain Brown Woodcreeper - Dendrocincla fuliginosa
JFC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper - Glyphorynchus spirurus
A single bird was seen at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Olivaceous Woodcreeper - Sittasomus griseicapillus
JFC saw a single bird along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Ocellated Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus ocellatus
JFC saw a single bird along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Buff-throated Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus guttatus
The most frequently observed Woodcreeper along various trails in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 2 seen on the 20th, 2 on the 21st and 1 on the 23rd.
Olive-backed Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus triangularis
Around 6 were seen with various birdflocks along the road just below Union Camp on the 15th.
Bamboo Antshrike - Cymbilaimus sanctaemariae
A superb male was taped in to view along the Bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and JFC saw another male along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Great Antshrike - Taraba major
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Chestnut-backed Antshrike - Thamnophilus palliatus
A superb male was taped in to view in the degraded forest above Attalaya on the 16th. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Plain-winged Antshrike - Thamnophilus schistaceus
Single males were seen along the Jeep Trail and the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 19th respectively.
Spot-winged Antshrike - Pygiptila stellaris
This heavy billed, short tailed species was seen on various trails around the Manu Wildlife Centre most frequently along the Collpa Trail with 2 on the 21st, 1 on the 22nd and 3 on the 23rd.
Bluish Slate Antshrike - Thamnomanes schistogynus
A pair were seen along the Ridge Trail at the Amazonia Lodge on the 19th, with a female being seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th and pairs were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st and 22nd.
Yellow-breasted Antwren - Herpsilochmus axiliaris
Two males were seen along the road in degraded forest beyond the Bamboo Trail above Attalaya on the 17th. Described as "rare to locally fairly common " in Birds of South America.
Dot-winged Antwren - Microrhopias quixensis
A superb pair were seen along the road in degraded forest beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Pygmy Antwren - Myrmotherula brachyura
Another superb species of Antwren which was only encountered once with a pair seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th.
Plain-throated Antwren - Myrmotherula hauxwelli
A stunning male was seen for some time near the start of the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Ornate Antwren - Myrmotherula ornata
A pair followed by a single male were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. The pair were foraging high in the trees but allowed prolonged good views.
Long-winged Antwren - Myrmotherula longipennis
Pairs were seen along the trails in the immediate vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 20th, 21st and 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Gray Antwren - Myrmotherula menetriesii
A pair was seen near the start of the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th and another pair were seen on the Toucan Loop on the 21st.
Manu Antbird - Cercomacra manu
A pair of this species which was only described in 1990 was seen in response to tape playback along the bamboo trail above Atalaya on the 17th and JFC saw a male along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th. Only described in 1990 Birds of South America state that it is locally uncommon to fairly common.
White-browed Antbird - Myrmoborus leucophrys
This superb species was seen on four date with two males seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th, an obliging male seen near the landing stage at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 22nd, a female seen along the Toucan Loop near the river on the 23rd and finally a male along the Toucan Loop near the entrance on the 24th.
Black-faced Antbird - Myrmoborus myotherinus
Another superb species with DC seeing a male near the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 24th with JFC seeing a male along the same trail on the 23rd.
Scale-backed Antbird - Hylophylax poecilinota
A single female was seen along the Fig Pass Trail on the 21st but this was completely eclipsed by the antics of a pair collecting nesting material from the Collpa Trail on the 23rd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Warbling Antbird - Hypocnemis cantator
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Attalaya on the 17th and a single bird was noted on the 22nd.
Silvered Antbird - Sclateria naevia
A superb pair were seen creeping along the edge of the forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
White-lined Antbird - Percnostola lophotes
A stunning male was seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Black-throated Antbird - Myrmeciza atrothorax
A single male was taped into view in the forest at the edge of the marsh at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally common by Birds of South America.
Sooty Antbird - Myrmeciza fortis
A single male was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Goeldi's Antbird - Myrmeciza goeldii
A pair were taped in to view along the jeep trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as uncommon to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
White-throated Antbird - Gymnopithys salvini
DC saw a pair cross the Collpa Trail at around midday on the 23rd and the female was again seen in the same general area in the late afternoon much to JFC's delight. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Black-faced Antthrush - Formicarius analis
A superb individual was whistled in to view at the start of the Toucan Loop Trail at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 24th.
Rufous-fronted Antthrush - Formicarius rufifrons
A single bird was seen well after an hour of searching for it in a dense Heliconia thicket along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described by Birds of South America as "Rare to locally uncommon and very hard to see." This species is listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state the global population is put at 700 - 3,500 pairs being at some risk from actual and impending agricultural development although 20% are within currently protected areas.
Rufous-capped Antthrush - Formicarius colma
A stunning species proving to be one of the highlights of the trip with superb views obtained of a single bird just opposite the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common but hard to see by Birds of South America.
RED AND WHITE ANTPITTA - Grallaria erythroleuca
A superb individual was repeatedly whistled into view behind the toilets at the Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th affording excellant views. Aptly described by Birds of South America as "perhaps the most handsome Antpitta". Stated to be Uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Stripe-headed Antpitta - Grallaria andicola
Another superb species with up to 3 birds being seen well in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th including one individual perched in full view allowing some good photographs to be taken. Described by Birds of the High Andes as usually local and in fairly low numbers, but locally common.
Amazonian Antpitta - Hylopezus berlepschi
A single bird was taped in to view along the jeep track at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th calling continuously from a low branch in response to the tape. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Rusty-belted Tapaculo - Liosceles thoracicus
A single individual of this interesting species was whistled into view along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Andean Tapaculo - Scytalopus griseicollis simonsi
A superb individual was taped in to view in the Polylepis wood at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
White-crowned Tapaculo - Scytalopus bolivianus
A single individual was taped in to view from the bamboo found in the cloud forest on the far side of the Abra Malaga pass on the 25th. Described as uncommon to fairly common by Birds of South America.
Mottle-backed Elaenia - Elaenia gigas
The "Harpy Eagle" Elaenia was seen at Amazonia Lodge wher a single bird was seen to be constructing its nest in a small bush in the garden on both the 17th and 18th. Described as rare to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
Sierran Elaenia - Elaenia pallatangae
Seen in the immediate vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 1 seen on the 13th and 2 on the 14th.
White-crested Elaenia - Elaenia albiceps
Seen in the vicinity of the Pillahuata Camp with 4 seen on the 13th and 6 on the 14th.
Gray Elaenia - Myiopagis caniceps
A single bird was tentatively identified along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd. Described as rare to locally uncommon by Birds of South America.
White-banded Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus stictopterus
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 6 seen on the 14th.
White-throated Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus leucophrys
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp with 1 seen on the 13th and 2 on the 14th, and 6 were seen over the far side of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Torrent Tyrannulet - Serpophaga cinerea
A pair were seen from the bridge at Paucartambo on the 13th.
Many-coloured Rush Tyrant - Tachuris rubrigastra
A total of 4 of these stunning birds were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th with fine views being obtained.
Tufted Tit Tyrant - Anairetes parulus
A pair were seen between Pillhuata and Union Camps on the 14th and a single bird was seen below the pass at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Yellow-billed Tit Tyrant - Anairetes flavirostris
A pair were seen on a scrubby hillside near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Ash-breasted Tit Tyrant - Anairetes alpinus
This very local and rare species was seen at the Polylepsis wood at Abra Malaga where a total of around 6 were seen on the 26th. This species is listed as Endangered by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994) who state the population as being several hundred birds with the woodlands suffering cutting for firewood and lack of regeneration caused by widespread burning.
UNSTREAKED TIT - TYRANT - Uromyias agraphia
Around 6 were seen in the cloud forest on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as uncommon, perhaps overlooked.
Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant - Phylloscartes ophthalmicus
Around 3 were seen near the Union Camp on the 15th.
Streak-necked Flycatcher - Mionectes striaticollis
Around 6 were seen near the Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
McConnell's Flycatcher - Mionectes macconnelli
A single bird was seen near the start of the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Johannes' Tody Tyrant - Hemitriccus johannis
A single individual was seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th. Described as rare to locally fairly common by Birds of South America.
White-eyed Tody Tyrant - Hemitriccus zosterops
A single bird was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Flammulated Bamboo Tyrant - Hemitriccus flammulatus
JFC saw a single bird which reacted well to tape playback along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher - Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum
A pair of these superb birds were seen in the forest along the road beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Ringed Antpipit - Corythopis torquata
An amazing pair with one exactly following the path of the other and only several inches apart were seen near the small pool along the Collpa Trail on the 21st at the same time as the Rufous Capped Antthrush ! JFC saw a single bird on the 23rd again along the Collpa Trail.
Golden-crowned Spadebill - Platyrinchus coronatus
Excellent views were obtained of a superb individual along the Toucan Loop on the 22nd.
Yellow-margined Flycatcher - Tolmomyias assimilis
Around 4 were seen in the forest above Atalaya on the 17th.
Olivaceous Flatbill - Rhynchocyclus olivaceus
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Rufous-tailed Flatbill - Ramphotrigon ruficauda
Singles were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 22nd and 23rd.
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher - Terenotriccus erythrurus
A single bird was seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Cinnamon Flycatcher - Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea
At least 3 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and around 8 were seen near the Union Camp on the 15th.
Olive-tufted Flycatcher - Mitrephanes olivaceus
A single bird was seen near the Union Camp on the 15th. Described as rare to uncommon by Birds of South America.
Eastern / Western Pewee - Contopus virens / sordidulus
A single bird was seen at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 19th.
Smoke-coloured Pewee - Contopus fumigatus
Seen on four dates in the Pillahuata and Union Camp areas with a maximum of 4 recorded on the 15th.
Olive-sided Flycatcher - Contopus borealis
A single bird was seen in the woodland above Atalaya on the 17th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as uncommon and declining.
Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans
Seen along the river at Union Camp with 2 seen on the 15th and 6 seen on the 16th.
Vermilion Flycatcher - Pyrocephalus rubinus
A single bird was seen in Lima on the 11th and a few were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Rufous-breasted Chat Tyrant - Ochtoeca rufipectoralis
Around 6 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and the same number were seen on the far side of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
White-browed Chat Tyrant - Ochthoeca leucophrys
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
D'Orbigny's Chat Tyrant - Ochthoeca oenanthoides
Around 6 were seen in the vicinity of Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant - Polioxolmis rufipennis
A single bird was seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 2 were seen in the same area the next day. Described by Birds of South America as rare to uncommon and local.
Red-rumped Bush Tyrant - Cnemarchus erythropygius
Only seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga where 2 were seen on the 25th and 1 the next day. Described as rare to locally common by Birds of South America.
Black-billed Shrike Tyrant - Agriornis montana
A pair were seen at some Inca burial chambers between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and a pair were seen near Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Drab Water Tyrant - Ochthornis littoralis
Seen on four dates along the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 6 recorded on the 19th.
Plain-capped Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola alpina
A single bird was seen at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Cinereous Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola cinerea
A single bird was seen below the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Puna Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola juninensis
A smart species with a single bird being seen on a scree slope in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola rufivertex
Singles were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and below the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th.
White-fronted Ground Tyrant - Muscisaxicola albifrons
This large pale winged Ground Tyrant was seen at Abra Malaga where 1 was seen below the Polylepis Wood on the 25th.
Short-tailed Field Tyrant - Muscigralla brevicauda
A single bird was seen on various piles of earth in a field north of Lima on the 27th although the views were more distant than we would have liked.
Long-tailed Tyrant - Colonia colonus
Two were seen in the woodland beyond the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-winged Black Tyrant - Knipolegus aterrimus
A single bird was seen in a clearing above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Andean Negrito - Lessonia oreas
A pair were seen at some roadside pools between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
White-eyed Attila - Attila bolivianus
A superb individual was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Short-crested Flycatcher - Myiarchus ferox
A single bird was tentatively identified at Amazonia Lodge in the garden on both the 18th and 19th.
Dusky-capped Flycatcher - Myiarchus tuberculifer
A single bird was tentatively identified above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Great Kiskadee - Pitangus sulphuratus
Only positively identified at Cocha Blanca where 6 were seen on the 21st although many Kiskadee types were not identified.
Lesser Kiskadee - Philohydor lictor
Only positively identified at the forested oxbow lake at Amazonia Lodge where 4 were seen on the 18th.
Social Flycatcher - Myiozetetes similis
Only identified around the Amazonia Lodge with 2 on the 17th, 2 on the 18th and 1 on the 19th.
Gray-capped Flycatcher - Myiozetetes granadensis
A single bird was seen just above Atalaya on the 16th and a pair were seen around the clearing at Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st.
Golden-crowned Flycatcher - Myiodynastes chrysocephalus
A pair were seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Piratic Flycatcher - Legatus leucophaius
Seen on four dates in ones and twos at both Amazonia Lodge and around the Manu Wildlife Centre.
Tropical Kingbird - Tyrannus melancholicus
Recorded on six dates from various locations in the lowlands but only in small numbers.
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus
Impressive flocks were seen in flight over the Rio Madre de Dios with 100 seen on the 19th, 200 on the 21st and 5 on the 24th.
Barred Becard - Pachyramphus versicolor
Only seen around Pillahuata Camp where 3 were seen on the 14th including a pair nestbuilding over the toilets.
White-winged Becard - Pachyramphus polychopterus
A single male was seen in the forest along the road beyongd the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th.
Masked Tityra - Tityra semifasciata
Only seen in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 20th and 2 on the 22nd.
Dwarf Tyrant Manakin - Tyranneutes stolzmanni
A single bird was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th in response to tape playback.
Cinnamon Tyrant Manakin - Neopipo cinnamomea
DC saw a single bird along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 20th but unfortunately JFC only obtained UTV's. Described by Birds of South America as "Rare and local". The bird possessed typical Manakin movements moving quickly between branches but then perching motionless for some time. Appeared much shorter tailed and completely unlike the shape of Ruddy Tailed Flycatcher always recalling a Manakin.
Wing-barred Piprites - Piprites chloris
Two were seen at the start of the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Yungas Manakin - Chiroxiphia boliviana
A stunning male was seen just above Union Camp on the 15th perched level with head height for some time and another male was seen poorly below the Union Camp the following day.
Round-tailed Manakin - Pipra chloromeros
Another superb species with 3 superb males seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and a single female seen in the same area the following day.
Band-tailed Manakin - Pipra fasciicauda
Superb males were seen along the Jeep Trail and a trail heading off towards the Rio Madre de Dios at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Red-crested Cotinga - Ampelion rubrocristatus
A pair were seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Barred Fruiteater - Pipreola arcuata
A single bird was seen nest building just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Plum-throated Cotinga - Cotinga maynana
Two superb males were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
BLACK-FACED COTINGA - Conioptilon mcilhennyi
A single individual was watched for around 10 minutes along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Screaming Piha - Lipaugus vociferans
A single bird was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Bare-necked Fruitcrow - Gymnoderus foetidus
Seen on four dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with 1 seen on the 20th near the Macaw Lick, 2 seen on the 21st, 2 on the 22nd and 4 seen on the 24th.
Andean Cock of the Rock - Rupicola peruviana
Only seen in the vicinity of the Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 14th, 15 including superb views of the lekking birds just below Union Camp on the 15th and 2 seen on the 16th.
White-collared Jay - Cyanolyca viridicyana
Up to 4 were seen just below the Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Purplish Jay - Cyanocorax cyanomelas
Seen along the Rio Madre de Dios with 2 at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th, 8 along the river on the 19th and 5 seen on the 21st and 2 on the 24th.
Violaceous Jay - Cyanocorax violaceus
Seen in the forest above at Atalaya and around Amazonia Lodge with 4 seen on the 17th and 1 the next day.
Green Jay - Cyanocorax yncas
A single bird was seen above the Union Camp on the 14th.
Brown-chested Martin - Phaeoprogne tapera
Around 20 were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on both the 19th and 24th.
White-winged Swallow - Tachycineta albiventer
Seen on seven dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 200 recorded on the 19th.
Brown-bellied Swallow - Notiochelidon murina
Around 10 were seen at Paucartambo on the 13th with 6 being seen at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 12 the following day.
Blue and White Swallow - Notiochelidon cyanoleuca
Up to 20 were seen on three dates in the vicinity of Pillahuata and Union Camps and 10 were seen at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 20 north of Lima on the 27th.
White-banded Swallow - Atticora fasciata
Seen on five dates along the Madre de Dios with a maximum of 40 seen on the 19th.
Southern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx ruficollis
Seen on five dates along the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 20 on the 16th.
Sand Martin - Riparia riparia
Two were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th.
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Seen on five dates at Huacarpay Lakes, Paucartambo, the Rio Madre de Dios and Lima with a maximum of 20 seen on two dates.
Black-capped Donacobius - Donacobius atricapillus
A pair were seen at the marsh at Amazonia Lodge on the 17th and 4 were seen alongside Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Thrush-like Wren - Campylorhynchus turdinus
A family party of 5 were seen at the Manu Wildlife Centre Clearing on the 21st and 4 at the opposite side of the clearing on the 22nd.
Gray-mantled Wren - Odontorchilus branickii
A single bird was seen in the canopy with a mixed bird flock just below Union Camp on the 15th. Described as uncommon and local by Birds of South America.
House Wren - Troglodytes aedon
A pair were seen near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Gray-breasted Wood Wren - Henicorhina leucophrys
DC saw a single bird just above Union Camp on the 16th.
Tawny-faced Gnatwren - Microbates cinereiventris
A single bird was seen along the ridge trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Andean Solitaire - Myadestes ralloides
Singles were seen above Union Camp on both the 14th and 16th.
White-eared Solitaire - Entomodestes leucotis
Two were seen above Union Camp on the 14th and 1 in the same area on the 16th.
Swainson's Thrush - Catharus ustulatus
Only seen along the trails in the vicinity of the Manu Wildlife Centre with 3 seen on the 21st and 1 on the 23rd.
Glossy Black Thrush - Turdus seranus
Only seen near Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 1 on the 14th.
Great Thrush - Turdus fuscater
Up to 45 were seen on two days around Pillahuata Camp and on two days around Abra Malaga.
Chiguanco Thrush - Turdus chiguanco
Seen on six dates in highland areas with a maximum of 20 seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th.
Black-billed Thrush - Turdus ignobilis
Only seen at the clearing at Amazonia Lodge where up to 4 were seen on the three dates there.
White-capped Dipper - Cinclus leucocephalus
Singles were seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and at Union Camp on the 15th and 16th including one scaling the impressive waterfall just above the Camp.
Paramo Pipit - Anthus bogotensis
A pair were seen near Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus
Only seen above Atalaya and at Amazonia Lodge with a total of 4 recorded over three days.
Dusky-capped Greenlet - Hylophilus hypoxanthus
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Tawny-crowned Greenlet - Hylophilus ochraceiceps
A single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th. Described as uncommon by Birds of South America.
Blackburnian Warbler - Dendroica fusca
A single bird was seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th. A gem as always.
Slate-throated Redstart - Myioborus miniatus
Only seen in the vicinity of Union Camp where 15 were seen on the 15th and 6 the next day.
Spectacled Redstart - Myioborus melanocephalus
Seen around the Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 4 the next day and then on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga where 5 were seen on the 25th.
Citrine Warbler - Basileuterus luteoviridis
Seen around the Pillahuata Camp with 2 seen on the 13th and 1 on the 14th and 1 was seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Three-striped Warbler - Basileuterus tristriatus
Seen around the Union Camp where 6 were recorded on the 14th and 2 the next day.
Two-banded Warbler - Basileuterus bivittatus
A pair were seen in bamboo above Atalaya on the 17th.
Golden-bellied Warbler - Basileuterus chrysogaster
A pair were seen along the Bamboo Trail above Atalaya on the 17th and another pair were seen along the ridge trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th.
Bluish Flowerpiercer - Diglossa caerulescens
A pair were seen above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and a single bird was seen above Union Camp on the 15th.
Masked Flowerpiercer - Diglossa cyanea
Four were seen on both the 13th and 14th around Pillahuata Camp and 1 was seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Black-throated Flowerpiercer - Diglossa brunneiventris
A pair were present near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th with singles near Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 14th and around 10 at the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 26th.
Giant Conebill - Oreomanes fraseri
Incredible views were obtained in the Polylepis Wood at Abra Malaga where 3 were seen on the 25th and 5 were seen on the 26th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Tit-like Dacnis - Xenodacnis parina
Around 6 were seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. This species is listed as Near Threatened by Birdlife International (Collar et al. 1994).
Cinereous Conebill - Conirostrum cinereum
Around 4 were seen near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th and around 6 were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
White-browed Conebill - Conirostrum ferrugineiventre
Around 12 were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Blue-backed Conebill - Conirostrum sitticolor
A party of 3 were seen just below Pillahuata on the 14th.
Capped Conebill - Conirostrum albifrons
Two were seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Purple Honeycreeper - Cyanerpes caeruleus
Two were seen well below Union Camp on the 16th.
Green Honeycreeper - Chlorophanes spiza
Singles were seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Bananaquit - Coereba flaveola
A single bird was seen near Union Camp on the 15th and 2 were seen above Atalaya on the 17th.
Rust and Yellow Tanager - Thlypopsis ruficeps
Around 4 were seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and 1 was seen on the far side of the Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th.
Orange-eared Tanager - Chlorochrysa calliparaea
Only seen below Union Camp where 6 were seen on the 15th and 1 on the 16th.
Blue-necked Tanager - Tangara cyanicollis
Only seen below Union Camp where 6 were seen on the 15th and 2 on the 16th.
Golden Tanager - Tangara arthus
Only seen below Union Camp where 4 were seen on the 15th and 2 were seen on the 16th.
Saffron-crowned Tanager - Tangara xanthocephala
Only 2 seen near Union Camp on the 15th.
Beryl-spangled Tanager - Tangara nigroviridis
Only seen near the Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 15th and 1 on the 16th.
Golden-naped Tanager - Tangara ruficervix
A single bird was scoped just below the Cock of the Rock lek below Union Camp on the 15th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as uncommon to rare.
Bay-headed Tanager - Tangara gyrola
Only seen near the Union Camp with 1 seen on the 15th and 2 on the 16th.
Green and Gold Tanager - Tangara schrankii
At Amazonia Lodge 3 were seen along the Ridge Trail on the 18th and 1 the following day and 1 was seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Spotted Tanager - Tangara punctata
A single bird was seen below the Union Camp on the 16th.
Yellow-bellied Tanager - Tangara xanthogastra
Singles were seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 16th and along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Paradise Tanager - Tangara chilensis
Around 4 were seen on the drive down from Union Camp on the 16th and 3 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 23rd.
Purple-throated Euphonia - Euphonia chlorotica
Singles were seen above Union Camp on the 14th and 15th.
Orange-bellied Euphonia - Euphonia xanthogaster
Two's were recorded below Union Camp on the 15th and 16th and a single bird was seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 19th.
Blue-naped Chlorophonia - Chlorophonia cyanea
Two were seen below Union Camp on the 16th.
Plushcap - Catamblyrhynchus diadema
Two were seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described by Birds of South America as uncommon.
Common Bush Tanager - Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
A pair were seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Yellow-whiskered Bush Tanager - Chlorospingus parvirostris
Only seen above Union Camp where 2 were seen on the 14th and 4 on the 15th.
Black-capped Hemispingus - Hemispingus atropileus
JFC saw a single bird below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
PARODI'S HEMISPINGUS - Hemispingus parodii
Around 15 were seen on the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga Pass on the 25th. This species was only described in 1974 and stated as being Uncommon in Birds of the High Andes.
Superciliaried Hemispingus - Hemispingus superciliaris
A single bird was seen above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and 2 were seen just below the camp the following day.
Three-striped Hemispingus - Hemispingus trifasciatus
DC saw 2 at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described as Uncommon by Birds of the High Andes.
Fawn-breasted Tanager - Pipraeidea melanonota
Singles were seen just below Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as Generally Uncommon in the Andes.
Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager - Delothraupis castaneoventris
A single bird was seen at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th. Described as Uncommon in Birds of the High Andes.
Slaty Tanager - Creurgops dentata
A pair of these attractive Tanagers were seen just below Union Camp on the 15th. Described in Birds of the High Andes as generally an uncommon bird.
Yellow-throated Tanager - Iridosornis analis
A party of 3 were seen just below Union Camp on the 15th Described in Birds of the High Andes as uncommon..
Golden-collared Tanager - Iridosornis jelskii
JFC saw a single bird cross the road above Pillahuata Camp on the 13th. Described in Birds of South America as rare to locally uncommon.
Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager - Anaisognathus igniventris
Around 6 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th and around 6 were seen at the far side of the Pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Hooded Mountain Tanager - Buthraupis montana
A party of 3 were seen above the Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Grass Green Tanager - Chlorornis riefferii
A single bird was seen just below Pillahuata Camp on the 13th.
Blue and Yellow Tanager - Thraupis bonariensis
A single individual was seen on a scrub covered hillside above Urubamba on the 24th.
Blue-capped Tanager - Thraupis cyanocephala
Seen in the vicinity of Pillahuata Camp where 8 were seen on the 13th and 10 the following day.
Blue Gray Tanager - Thraupis episcopus
Around 6 were seen at Atalaya on the 17th with 1 at the Manu Wildlife Centre on the 21st and 2 at the Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th. All birds showed two wingbars.
Silver-beaked Tanager - Ramphocelus carbo
Up to 10 were seen on three dates around Amazonia Lodge and 4 were seen at Manu on the 22nd.
Masked Crimson Tanager - Ramphocelus nigrogularis
A pair were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge on the 18th and 4 were seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Red-crowned Ant Tanager - Habia rubica
A party of 4 were seen along the Collpa Trail on the 21st.
Olive Tanager - Chlorothraupis carmioli
A single individual was seen in a ravine above Atalaya on the 17th.
White-winged Shrike Tanager - Lanio versicolor
A pair were seen along the Ridge Trail at Amazonia Lodge on both the 18th and 19th with two adults seen feeding a youngster along the Collpa Trail on the 21st and 2 seen in the same area the following day.
Magpie Tanager - Cissopis leveriana
Around 6 were seen above Atalaya on the 17th.
Peruvian Meadowlark - Sturnella bellicosa
Around 15 were seen north of Lima on the 27th including a large flock at Lomas Lachay.
Yellow-winged Blackbird - Agelaius thilius
Around 8 were seen at the Huacarpay Lakes on the 12th and a single bird was seen at some roadside pools between Cusco and Urubamba on the 24th.
Pale-eyed Blackbird - Agelaius xanthophthalmus
A pair were seen although rather distantly at Cocha Camungo on the 20th. Described as uncommon and very local by Birds of South America.
Scrub Blackbird - Dives warszewiczi
Around 10 were seen in Lima during the drive to the airport on the 28th.
Giant Cowbird - Scaphidura oryzivora
Seen on four dates on the banks of the Rio Madre de Dios with a maximum of 50 seen on the 19th.
Epaulet Oriole - Icterus cayanensis
A pair were seen at the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th.
Yellow-billed Cacique - Amblycercus holosericeus
A single bird was seen below Pillahuata Camp on the 14th.
Solitary Cacique - Cacicus solitarius
A pair were seen along the Old Bamboo Trail on the 22nd.
Yellow-rumped Cacique - Cacicus cela
Seen on eight dates at Amazonia Lodge into the Manu with a maximum of 20 recorded on three dates.
Mountain Cacique - Cacicus leucoramphus
Pairs were seen near Pillahuata Camp on both the 13th and 14th.
Crested Oropendola - Psarocolius decumanus
A party of 3 were seen from the viewpoint above Atalaya on the 17th and 2 were seen along the Jeep Trail at Amazonia Lodge the next day.
Russet-backed Oropendola - Psarocolius angustifrons
Up to 25 were seen on two days at Amazonia Lodge and around 10 were seen near Boca Manu Airstrip on the 24th.
Dusky Green Oropendola - Psarocolius atrovirens
Only seen in the vicinity of Union Camp where 3 were seen on the 15th and 6 were seen on the 16th.
Olive Oropendola - Psarocolius bifasciatus
Around 6 were seen near Atalaya on the 17th and 1 was seen along the Cocha Camungo Trail on the 20th.
Golden-billed Saltator - Saltator aurantiirostris
Seen on three dates around Cusco and on another near Pillahuata Camp in small numbers.
Red-capped Cardinal - Paroaria gularis
A pair were seen around Amazonia Lodge on the 18th, 10 were seen along the Rio Madre de Dios on the 19th and 2 were seen at Cocha Blanca on the 21st.
Blue Black Grassquit - Volatinia jacarina
Around 10 were seen north of Lima on the 27th.
Parrot-billed Seedeater - Sporophila peruviana
An impressive male was seen at an "agricultural oasis" north of Lima on the 27th.
Chestnut-throated Seedeater - Sporophila telasco
Around 3 were seen at an "agricultural oasis" north of Lima on the 27th.
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater - Sporophila castaneiventris
Only seen at Amazonia Lodge with 2 seen on the 17th and 6 seen on the 18th.
Rufous-naped Brush Finch - Atlapetes rufinucha
Up to six were recorded on three dates at Pillahuata and Union Camps.
Stripe-headed Brush Finch - Atlaptes torquatus
Singles were seen behind the toilets at Pillahuata Camp on the 14th and at the far side of the pass at Abra Malaga on the 25th.
Paramo Seedeater - Catamenia homochroa
A total of 3 were seen in the Polylepis at Abra Malaga on the 26th. Described by Birds of South America as uncommon and seemingly local.
Band-tailed Seedeater - Catamenia analis
A single bird was seen between Cusco and Paucartambo on the 13th and 4 were seen near Urubamba on the 24th and 2 on the 25th.
Plumbeous Sierra Finch - Phrygilus unicolor
Seen around Abra Malaga with 15 on the 25th and 6 on the 26th.
Ash-breasted Sierra Finch - Phrygilus plebejus
Around 6 were seen near Huancarani on the 13th with 1 at Abra Malaga on the 25th and 2 the next day.
Peruvian Sierra Finch - Phrygilus punensis
Up to 3 were seen at Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th with 1 seen near Huancarani on the 13th and around 6 seen at Abra Malaga below the Polylepis on the 26th.
White-winged Diuca Finch - Diuca speculifera
Around 6 of these superb birds were seen at Abra Malaga Polylepis on the 25th.
A pair of these superb birds were seen extremely well near the Sachsayhuaman Ruins at Cusco on the 12th.
Rufous-collared Sparrow - Zonotrichia capensis
Only seen on five dates being seen around Cusco, Pillahuata Camp and Lima in good numbers.
Yellow-browed Sparrow - Ammodramus aurifrons
A single bird was seen in flight over the Rio Madre de Dios on the 21st.
Hooded Siskin - Carduelis magellanica
Seen on nine dates in widespread locations in good numbers.
Thick-billed Siskin - Carduelis crassirostris
A total of 3 were seen in the Abra Malaga Polylepis including a fine male on the 26th. Described by Birds of the High Andes as locally common.
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
Quite common north of Lima on the 27th.
Birds to Watch 2. Birdlife International. Collar, Crosby and Stattersfield 1994.
Manu" Avian Adventures 1995 Trips August & October. Elwonger and Flieg 1996.
Birds of the High Andes. Fjeldsa and Krabbe 1990.
Birds of Colombia. Hilty and Brown 1986.
The Birds of South America. Ridgely and Tudor 1989, 1994.
Birds of Amazonia Lodge and Vicinity. Stotz, Fitzpatrick and Willard 1996.
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